317 lines
12 KiB
317 lines
12 KiB
;;; racket-debug.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (c) 2018 by Greg Hendershott.
;; Author: Greg Hendershott
;; URL: https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode
;; License:
;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be
;; useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
;; of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
;; General Public License for more details. See
;; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for details.
(require 'racket-repl)
(require 'easymenu)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'rx)
(defun racket-project-files (file-to-run)
"A suitable value for the variable `racket-debuggable-files'.
When projectile is installed and we're in a project, return all
its Racket files. Else return all Racket files in the same
directory as `file-to-run'. In all cases, include `file-to-run'.
In all cases, return absolute path names."
(require 'projectile)
(when (and (fboundp 'projectile-project-root)
(fboundp 'projectile-dir-files))
(let ((root (projectile-project-root)))
(mapcar (lambda (v)
(expand-file-name v root))
(cl-remove-if-not (lambda (v)
(and (member (file-name-extension v)
'("rkt" "ss" "scm" "scrbl"))
(projectile-dir-files root))))))
(directory-files (file-name-directory file-to-run)
(rx "." (or "rkt" "ss" "scm" "scrbl") eos)))))
(defvar racket-debuggable-files #'racket-project-files
"Used to tell `racket-run' what files may be instrumented for debugging.
Must be a list of strings that are pathnames, such as from
`racket--buffer-file-name', -or-, a function that returns such a
list given the pathname of the file being run. If any path
strings are relative, they are made absolute using
`expand-file-name' with the directory of the file being run. The
symbol 'run-file may be supplied in the list; it will be replaced
with the pathname of the file being run. Safe to set as a
file-local variable.")
(defun racket--debuggable-files (file-to-run)
"Do the work described in doc str for variable `racket-debuggable-files'."
(cl-labels ((err (&rest args)
(user-error (concat "racket-debuggable-files: must be "
(apply #'format args)))))
(let* ((dir (file-name-directory file-to-run))
(xs (if (functionp racket-debuggable-files)
(funcall racket-debuggable-files file-to-run)
(xs (if (listp xs) xs (err "a list but is `%S'" xs)))
(xs (mapcar
(lambda (v)
(pcase v
(`run-file file-to-run)
((pred stringp) (expand-file-name v dir))
(_ (err "string or 'run-file but is `%S' in `%S'"
v xs))))
(defvar racket--debug-break-positions nil)
(defvar racket--debug-break-locals nil)
(defvar racket--debug-break-info nil)
;; (U nil (cons break-id
;; (U (list 'before)
;; (list 'after string-of-racket-write-values))))
(defun racket--debug-send-definition (beg end)
(goto-char beg)
(list 'debug-eval
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point) end)))
(lambda (_)
;; TODO: Also set fringe, and/or set marker on function
;; name to show it's debuggable.
(message "Now you can call the function in the REPL to step debug it."))) )
(defun racket--debug-on-break (response)
(pcase response
(`((,src . ,pos) ,positions ,locals ,vals)
(pcase (find-buffer-visiting src)
(`nil (other-window 1) (find-file src))
(buf (pop-to-buffer buf)))
(goto-char pos)
(pcase vals
(`(,_id before) (message "Break before expression"))
(`(,_id after ,s) (message "Break after expression: (values %s" (substring s 1))))
(setq racket--debug-break-positions positions)
(setq racket--debug-break-locals locals)
(setq racket--debug-break-info vals)
(racket-debug-mode 1))))
(defun racket--debug-resume (next-break value-prompt-p)
(unless racket--debug-break-info (user-error "Not debugging"))
(let ((info (if value-prompt-p
(racket--cmd/async `(debug-resume (,next-break ,info))))
(racket-debug-mode -1)
(setq racket--debug-break-positions nil)
(setq racket--debug-break-locals nil)
(setq racket--debug-break-info nil))
(defun racket--debug-prompt-for-new-values ()
(pcase racket--debug-break-info
(`(,id before)
(pcase (read-from-minibuffer "Skip step, substituting values: " "()")
((or `nil "" "()") `(,id before))
(str `(,id before ,str))))
(`(,id after ,orig)
(pcase (read-from-minibuffer "Step, replacing result values: " orig)
((or `nil "" "()") `(,id after ,orig))
(new `(,id after ,new))))))
(defun racket-debug-step (&optional prefix)
"Resume to next breakable position. With prefix, substitute values."
(interactive "P")
(racket--debug-resume 'all prefix))
(defun racket-debug-step-over (&optional prefix)
"Resume over next expression. With prefix, substitute values."
(interactive "P")
(racket--debug-resume 'over prefix))
(defun racket-debug-step-out (&optional prefix)
"Resume out. With prefix, substitute values."
(interactive "P")
(racket--debug-resume 'out prefix))
(defun racket-debug-continue (&optional prefix)
"Resume; don't break anymore. With prefix, substitute values."
