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Common Lisp

;;; Chapter 11 - Iteration and Block Structure
;;; Exercises
;;; Ex 11.1
;;; Write an iterative version of the MEMBER function, called IT-MEMBER. It should return T if its first input appears in its second input;
;;; It needs not return a sublist of its second input.
(defun it-member (item b)
(dolist (e b)
(when (equal item e)
(return t))))
;;; Ex 11.2
;;; Write an iterative version of ASSOC, called IT-ASSOC.
(defun it-assoc (item x)
(dolist (e x)
(when (equal (car e) item)
(return e))))
;;; Ex 11.3
;;; Write a recursive version of CHECK-ALL-ODD. It should produce the same message and the same result as the preceding iterative version.
;;; Iterative version
(defun check-all-odd (list-of-numbers)
(dolist (e list-of-numbers t)
(format t "~&Checking ~S..." e)
(if (not (oddp e)) (return nil))))
;;; Recursive version
(defun check-all-odd (x)
(cond ((null x) t)
((not (oddp (car x))) nil)
(t (format t "~&Checking ~S..." (car x))
(check-all-odd (rest x)))))
;;; Recursive version with unless
(defun check-all-odd (x)
(cond ((null x) t)
(t (format t "~&Checking ~S..."
(first x))
(unless (evenp (first x))
(check-all-odd (rest x))))))
;;; Ex 11.4
;;; Write an iterative version of LENGTH, called IT-LENGTH.
(defun it-length (x)
(let ((c 0))
(dolist (element x c)
(incf c))))
;;; Ex 11.5
;;; Write an iterative version of NTH, called IT-NTH.
(defun it-nth (i x)
(let ((c 0))
(dolist (element x c)
(if (or (< i 0) (>= i (length x))) (return nil))
(if (equal c i)
(return element))
(incf c))))
;;; alternative solution
(defun it-nth (n x)
(dotimes (i n (first x))
(pop x)))
;;; Ex 11.6
;;; Write an iterative version of UNION, called IT-UNION. Your function need not return its result in the same order as the built-in UNION function.
(defun it-union (a b)
(let ((l b))
(dolist (element a)
(if (not (member element l))
(push element l)))
;;; alternative solution
(defun it-union (x y)
(dolist (e x y)
(unless (member e y)
(push e y))))
;;; Ex 11.8
;;; Write an iterative version of REVERSE, called IT-REVERSE.
(defun it-reverse (x)
(let ((l '()))
(dolist (element x l)
(push element l))))
;;; Ex 11.9
;;; Show how to write CHECK-ALL-ODD using DO.
(defun check-all-odd (x)
(do ((my-x x (rest my-x)))
((null my-x) (return t))
(if (not (oddp (first my-x))) (return nil))
(format t "~&Checking ~S..." (first my-x))))
;;; Ex 11.10
;;; Show how to write LAUNCH using DOTIMES.
(defun launch (n)
(dotimes (i n (format t "Blast off!"))
(format t "~S..." (- n i))))
;;; 11.11
;;; Rewrite the following function to use DO* instead of DOLIST.
(defun find-largest (list-of-numbers)
(let ((largest (first list-of-numbers)))
(dolist (element (rest list-of-numbers) largest)
(when (> element largest)
(setf largest element)))))
(defun find-largest (list-of-numbers)
(do* ((x list-of-numbers (rest x))
(y (first x) (first x))
(largest y))
((null x) largest)
(when (> y largest)
(setf largest y))))
;;; 11.12
;;; Rewrite the following function to use DO instead of DOTIMES.
(defun power-of-2 (n)
(let ((result 1))
(dotimes (i n result)
(incf result result))))
(defun power-of-2 (n)
(do ((x 0 (+ x 1))
(result 1))
((equal x n) result)
(setf result (incf result result))))
;;; alternative solution
(defun power-of-2 (n)
(do ((result 1 (+ result result))
(i 0 (+ i 1)))
((equal i n) result)))
;;; Ex 11.13
;;; Rewrite the following function using DOLIST instead of DO*.
(defun first-non-integer (x)
"Return the first non-integer element of X."
