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<h1 class="entry-title">About Ruslan Spivak</h1>
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<p><em>“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly - until you learn
to do it well.” - Steve&nbsp;Brown.</em></p>
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<img alt="About" src="ruslan_spivak_about.jpg" width="640" />
<small class="caption">Photo credit: <a href="http://juliamerkphotography.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Julia Merk</a></small>
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<p>Hi! Im Ruslan Spivak, a Software Engineer from
Canada, and if youve ever asked&nbsp;yourself:</p>
<li>“How do I create my own programming&nbsp;language?”</li>
<li>“How does an interpreter, compiler, or <span class="caps"><span class="caps">VM</span></span> work and how do I create&nbsp;one?”</li>
<li>“How do I implement my own database and a small operating&nbsp;system?”</li>
<li>“How do I code my own web&nbsp;server?”</li>
<li>“How do I write my own web&nbsp;framework?”</li>
<p>Or if youve just wanted to know more about software development in
general and how to become a better developer - then you are in the
<p>Heres the&nbsp;deal:</p>
<p><strong>I believe to become a better developer you <span class="caps"><span class="caps">MUST</span></span> get a better understanding of the underlying
software systems you use on a daily basis and that includes
programming languages, compilers and interpreters, databases and
operating systems, web servers and web frameworks. And to get a better
and deeper understanding of those systems you <span class="caps"><span class="caps">MUST</span></span> re-build them from&nbsp;scratch.</strong>
<p>So, to become better you need to understand better, and to understand better you must re-build pieces of those systems from scratch. And that is exactly what I am going to do on this blog. I am going to show you how to get started and keep going, so you too, could become a better developer and take control of those systems. And I also plan to learn a ton with you and from you. You can take a look at my different attempts to build and re-build different components on <a href="https://github.com/rspivak/">GitHub</a>.</p>
<p>I moved to Canada a while ago and now I live in beautiful
Toronto with my&nbsp;family.
<p>Ive learned that, at least for me, the best way to learn how a
software system works is to try and deconstruct it and re-build it in
its simplest form. So if you are anything like me then please read my
posts, re-build something youre interested in and tell me about
<p>Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to read this. I hope to
see you on the blog sometime soon.&nbsp;Cheers!
<p>If you want to get my newest articles in your inbox, then enter your email address below and click &#8220;Get&nbsp;Updates!&#8221;</p>
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