(interactive "P")
(racket--debug-resume 'none prefix))
(defun racket-debug-run-to-here (&optional prefix)
"Resume until point (if possible). With prefix, substitute values."
(racket--debug-resume (cons (racket--buffer-file-name) (point)) prefix))
(defun racket-debug-next-breakable ()
"Move point to next breakable position."
(racket--debug-goto-breakable t))
(defun racket-debug-prev-breakable ()
"Move point to previous breakable position."
(racket--debug-goto-breakable nil))
(defun racket--debug-goto-breakable (forwardp)
(pcase (assoc (racket--buffer-file-name) racket--debug-break-positions)
(`(,_src . ,ps)
(let ((ps (if forwardp ps (reverse ps)))
(pred (apply-partially (if forwardp #'< #'>) (point))))
(goto-char (pcase (cl-find-if pred ps)
(`nil (car ps))
(v v)))))
(_ (user-error "No breakable positions in this buffer"))))
(defun racket-debug-disable ()
(racket--cmd/async `(debug-disable))
(racket-debug-mode -1)
(setq racket--debug-break-positions nil)
(setq racket--debug-break-locals nil)
(setq racket--debug-break-info nil))
(add-hook 'racket--repl-before-run-hook #'racket-debug-disable)
(defun racket-debug-help ()
(describe-function 'racket-debug-mode))
(defvar racket--debug-overlays nil)
(define-minor-mode racket-debug-mode
"Minor mode for debug breaks.
This feature is **EXPERIMENTAL**!!! It is likely to have
significant limitations and bugs. You are welcome to open an
issue to provide feedback. Please understand that this feature
might never be improved -- it might even be removed someday if it
turns out to have too little value and/or too much cost.
How to debug:
1. \"Instrument\" code for step debugging. You can instrument
entire files, and also individual functions.
a. Entire Files
Choose `racket-run' with two prefixes -- C-u C-u C-c C-c. The
file will be instrumented for step debugging before it is run.
Also instrumented are files determined by the variable
The run will break at the first breakable position.
Tip: After you run to completion and return to a normal
REPL prompt, the code remains instrumented. You may enter
expressions that evaluate instrumented code and it will
break so you can step debug again.
b. Function Definitions
Put point in a function `define` form and C-u C-M-x to
\"instrument\" the function for step debugging. Then in the
REPL, enter an expression that causes the instrumented
function to be run, directly or indirectly.
You can instrument any number of functions.
You can even instrument while stopped at a break. For
example, to instrument a function you are about to call, so
you can \"step into\" it:
- M-. a.k.a. `racket-visit-definition'.
- C-u C-M-x to instrument the definition.
- M-, a.k.a. `racket-unvisit'.
- Continue stepping.
Limitation: Instrumenting a function `require`d from
another module won't redefine that function. Instead, it
attempts to define an instrumented function of the same
name, in the module the REPL is inside. The define will
fail if it needs definitions visible only in that other
module. In that case you'll probably need to use
entire-file instrumentation as described above.
2. When a break occurs, the `racket-repl-mode' prompt changes. In
this debug REPL, local variables are available for you to use
and even to `set!`.
Also, in the `racket-mode' buffer where the break is located,
`racket-debug-mode' is enabled. This minor mode makes the
buffer read-only, provides visual feedback -- about the break
position, local variable values, and result values -- and
provides shortcut keys:
:lighter " RacketDebug"
:keymap (racket--easy-keymap-define
'(("SPC" racket-debug-step)
("o" racket-debug-step-over)
("u" racket-debug-step-out)
("c" racket-debug-continue)
("n" racket-debug-next-breakable)
("p" racket-debug-prev-breakable)
("h" racket-debug-run-to-here)
("?" racket-debug-help)))
(unless (eq major-mode 'racket-mode)
(setq racket-debug-mode nil)
(user-error "racket-debug-mode only works with racket-mode"))
(point) (1+ (point))
'face racket-debug-break-face
'priority 99)
(dolist (local racket--debug-break-locals)
(pcase-let ((`(,_src ,pos ,span ,_name ,val) local))
pos (+ pos span)
'after-string (propertize val 'face racket-debug-locals-face))))
(pcase racket--debug-break-info
(`(,_id after ,str)
(let ((eol (line-end-position)))
(1- eol) eol
'after-string (propertize (concat "⇒ (values " (substring str 1))
'face racket-debug-result-face)))))
(read-only-mode 1))
(read-only-mode -1)
(dolist (o racket--debug-overlays)
(delete-overlay o))
(setq racket--debug-overlays nil))))
(defun racket--debug-make-overlay (beg end &rest props)
(let ((o (make-overlay beg end)))
(push o racket--debug-overlays)
(overlay-put o 'name 'racket-debug-overlay)
(overlay-put o 'priority 100)
(while props
(overlay-put o (pop props) (pop props)))
(provide 'racket-debug)
;; racket-debug.el ends here