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;; Personal UX database. Goal of this database is to provide funtions and data
;; to generate an org file for ux planning.
(defconst ux:maturity-levels
"strategy set by management"
"scope set by product owner"
"developers driven by features"
"second-guessing users"
"little or no design budget"
"minor usability/visual tweaks"
"design joint later in project"
"sprinkling of magic"
"culture resistance")
"budget allocated for design"
"interactive design and testing"
"ethnographic research begins"
"some direct customers contacts"
"research driving features"
"design “as user expert” in room"
"work across product teams"
"minimum knowledge sharing"
"deliverable becomes lean"
"cultural barriers coming down")
"specialism on design team"
"design on project the norm"
"product discovery/agile process"
"design planned and budgeted for"
"product scoped with owners"
"regular research and testing"
"developers using user stories"
"user testing accumulating data"
"awareness of design outside team"
"design team spread thin")
"Company-wide, central resource"
"Multiple digital touchpoints"
"Responsible for experience"
"Scope project to fit strategy"
"Generalist manager picking projects"
"Several specialist design staff"
"Standard usability testing metrics"
"Harmonized product details"
"Coaching of other teams begins"
"Testing evidence of success")
"User-driven organization"
"Set strategy with senior staff"
"Comprehensive user database"
"Team road map, plan portfolio"
"Teams have performance targets"
"Work across digital devices"
"Team sets and governs standards"
"Established process company-wide"
"Engagement at senior level"
"Research and test new hypothesis")))
(defconst ux:research:methods
("analytics" "https://plausible.io/")
"card sorting")
"contextual inquiry"
"focus groups"
"usability testing"
"diary study")))
(defconst ux:usability:research-questions
"How easily do users understand what is clickable?"
"How easily and successfully do users find the products or information they are looking for?"
"How easily and successfully do users register for the site?"
"Where in the site do users go to find Search? Why?"
"How easily can users return to the home page?")
"How easily do users switch between modes on multi-purpose buttons?"
"How well do users understand the symbols and icons?"
"Which ones are problematic? Why?"
"How easily do users download updates and features?"
"How quickly can users perform common tasks?")
"How easily and successfully can users use all buttons on the control panel?"
"Can users use the control panel without assistance or training?"
"How easily can users find the correct input and output ports?"
"How easily can users change settings in the menus?")
"Do users go to online help when they encounter error messages?"
"How easily do users find topics they are looking for in the online help?"
"How well do the topic titles reflect what user are looking for?"
"How well do they understand the content of the topics they find?"
"How helpful is the topic content?"
"Which parts of each topic do users pay attention to?"
"Can users easily switch between reading the online help and interacting with the interface to complete the task?")
"How closely does the flow of the software reflect how the user thinks of the work flow? "
"How easily and successfully do users find the tools or options they want?"
"Do users use the toolbar icons or the standard menus? Why?"
"Is the response time a cause of user frustration or errors?")
"What obstacles prevent users from completing installation and set up?"
"Can users perform common tasks within established benchmarks?"
"What are the major usability flaws that prevent users from completing the most common tasks?"
"How does ease-of-use compare in the planned release to the last release?"
"How does ease-of-use compare between our product and the competition?"
"Is there an appropriate balance of ease of use and ease of learning?"))
"Example of questions which can be answered through usability tests.")
(defconst ux:usability:test-plan-categories
'("Purpose, goals, and objectives of the test"
"Research questions"
"Participant characteristics"
"Method (test design)"
"Task list"
"Test environment, equipment, and logistics"
"Test moderator role"
"Data to be collected and evaluation measures"
"Report contents and presentation"))
(defconst ux:usability:heuristics
'("Visibility of system status"
"Match between system and the real world"
"User control and freedom"
"Consistency and standards"
"Error prevention"
"Recognition rather than recall"
"Flexibility and efficiency of use"
"Aesthetic and minimalist design"
"Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors"
"Help and documentation")
(defconst ux:research:want-to-learn
"Their goals in purchasing the product."
"Their frustrations with current solutions."
"Their decision process for purchasing a product of the type you’re designing."
"Their role in installing, maintaining, and managing the product."
"Domain-related issues and vocabulary.")
"The context of how the product (or analogous system, if no current product exists) fits into their lives or work flow: when, why, and how the product is or will be used."
"Domain knowledge from a user perspective: What do users need to know to do their jobs?"
"Current tasks and activities: both those the current product is required to accomplish and those it doesn’t support."
"Goals and motivations for using their product."
"Mental model: how users think about their jobs and activities, as well as what expectations users have about the product."
"Problems and frustrations with current products (or an analogous system if no current product exists)."))
"What do we want to learn from users or/and customers?")
(defconst ux:websites
"Important websites for UX topics.")
(defconst ux:explain-codes
'((activity "the quality or state of being active. behavior or actions of a particular kind physical activity")
(job "a piece of work. something that has to be done (task)")
(objective "something toward which effort is directed")
(gain "something wanted or desirable")
(pain "mental or emotional distress or suffering")
(goal "An expectation of an end condition"
"We don't set goals as the outcome! We set goals to achieve them!"))
"Explain codes used for thematic analysis.")
(defconst ux:map-codes-to-questions
'((activity . how)
(job . what)
(objective . why)
(gain . why)
(pain . what)))
(defconst ux:interview-questions
(en "What does your typical weekday look like?"