(do* ((z x (rest z))
(z1 (first z) (first z)))
((null z) 'none)
(unless (integerp z1)
(return z1))))
(defun first-non-integer (x)
(dolist (e x 'none)
(unless (integerp e)
(return e))))
;;; alternative version
(defun first-non-integer (x)
(dolist (e x 'none)
(when (not (integerp e))
(return e))))
;;; Ex 11.15
;;; corrected version
(defun ffo-with-do (x)
(do* ((z x (rest z))
(e (first z) (first z)))
((null z) nil)
(if (oddp e) (return e))))
;;; Ex 11.18
;;; Rewrite the DOTIMES expression using DO.
(defun f ()
(dotimes (i 5 i)
(format t "~&I = ~S" i)))
(defun f ()
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((equal i 5) i)
(format t "~&I = ~S" i)))
;;; Ex 11.21
;;; One way to compute Fib(5) is to start with Fib(0) and Fib(1), which we know to be one, and add them together, giving Fib(2).
;;; Then add Fib(1) and Fib(2) to get Fib(3). Add Fib(2) and Fib(3) to get Fib(4).
;;; Add Fib(3) and Fib(4) to get Fib(5).
;;; This is an iterative method involving no recursion; we merely have to keep around the last two values of Fib to compute the next one.
;;; Write an iterative version of FIB using this technique.
(defun fib (n)
(cond ((or (zerop n) (equal n 1)) 1)
(t (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
(defun fib (n)
(do* ((i n (- i 1))
(a 0 b)
(b 1 c)
(c 1 (+ a b)))
((zerop i) a)))
;;; Ex 11.22
;;; a.
;;; Write a function COMPLEMENT-BASE that takes a base as input and returns the matching complementary base.
;;; (COMPLEMENT-BASE 'A) should return T; (COMPLEMENT-BASE 'T) should return A; and so on.
(defun complement-base (b)
(cond ((equal b 'a) 't)
((equal b 'g) 'c)
((equal b 't) 'a)
((equal b 'c) 'g)))
;;; alternative solution
(defun complement-base (base)
(assoc base '((a t) (t a) (g c) (c g)))))
;;; b.
;;; Write a function COMPLEMENT-STRAND that returns the complementary strand of a sequence of single-stranded DNA.
;;; (COMPLEMENT-STRAND '(A G G T)) should return (T C C A).
(defun complement-strand (s)
(mapcar #'complement-base s))
;;; iterative solution
(defun complement-strand (s)
(do ((result nil)
(l s (rest l)))
((null l) (reverse result))
(push (complement-base (first l)) result)))
;;; c.
;;; Write a function MAKE-DOUBLE that takes a single strand of DNA as input and returns a double-stranded version.
;;; We will represent double-stranded DNA by making a list of each base and its complement.
;;; (MAKE-DOUBLE '(G G A C T)) should return ((G C) (G C) (A T) (C G) (T A)).
(defun make-double (strand)
(do ((result nil)
(l strand (rest l)))
((null l) (reverse result))
(push (list (first l)
(complement-base (first l)))
;;; d.
;;; One of the important clues to DNA's double-stranded nature was the observation that in naturally occuring DNA, whether from people, animals, or plants, the observed percentage of adenine is always very close to that of thymine, while the observed percentage of guanine is very close to that of cytosine.
;;; Write a function COUNT-BASES that counts the number of bases of each type in a DNA strand, and returns the result as a table.
;;; Your function should work for both single- and double-stranded DNA.
;;; Example: (COUNT-BASES '((G C) (A T) (T A) (T A) (C G))) should return ((A 3) (T 3) (G 2) (C 2)),
;;; whereas (COUNT-BASES '(A G T A C T C T)) should return ((A 2) (T 3) (G 1) (C 2)).
;;; In the latter case the percentages are not equal because we are working with only a single strand.
;;; What answer do you get if you apply COUNT-BASES to the corresponding double-stranded sequence?
(defun flatten (x)
(cond ((null x) nil)
((atom x) (list x))
(t (append (flatten (first x)) (flatten (rest x))))))
(defun count-bases (strand)
(let ((a 0)
(c 0)
(g 0)
(tt 0)
(l (if (listp (first strand))
(flatten strand)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(cond ((equal x 'a) (setf a (+ a 1)))
((equal x 'c) (setf c (+ c 1)))
((equal x 'g) (setf g (+ g 1)))
((equal x 't) (setf tt (+ tt 1)))))
(list 'a a)
(list 'c c)
(list 'g g)
(list 't tt))))
;;; Alternative solution
(defun count-bases (dna)
(let ((acnt 0) (tcnt 0) (gcnt 0) (ccnt 0))
(labels ((count-one-base (base)
(cond ((equal base 'a) (incf acnt))
((equal base 't) (incf tcnt))
((equal base 'g) (incf gcnt))
((equal base 'c) (incf ccnt)))))
(dolist (element dna)
(cond ((atom element) (count-one-base element))
(t (count-one-base (first element))
(count-one-base (second element)))))
(list (list 'a acnt)
(list 't tcnt)
(list 'g gcnt)
(list 'c ccnt)))))
;;; e.
