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<h1>Channel registration</h1>
<h2 id="channel-namespaces">Channel Namespaces</h2>
<p>Our <a href="policies.html">policies</a> outline that channels on Libera.Chat fall into one
of three categories and two namespaces. Channels that begin with only a single
<code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#</code> character are either project or community channels. Channels that begin
with two <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#</code> characters are informal channels.</p>
<h3 id="project-channels">Project Channels</h3>
<p>Project channels are reserved for on-topic channels as per our
<a href="chanreg.html#on-topic-projects">on-topic projects</a>, represented by owners with an official
claim to that name. A registered project as per the
<a href="chanreg.html#registering-a-channel">registration below</a> can claim ownership over project
channels bearing the group’s names or name prefixes. For example, Libera.Chat
itself owns the channel <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#libera</code> and all channels beginning with <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#libera-</code>.
As per our <a href="policies.html">policies</a>, these channels do not expire.</p>
<h3 id="community-channels">Community Channels</h3>
<p>Community channels are reserved for on-topic channels as per our
<a href="chanreg.html#community-registration">community groups</a>. An official claim to the name is
not needed, but not having it bears the risk of losing the channel should an
on-topic entity with a valid claim start an official presence on Libera.Chat.
Staff will try to find a good solution for both parties in such cases.</p>
<h3 id="informal-channels">Informal Channels</h3>
<p>Informal channels are for topics not covered by our
<a href="chanreg.html#on-topic-projects">on-topic projects</a>. As per our <a href="policies.html">policies</a>,
such channels can exist on Libera.Chat as long as they do not disturb the
operations of our network and our project and community channels, and adhere
to the network policies. Informal channels are given out on a first-come,
first-served basis. They will expire if unused for a long time, see our
<a href="policies.html">policies</a> for details regarding when this occurs. You can
contact us on IRC with a request to take over an expired secondary channel.</p>
<h2 id="registering-a-channel">Registering a channel</h2>
<p>How to register a channel depends on what type of channel described above it
<h3 id="project-channels-1">Project channels</h3>
<p>Primary channels in the namespace of an already registered project can be
registered directly via ChanServ’s <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">REGISTER</code> command. So if e.g. the project
“MyFossCalendar” wants to add <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#myfosscalendar-social</code> to the existing
channels, they can just grab it. For Projects not yet registered as such with
us, please see <a href="chanreg.html#project-registration">project registration</a>. If you like to add
additional channel namespaces to your existing project, please contact the
projects and community team at <a href="mailto:projects@libera.chat">projects@libera.chat</a>.</p>
<h3 id="community-channels-1">Community channels</h3>
<p>Community channels in the namespace of an already existing community can be
registered directly via ChanServ’s <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">REGISTER</code> command. So if e.g. the owners of
<code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#linux</code> would like to add <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#linux-social</code> to the existing channels, they can
just grab it. For namespaces not yet registered as such with us, please see
<a href="chanreg.html#community-registration">community registration</a>.</p>
<h3 id="informal-channels-1">Informal channels</h3>
<p>Informal channels that are not already taken can be registered by any user in
it who has channel operator status, which is usually the first user to join an
empty, unregistered channel. In this case you can use the <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">REGISTER</code> command
in chanserv to register it to your account. See <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/msg ChanServ help REGISTER</code>
for details. If a channel is unregistered but nobody has operator status,
please contact network staff and we shall see if we can find a solution that
is acceptable for the local community.</p>
<h2 id="project-registration">Project registration</h2>
<p>Project registration allows your project or organisation to have an official
representation on our services and relationship with us.</p>
<h3 id="on-topic-projects">On-topic projects</h3>
<p>Projects considered to be on-topic for Libera.Chat are primarily free and
open-source software projects, and other peer-directed projects, for instance
Linux User Groups (LUGs), student societies, hacker- or makerspaces and other
collaborative efforts. It can also cover projects/companies of general
interest to our user base.</p>
<h3 id="claim-to-the-name-and-representation">Claim to the name and representation</h3>
<p>A claim to the name is given if your project is on-topic as per the above and
named like that, or commonly called / abbreviated that. In case of name
clashes, e.g. other on-topic projects already present using the same name or
there being obvious trademark issues, our team will try to find a good
solution. The same applies if your name contains characters that can’t be used
on our services for technical reasons.</p>
<p>The registration should be either done by or have received the official
blessing of someone who is able to speak for the project. This could be:</p>
<li>The project founder</li>
<li>A lead developer</li>
<li>Someone in a management position</li>
<li>A board member</li>
<h3 id="how-to-register-as-a-project">How to register as a project</h3>
<p>We recommend you contact us as per the
<a href="chanreg.html#the-projects--community-team">Projects & Community team</a> section
before registering, so we can already check whether your project is likely to
be considered eligible to a registration. Once done, we will need the
following information from you:</p>
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="gh"># About your project</span>
Your project name(s):
Your project description:
Can we list your project publicly, such as on the libera.chat website:
Libera Chat staff member you have discussed this registration with:
Links to places we can find out more about your project:
(e.g. website, source code repositories or similar)
<span class="gh"># About you and your staff</span>
Your NickServ account:
Your relationship to / position in the project:
NickServ of group contacts and if their status is hidden/public:
<span class="gh"># Channels and cloaks (see below)</span>
Channels you'd like to claim:
(typically #projectname and #projectname-<span class="err">*</span>)
Would you like ONLY group contacts to be able to register these channels with
Cloak namespaces you'd like to claim:
(typically projectname/<span class="err">*</span>)
<p>Group contacts are the members in your project that will be the
official interface between Libera.Chat and your organization.