"Tell me about your role at your company?"
"Can you give me an summary of your work?")
(de "Wie sieht Ihr typischer Arbeitstag aus?"
"Erzählen Sie mir etwas über Ihre Rolle in Ihrem Unternehmen?"
"Können Sie mir einen Überblick über Ihre Arbeit geben?")
(fr "Pouvez-vous me donner un aperçu de votre travail (exemple: activités quotidiennes) ?")
(it "Può darmi un visione generale del suo lavoro? (per exempio: attività giornaliere)"))
(en "Why is achieving this goal important to you?"
"What will success look like?"
"How will you benefit from reaching this goal?"
"What is your first step?"
"What step will take you furthest, fastest?"
"Who can help you achieve it?"
"Who will support you?"
"Who won’t support you?"
"What will be your biggest barrier?"
"How will you stay focused during the process?")
(de "Warum ist das Erreichen dieses Ziels für Sie wichtig?"
"Wie wird der Erfolg aussehen?"
"Wie werden Sie von der Erreichung dieses Ziels profitieren?"
"Was ist Ihr erster Schritt?"
"Welcher Schritt bringt Sie am weitesten und am schnellsten voran?"
"Wer kann Sie dabei unterstützen?"
"Wer wird Sie unterstützen?"
"Wer wird Sie nicht unterstützen?"
"Was wird Ihr größtes Hindernis sein?"
"Wie werden Sie während des Prozesses konzentriert bleiben?"))
(en "What are your most important activities?"
"What activities waste your time?")
(de "Was sind Ihre wichtigsten Aktivitäten?"
"Welche Aktivitäten verschwenden Ihre Zeit?")
(fr "Quelles sont vos principales (importantes) activités ?"
"Quelles sont les activités qui vous font perdre votre temps ou ?")
(it "Quali sono le sue attività più importanti?"
"Quali sono le attività che ti fanno sprecare tempo?"))
(en "What’s the hardest part about [problem / task]?"
"How do you currently go about [problem / task]?"
"What is the biggest pain point related to [problem / task]?")
(de "Was ist das Schwierigste an [Problem / Aufgabe]?"
"Wie gehen Sie derzeit [Problem / Aufgabe] an?"
"Was ist der größte Schmerzpunkt im Zusammenhang mit [Problem / Aufgabe]?"))
(en "What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?"
"What kind of training did you receive?")
(de "Welches ist der höchste Abschluss, den Sie erworben haben?"
"Welche Art von Ausbildung haben Sie erhalten?")
(fr "Quel type de formation avez-vous suivi ?")
(it "Che tipo di educazione ha ricevuto?"))
(en "Where do you do your work (Physical location)?")
(de "Wo üben Sie Ihre Tätigkeit aus (physischer Standort)?")
(fr "Où travaillez-vous (lieu physique) ?")
(it "Dove lavorate (luogo fisico)?"))
(en "What information do you collect?"
"What information do you need to make a decision?"
"Who do you provide information to?"
"What device do you use?"
"How do you keep track of what you need to get done at work?")
(de "Welche Informationen sammeln Sie?"
"Welche Informationen benötigen Sie, um eine Entscheidung zu treffen?"
"Wem stellen Sie Informationen zur Verfügung?"
"Welches Gerät benutzen Sie?"
"Wie behalten Sie den Überblick darüber, was Sie bei der Arbeit zu erledigen haben?")
(fr "Quelles informations collecter-vous ?"
"De quelles informations avez-vous besoin pour prendre une décision ?"
"À qui fournissez-vous des informations ?"
"Quel appareil utilisez-vous ?"
"Comment gardez-vous une trace de ce que vous avez à faire au travail")
(it "Quali informazioni raccoglie?"
"Di quali informazioni hai bisogno per prendere una decisione?"
"A chi fornisce informazioni?"
"Quale dispositivo usa?"
"Come fa a tenere traccia di quello, che deve fare al lavoro?"))
(en "I think that I would like to use this system frequently."
"I found the system unnecessarily complex."
"I thought the system was easy to use."
"I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this system."
"I found the various functions in this system were well integrated."
"I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system."
"I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly."
"I found the system very cumbersome to use."
"I felt very confident using the system."
"I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system.")
(de "Ich denke, dass ich dieses System häufig nutzen möchte."
"Ich fand das System unnötig komplex."
"Ich fand das System einfach zu bedienen."
"Ich glaube, ich bräuchte die Unterstützung einer technischen Person, um dieses System nutzen zu können."
"Ich fand, dass die verschiedenen Funktionen in diesem System gut integriert waren."
"Ich fand, dass dieses System zu widersprüchlich war."
"Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass die meisten Menschen sehr schnell lernen würden, mit diesem System umzugehen."
"Ich fand das System sehr umständlich zu bedienen."
"Ich fühlte mich sehr sicher im Umgang mit dem System."
"Ich musste eine Menge Dinge lernen, bevor ich mit diesem System loslegen konnte."))))
(defun ux:questions-by-category (category)
(cdr (assoc category ux:interview-questions)))
(defun ux:questions-by-lang (lang category)
(let* ((questions (ux:questions-by-category category))
(lang-questions (remove nil (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (member lang x)) questions))))
(remove lang (flatten-tree lang-questions))))