2020-01-29 18:18:31 +01:00

459 lines
17 KiB

#lang at-exp racket/base
(require (only-in macro-debugger/analysis/check-requires show-requires)
(only-in racket/list append* append-map add-between filter-map)
(provide requires/tidy
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define require-subform? (or/c module-path? list?))
(define require-form? (cons/c 'require (listof require-subform?)))
(define level? (or/c #f number? 'racket/require))
(define denormalized? (hash/c level? (set/c require-subform?)))
(define/contract (requires/tidy reqs)
(-> (listof require-form?) string?)
(denormalize reqs))))
(module+ test
(requires/tidy '((require z)
(require (prefix-in a: a))
(require c d e)))
"(require (prefix-in a: a)\n c\n d\n e\n z)\n"))
;; Note: Why pass in a list of the existing require forms -- why not
;; just use the "keep" list from show-requires? Because the keep list
;; only states the module name, not the original form. Therefore if
;; the original require has a subform like `(only-in mod f)` (or
;; rename-in, except-in, &c), we won't know how to preserve that
;; unless we're given it. That's why our strategy must be to look for
;; things to drop, as opposed to things to keep.
(define/contract (requires/trim path-str reqs)
(-> path-string? (listof require-form?) string?)
(denormalize reqs
#:drops (requires-to-drop (analyze path-str))))))
(define/contract (requires/base path-str reqs)
(-> path-string? (listof require-form?) string?)
(define a (analyze path-str))
(denormalize reqs
#:adds (requires-to-add a)
#:drops (requires-to-drop a)))))
;;; analyze
(define requires-analysis? (listof (or/c (list/c 'keep module-path? number?)
(list/c 'bypass module-path? number? list?)
(list/c 'drop module-path? number?))))
(define mod+level? (list/c module-path? number?))
(define/contract (analyze path-str)
(-> path-string? requires-analysis?)
(define-values (base name _) (split-path (string->path path-str)))
(parameterize ([current-load-relative-directory base]
[current-directory base])
(show-requires name)))
;; Use `bypass` convert from `#lang racket` to `#lang racket/base`
;; plus explicit requires. Hardcoded to `#lang racket`, only.
(define/contract (requires-to-drop a)
(-> requires-analysis? (listof mod+level?))
(filter-map (λ (x)
(match x
[(list 'drop mod lvl) (list mod lvl)]
[_ #f]))
(define/contract (requires-to-add a)
(-> requires-analysis? (listof mod+level?))
(filter-map (λ (x)
(match x
[(list 'bypass 'racket 0 (list (list mod lvl _) ...))
(filter (λ (x)
(match x
[(list 'racket/base 0) #f]
[_ #t]))
(map list mod lvl))]
[_ #f]))
;;; denormalize / normalize
(define/contract (denormalize reqs
#:drops [drops '()]
#:adds [adds '()])
(->* ((listof require-form?))
(#:adds (listof mod+level?)
#:drops (listof mod+level?))
(define ht (make-hasheq))
(define (add* level v)
(unless (and (not (eq? v 'racket/require)) ;always keep
(member (list (form-mod v) level) drops))
(hash-update! ht
(if (eq? v 'racket/require) 'racket/require level)
(λ (s) (set-add s v))
(define (add level v)
(match v
[(list* 'multi-in vs) (for-each (curry add* level) (multi vs))]
[v (add* level v)]))
(for ([add (in-list adds)])
(match-define (list mod level) add)
(add* level mod))
(for ([req (in-list reqs)])
(match-define (cons 'require vs) req)
(for ([v (in-list vs)])
(match v
[(list* 'for-meta level vs) (for-each (curry add level) vs)]
[(list* 'for-syntax vs) (for-each (curry add 1 ) vs)]
[(list* 'for-template vs) (for-each (curry add -1 ) vs)]
[(list* 'for-label vs) (for-each (curry add #f ) vs)]
[v (add 0 v)])))
;; `multi` from racket/require adapted for plain sexprs not stxs
(define (multi xs)
(define (loop xs)
(if (null? xs)
(let ([first (car xs)]
[rest (loop (cdr xs))])
(if (list? first)
(let ([bads (filter list? first)])
(if (null? bads)
(append-map (λ (x) (map (λ (y) (cons x y)) rest)) first)
(error 'multi-in "not a simple element" (car bads))))
(map (λ (x) (cons first x)) rest)))))
(define options (loop xs))
(define (try pred? ->str str->)
(and (andmap (λ (x) (andmap pred? x)) options)
(map (λ (x)
(let* ([d x]
[r (apply string-append
(add-between (if ->str (map ->str d) d)
(if str-> (str-> r) r)))
(or (try string? #f #f)
(try symbol? symbol->string string->symbol)
(error 'multi-in "only accepts all strings or all symbols")))
(module+ test
(let ([ht (denormalize '((require a b c)
(require d e)
(require a f)
(for-syntax s t u)
(for-label l0 l1 l2))
(for-meta 1 m1a m1b)
(for-meta 2 m2a m2b))
(multi-in foo (bar baz))
(multi-in "foo" ("bar.rkt" "baz.rkt")))))])
(check-equal? (hash-ref ht 0)
(set 'a 'e 'd 'foo/bar "foo/baz.rkt" "foo/bar.rkt" 'c 'f 'b 'foo/baz))
(check-equal? (hash-ref ht 1)
(set 'm1a 'm1b 't 'u 's))
(check-equal? (hash-ref ht 2)
(set 'm2b 'm2a))
(check-equal? (hash-ref ht #f)
(set 'l1 'l2 'l0))))
;; Sort the subforms by phase level: for-syntax, for-template,
;; for-label, for-meta, and plain (0). Within each such group, sort
;; them first by module paths then relative requires. Within each such
;; group, sort alphabetically. If racket/require is present, sort it
;; first and use multi-in.