;;; Write a predicate PREFIXP that returns T if one strand of DNA is a prefix of another.
;;; To be a prefix, the elements of the first strand must exactly match the corresponding elements of the second, which may be longer. Example: (G T C) is a prefix of (G T C A T), but not of (A G G T C).
(defun prefixp (s1 s2)
(do ((c1 s1 (rest c1))
(c2 s2 (rest c2)))
((null c1) t)
(when (not (equal (first c1)
(first c2)))
(return nil))))
;;; f.
;;; Write a predicate APPEARSP that returns T if one DNA strand appears anywhere within another. For example, (C A T) appears in (T C A T G) but not in (T C C G T A).
;;; Hint: If x appears in y, then x is eather a prefix of y, or of (REST y), or of (REST (REST y)), and so on.
(defun appearsp (a b)
(do ((l b (rest l)))
((null l) nil)
(if (prefixp a l)
(return t))))
;;; g.
;;; Write a predicate COVERP that returns T if its first input, repeated some number of times, matches all of its second input.
;;; Example: (A G C) covers (A G C A G C A G C) but not (A G C T T G).
;;; You may assume that neither strand will be null.
(defun coverp (a b)
(do ((l b (subseq l (length a))))
((null l) t)
(when (not (prefixp a l))
(return nil))))
;;; alternative solution
(defun coverp (strand1 strand2)
(do* ((len1 (length strand1))
(s2 strand2 (nthcdr len1 s2)))
((null s2) t)
(unless (prefixp strand1 s2)
(return nil))))
;;; h.
;;; Write a function PREFIX that returns the leftmost N bases of a DNA strand.
;;; (PREFIX 4 '(C G A T T A G)) should return (C G A T).
;;; Do not confuse the function PREFIX with the predicate PREFIXP.
(defun prefix (n l)
(do ((cnt 0 (+ cnt 1))
(buf l (rest buf))
(result nil))
((equal cnt n) (reverse result))
(push (first buf) result)))
;;; alternative solution
(defun prefix (n strand)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(res nil (cons (nth i strand) res)))
((equal i n) (reverse res))))
;;; i.
;;; Biologists have found that portions of some naturally occuring DNA strands consist of many repetitions of a short "kernel" sequence.
;;; Write a function KERNEL that returns the shortest prefix of a DNA strand that can be repeated to cover the strand.
;;; (KERNEL '(A G C A G C A G C)) should return (A G C).
;;; (KERNEL '(A A A A A)) should return (A).
;;; (KERNEL '(A G G T C)) should return (A G G T C), because in this case only a single repetition of the entire strand will cover the strand.
;;; Hint: To find the kernel, look at prefixes of increasing length until you find one that can be repeated to cover the strand.
(defun kernel (l)
(do* ((len (length l))
(cnt 1 (+ cnt 1))
(pref (prefix cnt l) (prefix cnt l)))
((equal len cnt) l)
(when (coverp pref l)
(return pref))))
;;; alternative solution
(defun kernel (strand)
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
((coverp (prefix i strand) strand)
(prefix i strand))))
;;; j.
;;; Write a function DRAW-DNA that takes a single-stranded DNA sequence as input and draws it along with its complementary strand, as in the diagram at the beginning of this exercise.
(defun draw-helper (c str)
(do ((cnt c)
(n 0 (+ n 1)))
((equal n cnt) nil)
(format t "~A" str)))
(defun draw-dna (strand)
(draw-helper (length strand) "-----")
(format t "~&")
(draw-helper (length strand) " ! ")
(format t "~&")
(dolist (element strand)
(format t " ~A " element))
(format t "~&")
(draw-helper (length strand) " . ")
(format t "~&")
(draw-helper (length strand) " . ")
(format t "~&")
(dolist (element (complement-strand strand))
(format t " ~A " element))
(format t "~&")
(draw-helper (length strand) " ! ")
(format t "~&")
(draw-helper (length strand) "-----"))