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<h1>Monthly General Meeting, March 2022</h1>
<p class="details">
<time pubdate datetime="2022-03-25">25th March 2022</time>
by ben
<h2 id="propositions-and-motions">Propositions and motions</h2>
<h3 id="presentation-and-approval-of-annual-report">Presentation and approval of annual report</h3>
<p><a href="../annual-reports/2021/index.html">2021 annual report</a></p>
<h4 id="financial-statements">Financial statements</h4>
<p>Libera Chat ended fiscal year 2021-04-23 2021-12-31 with a result of 0 SEK.</p>
<h4 id="pac">PaC</h4>
<p>The Projects and Communities team registered over 900 projects, has
adopted social media handling, and held 2 meetings last year.</p>
<h4 id="engineering">Engineering</h4>
<p>The engineering team achieved the herculean task of getting libera up and
running from scratch on a new ircd. Monthly dev meetings were held to discuss
ongoing efforts including various bots and upstream contributions.</p>
<h4 id="ops">Ops</h4>
<p>The ops team has focused on improving automation and integration of systems
with puppet. Server sponsors and deployment were also handled by ops.</p>
<h4 id="audit-report">Audit report</h4>
<p>The audit team reviews finances and monitors board conduct.
No issues or concerns found with finance or conduct.
Auditors recommend that the board is discharged of liability</p>
<p>Annual report approved.</p>
<h3 id="organisation-membership-fee">Organisation Membership fee</h3>
<p>An organisation membership fee of 0 SEK for 2022 was decided.</p>
<h3 id="moving-the-seat-of-the-organisation">Moving the seat of the organisation</h3>
<p>The seat and postal address of Libera Chat was moved to Ängelholm, Ängelholms Kommun.</p>
<h3 id="annual-board-elections">Annual board elections</h3>
<h4 id="presentation-of-chair-nomination-process">Presentation of chair nomination process</h4>
<p>After forming a chair nomination panel, initial interest was gauged behind
blinding identifiers. Candidates were then asked to complete a written
assessment. After narrowing down to a shortlist of three candidates,
un-blinded vocal interviews were conducted. Following the interviews,
the chair panel recommended moonmoon based on experience and excellence
of responses.</p>
<h4 id="candidates-introduced-themselves-briefly">Candidates introduced themselves briefly</h4>
<p>Three candidates briefly introduced themselves and their vision for the
chair role.</p>
<h4 id="open-discussion">Open discussion</h4>
<p>There was an open floor discussion where staff discussed some bits and pieces
of what they would want to see in their chair and asked opinions of the
prospective chairs.</p>
<h3 id="discharge-of-last-years-board">Discharge of last years board</h3>
<p>Last years board was discharged</p>
<h3 id="election-summary">Election Summary</h3>
<td>vice chair</td>
<td>eng rep</td>
<td>ops rep</td>
<td>pac rep</td>
<td>- A_Dragon<br />- allie</td>
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