(define/contract (normalize ht)
(-> denormalized? require-form?)
(define (mod-set->mod-list mod-set)
(sort (set->list mod-set) mod<?))
(define (for-level level k)
(match (hash-ref ht level #f)
[#f '()]
#:when (and (not (eq? level 'racket/require))
(hash-ref ht 'racket/require #f))
(k (add-multi-in (mod-set->mod-list mods)))]
(k (mod-set->mod-list mods))]))
(define (preface . pres)
(λ (mods) `((,@pres ,@mods))))
(define (meta-levels)
(sort (for/list ([x (hash-keys ht)]
#:when (not (member x '(racket/require -1 0 1 #f))))
,@(for-level 'racket/require values)
,@(for-level 1 (preface 'for-syntax))
,@(for-level -1 (preface 'for-template))
,@(for-level #f (preface 'for-label))
,@(append* (for/list ([level (in-list (meta-levels))])
(for-level level (preface 'for-meta level))))
,@(for-level 0 values)))
(module+ test
;; with racket/require
(check-equal? (normalize
'((require z c b a)
(require racket/require) ; <====
(require (multi-in mi-z (mi-z0 mi-z1)))
(require mi-z/mi-z2)
(require (multi-in mi-a (mi-a1 mi-a0)))
(require mi-a/mi-a2)
(require (for-meta 4 m41 m40))
(require (for-meta -4 m-41 m-40))
(require (for-label l1 l0))
(require (for-template t1 t0))
(require (for-syntax s1 s0))
"a.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt" "z.rkt"
(only-in "mod.rkt" oi)
(only-in mod oi)))))
(for-syntax s0 s1)
(for-template t0 t1)
(for-label l0 l1)
(for-meta -4 m-40 m-41)
(for-meta 4 m40 m41)
a b c
(multi-in mi-a (mi-a0 mi-a1 mi-a2)) ;b/c racket/require
(multi-in mi-z (mi-z0 mi-z1 mi-z2)) ;b/c racket/require
(only-in mod oi) z
"a.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt" (only-in "mod.rkt" oi) "z.rkt"))
;; without racket/require
(check-equal? (normalize
'((require z c b a)
(require mi-a/mi-a0)
(require mi-a/mi-a1)
(require mi-z/mi-z0)
(require mi-z/mi-z1)
(require (for-meta 4 m41 m40))
(require (for-meta -4 m-41 m-40))
(require (for-label l1 l0))
(require (for-template t1 t0))
(require (for-syntax s1 s0))
"a.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt" "z.rkt"
(only-in "mod.rkt" oi)
(only-in mod oi)))))
(for-syntax s0 s1)
(for-template t0 t1)
(for-label l0 l1)
(for-meta -4 m-40 m-41)
(for-meta 4 m40 m41)
a b c
(only-in mod oi) z
"a.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt" (only-in "mod.rkt" oi) "z.rkt")))
(define (add-multi-in xs)
;; (-> (listof require-subform?) (listof require-subform?))
;; 1. Assumes xs are sorted. 2. Only tries to discover/add multi-in
;; forms where the first element is a single item -- e.g. (multi-in
;; a (b c)) but not (multi-in (a b) (c d)).
