char, schar | Accessor |
char string index | → character |
schar string index | → character |
(setf (char string index) new-character) |
(setf (schar string index) new-character) |
string — for char, a string; for schar, a simple string.
index — a valid array index for the string.
character, new-character — a character.
char and schar access the element of string specified by index.
char ignores fill pointers when accessing elements.
(setq my-simple-string (make-string 6 :initial-element #\A)) → "AAAAAA" (schar my-simple-string 4) → #\A (setf (schar my-simple-string 4) #\B) → #\B my-simple-string → "AAAABA" (setq my-filled-string (make-array 6 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 5 :initial-contents my-simple-string)) → "AAAAB" (char my-filled-string 4) → #\B (char my-filled-string 5) → #\A (setf (char my-filled-string 3) #\C) → #\C (setf (char my-filled-string 5) #\D) → #\D (setf (fill-pointer my-filled-string) 6) → 6 my-filled-string → "AAACBD"
(char s j) ≡ (aref (the string s) j)