They are the ones who can claim channels in your namespace(s) and
request cloaks for your members/users.
You can tell us whether these should be visible to the public or not.
If you need specific rules or abilities for your group contacts,
check with our team to get the option that fits your structure best.</p>
<p>Please send this information as an e-mail to <a href="mailto:projects@libera.chat">projects@libera.chat</a>.</p>
<p>Our team will then get in touch with you and do a claim verification. These
are done per case and usually contain some sort of check of domain / code
repository ownership or the likes.</p>
<h3 id="benefits-of-registered-projects">Benefits of registered projects</h3>
<p>Registered projects can profit from the following benefits:</p>
<li>Channels in their namespace can be claimed</li>
<li>Optional cloaks are available for members.
These replace the hostname part with a custom string, e.g.
<code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">@yourproject/developer/alex</code> or <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">@yourproject/taylor</code></li>
<li>We offer to send messages about important releases or events of your project
as a “wallop” message to all our users who opted in to receiving these</li>
<h2 id="community-registration">Community registration</h2>
<p>Community channels on Libera.Chat are for topics that would otherwise be
eligible for a project registration but do not have an official representation
(e.g. <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#linux</code>), or are significantly relevant to our intended userbase (e.g.
<code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#windows</code>).</p>
<h3 id="how-to-register-as-a-community">How to register as a community</h3>
<p>We recommend you contact us as per the
<a href="chanreg.html#the-projects--community-team">Projects & Community team</a> section
before registering, so we can already check whether your community is likely
to be considered eligible to a registration. Once done, we will need the
following information from you:</p>
<div class="language-markdown highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code><span class="gh"># About your community</span>
Your community name(s):
Your community description:
Can we list your community publicly, such as on the libera.chat website:
Libera Chat staff member you have discussed this registration with:
<span class="gh"># About you and your staff</span>
Your NickServ account:
Your relationship / affiliation with the community:
NickServ of group contacts and if their status is hidden/public:
<span class="gh"># Channels and cloaks (see below)</span>
Channels you'd like to claim:
(typically #communityname and #communityname-<span class="err">*</span>)
Would you like ONLY group contacts to be able to register these channels with
(The cloaks will be formatted like this:
about/YourCommunityNameHere/name or about/YourCommunityNameHere/role/name)
<p>group contacts are the members in your community that will be the official
interface between you and Libera.Chat.
They are the ones who can claim channels in your namespace(s) and request
cloaks for your members/users.
You can tell us whether these should be visible to the public or not.
If you need specific rules or abilities for your group contacts,
check with our team to get the option that fits your structure best.</p>
<p>Please send this information as an e-mail to <a href="mailto:projects@libera.chat">projects@libera.chat</a>, our team
will then get in touch with you.</p>
<h3 id="benefits-of-a-community">Benefits of a community</h3>
<p>Registered communities can profit from the following benefits:</p>
<li>Channels in their namespace can be claimed (with <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/msg ChanServ CLAIM</code>)</li>
<li>Optional cloaks are available for members.
These replace the hostname part with <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">@about/yourcommunity/custompart</code>,
and can be requested on <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">#libera-communities</code>.</li>
<h2 id="the-projects--community-team">The Projects & Community Team</h2>
<p>The Projects & Community Team will act as your liaisons during the project
registration or topic claiming process and throughout your tenure on the
Libera.Chat network. If you wish to discuss the registration process, find out
if Libera.Chat could be a good fit for your project or register your project,
please feel free to drop any of the
<a href="about.html#projects-and-community-team">team members</a> a line on IRC. If none are
online, feel free to reach out to staff in general and they will forward your
request to the team, which will get back to you as soon as possible. Once you
have discussed your project with a staff member, you’ll be asked to email
<a href="mailto:projects@libera.chat">projects@libera.chat</a> with the details of your request as per the above.</p>
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