(define (split v)
(cond [(string? v) (string-split v #px"/")]
[(symbol? v) (map string->symbol (string-split (symbol->string v) #px"/"))]
[else (list)]))
(define (join vs)
(cond [(andmap string? vs) (string-join vs "/")]
[(andmap symbol? vs) (string->symbol (string-join (map symbol->string vs) "/"))]
[else (error 'add-multi-in "not strings or symbols")]))
(let loop ([xs xs])
(match xs
[(list) (list)]
[(list x) (list x)]
[(list* (and `(multi-in ,pre ,vs) this) next more)
(define-values (pres this-rest next-rest) (split-common-prefix (split pre) (split next)))
(cond [(equal? (split pre) pres)
(loop (list* `(multi-in ,pre ,(append vs (list (join next-rest))))
(cons this (loop (list* next more)))])]
[(list* this next more)
(define-values (pres this-rest next-rest) (split-common-prefix (split this) (split next)))
(cond [(null? pres)
(cons this (loop (list* next more)))]
(loop (list* `(multi-in ,(join pres) (,(join this-rest) ,(join next-rest)))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '(a b c))
'(a b c))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '(a (prefix-in b: b) c))
'(a (prefix-in b: b) c))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '(racket/string b c))
'(racket/string b c))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '(racket/format racket/string s t))
'((multi-in racket (format string)) s t))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '(racket/contract racket/format racket/string s t))
'((multi-in racket (contract format string)) s t))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '(a/b/x a/b/y))
'((multi-in a/b (x y))))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '("a.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
'("a.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '("a.rkt" (prefix-in b: "b.rkt") "c.rkt"))
'("a.rkt" (prefix-in b: "b.rkt") "c.rkt"))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '("a/x.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
'("a/x.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '("a/x.rkt" "a/y.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
'((multi-in "a" ("x.rkt" "y.rkt")) "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '("a/x.rkt" "a/y.rkt" "a/z.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
'((multi-in "a" ("x.rkt" "y.rkt" "z.rkt")) "b.rkt" "c.rkt"))
(check-equal? (add-multi-in '("a/b/x.rkt" "a/b/y.rkt"))
'((multi-in "a/b" ("x.rkt" "y.rkt")))))
;; Defined here b/c not in Racket < 6.3 and we support 6.2
(define (split-common-prefix as bs)
(let loop ([as as] [bs bs])
(if (and (pair? as) (pair? bs) (equal? (car as) (car bs)))
(let-values ([(prefix atail btail) (loop (cdr as) (cdr bs))])
(values (cons (car as) prefix) atail btail))
(values null as bs))))
(define (form-mod x)
(match x
[(list 'only-in m _ ...) (form-mod m)]
[(list 'except-in m _ ...) (form-mod m)]
[(list 'prefix-in _ m) (form-mod m)]
[(list 'relative-in _ m _ ...) (form-mod m)]
[(list 'multi-in m _) (form-mod m)]
[m m]))
(define (mod<? a b)
(let ([a (form-mod a)]
[b (form-mod b)])
(or (and (symbol? a) (not (symbol? b)))
(and (list? a) (not (list? b)))
(and (not (string? a)) (string? a))
(and (string? a) (string? b)
(string<? a b))
(and (symbol? a) (symbol? b)
(string<? (symbol->string a) (symbol->string b))))))
(module+ test
(check-true (mod<? 'a 'b))
(check-false (mod<? 'b 'a))
(check-true (mod<? 'a '(only-in b)))
(check-true (mod<? '(only-in a) 'b))
(check-true (mod<? 'a '(except-in b)))
(check-true (mod<? '(except-in a) 'b))
(check-true (mod<? 'a '(prefix-in p 'b)))
(check-true (mod<? '(prefix-in p 'a) 'b))
(check-true (mod<? 'a '(relative-in p 'b)))
(check-true (mod<? '(relative-in p 'a) 'b))
(check-true (mod<? 'a '(prefix-in p (only-in b))))
(check-true (mod<? '(prefix-in p (only-in a)) 'b)))
;;; pretty
(define/contract (require-pretty-format x)
(-> list? string?)
(define out (open-output-string))
(parameterize ([current-output-port out])
(require-pretty-print x))
(get-output-string out))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (require-pretty-format
'(require a))
@~a{(require a)
(check-equal? (require-pretty-format
'(require a b))
@~a{(require a
(check-equal? (require-pretty-format
'(require (for-syntax a b) (for-meta 2 c d) e f))
@~a{(require (for-syntax a
(for-meta 2 c
(check-equal? (require-pretty-format
`(require (only-in m a b) (except-in m a b)))
@~a{(require (only-in m
(except-in m
;; Pretty print a require form with one module per line and with
;; indentation for the `for-X` subforms. Example:
;; (require (for-syntax racket/base
;; syntax/parse)
;; (for-meta 3 racket/a
;; racket/b)
;; racket/format
;; racket/string
;; "a.rkt"
;; "b.rkt")
(define/contract (require-pretty-print x)
(-> list? any)
(define (prn x first? indent)
(define (indent-string)
(if first? "" (make-string indent #\space)))
(define (prn-form pre this more)
(define new-indent (+ indent (+ 2 (string-length pre))))
(printf "~a(~a " (indent-string) pre)
(prn this #t new-indent)
(for ([x more])
(prn x #f new-indent))
(display ")"))
(match x
[(list 'require)
[(list* (and pre (or 'require 'for-syntax 'for-template 'for-label
'only-in 'except-in))
this more)
(prn-form (format "~s" pre) this more)
(when (eq? pre 'require)
[(list* 'for-meta level this more)
(prn-form (format "for-meta ~a" level) this more)]
(printf "~a~s" (indent-string) this)]))
(prn x #t 0))