151 lines
5.6 KiB
151 lines
5.6 KiB
#lang at-exp racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(provide relative-module-path?
(struct-out mod)
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
;; The subset of module-path? with a relative filename
(define (relative-module-path? v)
(define (rel-path? v) ;real predicate taking any/c, unlike relative-path?
(and (path-string? v) (relative-path? v)))
(and (module-path? v)
(match v
[(? rel-path?) #t]
[(list 'submod (? rel-path?) (? symbol?) ..1) #t]
[_ #f])))
(module+ test
(check-true (relative-module-path? "f.rkt"))
(check-true (relative-module-path? '(submod "f.rkt" a b)))
(check-false (relative-module-path? "/path/to/f.rkt"))
(check-false (relative-module-path? '(submod "/path/to/f.rkt" a b)))
(check-false (relative-module-path? 'racket/base))
(check-false (relative-module-path? '(submod 'racket/base a b))))
(define-struct/contract mod
([dir absolute-path?] ;#<path:/path/to/>
[file relative-path?] ;#<path:foo.rkt>
[rmp relative-module-path?]) ;#<path:f.rkt> or '(submod <path:f.rkt> bar)
(define/contract (->mod/simple v)
(-> any/c (or/c #f mod?))
(match v
[(? symbol? s) (->mod/simple (~a s))] ;treat 'file.rkt as "file.rkt"
[(or (? path? ap) (? path-string? ap))
(let*-values ([(dir file _) (split-path (simplify-path ap))]
[(dir) (match dir ['relative (current-directory)][dir dir])])
(mod dir file file))]
[_ #f]))
(define/contract (->mod v)
(-> any/c (or/c #f mod?))
(define-match-expander mm
[(_ dir:id file:id rmp:id)
#'(app ->mod/simple (mod dir file rmp))]))
(match v
[(list 'submod
(mm d f _) (? symbol? ss) ..1) (mod d f (list* 'submod f ss))]
[(list (mm d f _) (? symbol? ss) ..1) (mod d f (list* 'submod f ss))]
[(list (mm d f mp)) (mod d f mp)]
[(mm d f mp) (mod d f mp)]
[_ #f]))
(module+ test
(define-syntax-rule (= x y) (check-equal? x y))
(define f.rkt (string->path "f.rkt"))
;; rel path
(let ([dir (current-directory)])
(= (->mod "f.rkt") (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt))
(= (->mod 'f.rkt) (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt))
(= (->mod '(submod "f.rkt" a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '(submod f.rkt a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '("f.rkt" a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '(f.rkt a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '("f.rkt")) (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt))
(= (->mod '(f.rkt)) (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt)))
;; abs path
(let ([dir (string->path "/p/t/")])
(= (->mod "/p/t/f.rkt") (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt))
(= (->mod '/p/t/f.rkt) (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt))
(= (->mod '(submod "/p/t/f.rkt" a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '(submod /p/t/f.rkt a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '("/p/t/f.rkt" a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '(/p/t/f.rkt a b)) (mod dir f.rkt `(submod ,f.rkt a b)))
(= (->mod '("/p/t/f.rkt")) (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt))
(= (->mod '(/p/t/f.rkt)) (mod dir f.rkt f.rkt)))
;; nonsense input => #f
(= (->mod 42) #f)
(= (->mod '(42 'bar)) #f)
(= (->mod '(submod 42 'bar)) #f)
(= (->mod '(submod (submod "f.rkt" foo) bar)) #f))
(define/contract (->mod/existing v)
(-> any/c (or/c #f mod?))
(match (->mod v)
[(and v (mod dir file mp))
(define path (build-path dir file))
(cond [(file-exists? path) v]
[else (display-commented (format "~a does not exist" path))
[_ #f]))
(define/contract (maybe-mod->dir/file/rmp maybe-mod)
(-> (or/c #f mod?) (values absolute-path?
(or/c #f relative-path?)
(or/c #f relative-module-path?)))
(match maybe-mod
[(mod d f mp) (values d f mp)]
[#f (values (current-directory) #f #f)]))
(define/contract (maybe-mod->prompt-string m)
(-> (or/c #f mod?) string?)
(match m
[(mod _ _ (? path? file)) (~a file)]
[(mod _ _ (list* 'submod xs)) (string-join (map ~a xs) "/")]
[#f ""]))
;; Check whether Racket is new enough (newer than 6.2.1) that
;; module->namespace works with module+ and (module* _ #f __)
;; forms when errortrace is enabled.
(module+ check
(define x 42))
(define (can-enter-module+-namespace?)
(define mp (quote-module-path check))
(dynamic-require mp #f)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ #f)])
(eval 'x (module->namespace mp))
(define warned? #f)
(define/contract (maybe-warn-about-submodules mp context)
(-> (or/c #f module-path?) symbol? any)
(unless (or warned?
(not (pair? mp)) ;not submodule
(memq context '(low medium))
(set! warned? #t)
@~a{Note: @~v[@mp] will be evaluated.
However your Racket version is old. You will be unable to
use the REPL to examine definitions in the body of a module+
or (module* _ #f ___) form when errortrace is enabled. Either
upgrade Racket, or, set the Emacs variable racket-error-context
to 'low or 'medium.})))