202 lines
7.6 KiB
202 lines
7.6 KiB
#lang racket/base
(require (only-in html
(only-in xml
(provide scribble-doc/html
;;; Extract Scribble documentation as modified HTML suitable for
;;; Emacs' shr renderer.
(define (scribble-doc/html stx)
(define xexpr (scribble-doc/xexpr stx))
(and xexpr (xexpr->string xexpr)))
(define (scribble-doc/xexpr stx)
(define-values (path xexpr) (scribble-doc/xexpr-raw stx))
(and path xexpr (massage-xexpr path xexpr)))
(define (scribble-doc/xexpr-raw stx)
(define-values (path anchor) (binding->path+anchor stx))
(cond [(and path anchor)
(values path (scribble-get-xexpr path anchor))]
[else (values #f #f)]))
(define (binding->path+anchor stx)
(define xref (load-collections-xref))
(define tag (and (identifier? stx)
(xref-binding->definition-tag xref stx 0)))
(cond [tag (xref-tag->path+anchor xref tag)]
[else (values #f #f)]))
(define (scribble-get-xexpr path anchor)
(define (heading-element? x)
(match x
[(cons (or 'h1 'h2 'h3 'h4 'h5 'h6) _) #t]
[_ #f]))
(match (let loop ([es (main-elements (html-file->xexpr path))])
(match es
[(list) (list)]
[(cons (? (curryr anchored-element anchor) this) more)
;; Accumulate until another intrapara with an anchor, or
;; until a heading element indicating a new subsection.
(cons this
(let get ([es more])
(match es
[(list) (list)]
[(cons (? heading-element?) _) (list)] ;stop
[(cons (? anchored-element) _) (list)] ;stop
[(cons this more) (cons this (get more))])))]
[(cons _ more) (loop more)]))
[(list) #f]
[xs `(div () ,@xs)]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(test-case "procedure"
(check-not-false (scribble-doc/xexpr #'print)))
(test-case "syntax"
(check-not-false (scribble-doc/xexpr #'match)))
(test-case "parameter"
(check-not-false (scribble-doc/xexpr #'current-eval)))
(test-case "indented sub-item"
(check-not-false (scribble-doc/xexpr #'struct-out)))
(test-case "deftogether"
(test-case "1 of 2"
(check-not-false (scribble-doc/xexpr #'lambda)))
(test-case "2 of 2"
(check-not-false (scribble-doc/xexpr #'λ))))
(check-not-false (scribble-doc/xexpr #'xref-binding->definition-tag)))
(define (main-elements x)
(match x
[`(x () "\n"
(html ()
(head ,_ . ,_)
(body ,_
(div ([class "tocset"]) . ,_)
(div ([class "maincolumn"])
(div ([class "main"]) . ,es))
. ,_)))
[_ '()]))
;; anchored-element : xexpr? (or/c #f string?) -> (or/c #f string?)
;; When `name` is #f, return the first anchor having any name.
;; Otherwise, return the first anchor having `name`.
(define (anchored-element x [name #f])
(define (anchor xs)
(for/or ([x (in-list xs)])
(match x
[`(a ((name ,a)) . ,_) (or (not name) (equal? name a))]
[`(,tag ,attrs . ,es) (anchor es)]
[_ #f])))
(match x
[`(div ((class "SIntrapara"))
(blockquote ((class "SVInsetFlow"))
(table ,(list-no-order `(class "boxed RBoxed") _ ...)
. ,es)))
;; That's likely sufficient to say we're in HTML resulting from a
;; Scribble defXXX form. From here on out, there can be some
;; variation, so just look recursively for anchors within `es'.
(anchor es)]
[`(blockquote ((class "leftindent"))
(p ())
(div ((class "SIntrapara"))
(blockquote ((class "SVInsetFlow"))
(table ,(list-no-order `(class "boxed RBoxed") _ ...)
. ,es)))
,_ ...)
(anchor es)]
[_ #f]))
(define (html-file->xexpr pathstr)
(element #f #f 'x '()
(read-html-as-xml (open-input-string (file->string pathstr))))))
;; This is a big ole pile of poo, attempting to simplify and massage
;; the HTML so that Emacs shr renders it in the least-worst way.
;; Note: Emacs shr renderer removes leading spaces and nbsp from <td>
;; elements -- which messes up the alignment of s-expressions
;; including contracts. But actually, the best place to address that
;; is up in Elisp, not here -- replace in the HTML with some
;; temporary character, then replace that character in the shr output.
(define (massage-xexpr html-pathname xexpr)
;; In addition to the main x-expression value handled by `walk`, we
;; have a couple annoying side values. Rather than "thread" them
;; through `walk` as additional values -- literally or using some
;; monadic hand-wavery -- I'm just going to set! them. Won't even
;; try to hide my sin by using make-parameter. I hereby accept the
;; deduction of Functional Experience Points.
(define kind-xexprs '())
(define provide-xexprs '())
(define (walk x)
(match x
;; The "Provided" title/tooltip. Set aside for later.
[`(span ([title ,(and s (pregexp "^Provided from:"))]) . ,xs)
(set! provide-xexprs (list s))
`(span () ,@(map walk xs))]
;; The HTML for the "kind" (e.g. procedure or syntax or
;; parameter) comes before the rest of the bluebox. Simple HTML
;; renderers like shr don't handle this well. Set aside for
;; later.
[`(div ([class "RBackgroundLabel SIEHidden"])
(div ([class "RBackgroundLabelInner"]) (p () . ,xs)))
(set! kind-xexprs `((i () ,@xs)))
;; Bold RktValDef, which is the name of the thing.
[`(a ([class ,(pregexp "RktValDef|RktStxDef")] . ,_) . ,xs)
`(b () ,@(map walk xs))]
;; Kill links. (Often these won't work anyway -- e.g. due to
;; problems with "open" and file: links on macOS.)
[`(a ,_ . ,xs)
`(span () ,@(map walk xs))]
;; Kill "see also" notes, since they're N/A w/o links.
[`(div ([class "SIntrapara"])
(blockquote ([class "refpara"]) . ,_))
`(span ())]
;; Delete some things that produce unwanted blank lines and/or
;; indents in simple rendering engines like Emacs' shr.
[`(blockquote ([class ,(or "SVInsetFlow" "SubFlow")]) . ,xs)
`(span () ,@(map walk xs))]
[`(p ([class "RForeground"]) . ,xs)
`(div () ,@(map walk xs))]
;; Let's italicize all RktXXX classes except RktPn.
[`(span ([class ,(pregexp "^Rkt(?!Pn)")]) . ,xs)
`(i () ,@(map walk xs))]
;; Image sources need path prepended.
[`(img ,(list-no-order `[src ,src] more ...))
`(img ([src ,(~a "file://" (path-only html-pathname) src)] . ,more))]
;; Misc element: Just walk kids.
[`(,tag ,attrs . ,xs)
`(,tag ,attrs ,@(map walk xs))]
[x x]))
(match (walk xexpr)
[`(div () . ,xs)
(define hs
(match* [kind-xexprs provide-xexprs]
[[`() `()] `()]
[[ks ps] `((span ([style "color: #C0C0C0"]) ,@ks 'nbsp ,@ps))]))
`(div () ,@hs ,@xs)]))
(module+ test
(check-equal? ;issue 410
(massage-xexpr (string->path "/path/to/file.html")
`(div ()
(img ([x "x"] [src "foo.png"] [y "y"]))))
`(div ()
(img ([src "file:///path/to/foo.png"] [x "x"] [y "y"])))))