
19.3 Logical Pathnames

19.3.1 Syntax of Logical Pathname Namestrings

The syntax of a logical pathname namestring is as follows. (Note that unlike many notational descriptions in this document, this is a syntactic description of character sequences, not a structural description of objects.)

logical-pathname::= [↓host host-marker]
[↓relative-directory-marker] {↓directory directory-marker}*
[↓name] [type-markertype [version-markerversion]]
directory::=word | ↓wildcard-word | ↓wild-inferiors-word
name::=word | ↓wildcard-word
type::=word | ↓wildcard-word
version::=pos-int | newest-word | wildcard-version

host-marker — a colon.

relative-directory-marker — a semicolon.

directory-marker — a semicolon.

type-marker — a dot.

version-marker — a dot.

wild-inferiors-word — The two character sequence “**” (two asterisks).

newest-word — The six character sequence “newest” or the six character sequence “NEWEST”.

wildcard-version — an asterisk.

wildcard-word — one or more asterisks, uppercase letters, digits, and hyphens, including at least one asterisk, with no two asterisks adjacent.

word — one or more uppercase letters, digits, and hyphens.

pos-int — a positive integer. Additional Information about Parsing Logical Pathname Namestrings The Host part of a Logical Pathname Namestring

The host must have been defined as a logical pathname host; this can be done by using setf of logical-pathname-translations.

The logical pathname host name "SYS" is reserved for the implementation. The existence and meaning of SYS: logical pathnames is implementation-defined. The Device part of a Logical Pathname Namestring

There is no syntax for a logical pathname device since the device component of a logical pathname is always :unspecific; see Section (Unspecific Components of a Logical Pathname). The Directory part of a Logical Pathname Namestring

If a relative-directory-marker precedes the directories, the directory component parsed is as relative; otherwise, the directory component is parsed as absolute.

If a wild-inferiors-marker is specified, it parses into :wild-inferiors. The Type part of a Logical Pathname Namestring

The type of a logical pathname for a source file is "LISP". This should be translated into whatever type is appropriate in a physical pathname. The Version part of a Logical Pathname Namestring

Some file systems do not have versions. Logical pathname translation to such a file system ignores the version. This implies that a program cannot rely on being able to store more than one version of a file named by a logical pathname.

If a wildcard-version is specified, it parses into :wild. Wildcard Words in a Logical Pathname Namestring

Each asterisk in a wildcard-word matches a sequence of zero or more characters. The wildcard-word*” parses into :wild; other wildcard-words parse into strings. Lowercase Letters in a Logical Pathname Namestring

When parsing words and wildcard-words, lowercase letters are translated to uppercase. Other Syntax in a Logical Pathname Namestring

The consequences of using characters other than those specified here in a logical pathname namestring are unspecified.

The consequences of using any value not specified here as a logical pathname component are unspecified.

19.3.2 Logical Pathname Components Unspecific Components of a Logical Pathname

The device component of a logical pathname is always :unspecific; no other component of a logical pathname can be :unspecific. Null Strings as Components of a Logical Pathname

The null string, "", is not a valid value for any component of a logical pathname.