
add-methodStandard Generic Function


    add-method generic-function method generic-function

    Method Signatures
    add-method (generic-function standard-generic-function)
    (method method)
    Arguments and Values

    generic-function — a generic function object.

    method — a method object.


    The generic function add-method adds a method to a generic function.

    If method agrees with an existing method of generic-function on parameter specializers and qualifiers, the existing method is replaced.

    Exceptional Situations

    The lambda list of the method function of method must be congruent with the lambda list of generic-function, or an error of type error is signaled.

    If method is a method object of another generic function, an error of type error is signaled.

    See Also

    defmethod, defgeneric, find-method, remove-method, Section 7.6.3 (Agreement on Parameter Specializers and Qualifiers)