


    compute-restarts &optional condition restarts

    Arguments and Values

    condition — a condition object, or nil.

    restarts — a list of restarts.


    compute-restarts uses the dynamic state of the program to compute a list of the restarts which are currently active.

    The resulting list is ordered so that the innermost (more-recently established) restarts are nearer the head of the list.

    When condition is non-nil, only those restarts are considered that are either explicitly associated with that condition, or not associated with any condition; that is, the excluded restarts are those that are associated with a non-empty set of conditions of which the given condition is not an element. If condition is nil, all restarts are considered.

    compute-restarts returns all applicable restarts, including anonymous ones, even if some of them have the same name as others and would therefore not be found by find-restart when given a symbol argument.

    Implementations are permitted, but not required, to return distinct lists from repeated calls to compute-restarts while in the same dynamic environment. The consequences are undefined if the list returned by compute-restarts is every modified.

     ;; One possible way in which an interactive debugger might present 
     ;; restarts to the user. 
     (defun invoke-a-restart () 
       (let ((restarts (compute-restarts))) 
         (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (r restarts (cdr r))) ((null r)) 
           (format t "~&~D: ~A~%" i (car r))) 
         (let ((n nil) (k (length restarts))) 
           (loop (when (and (typep n 'integer) (>= n 0) (< n k)) 
                   (return t)) 
                 (format t "~&Option: ") 
                 (setq n (read)) 
           (invoke-restart-interactively (nth n restarts))))) 
     (restart-case (invoke-a-restart) 
       (one () 1) 
       (two () 2) 
       (nil () :report "Who knows?" 'anonymous) 
       (one () 'I) 
       (two () 'II)) 
     0: ONE 
     1: TWO 
     2: Who knows? 
     3: ONE 
     4: TWO 
     5: Return to Lisp Toplevel. 
     Option: 4 
     ;; Note that in addition to user-defined restart points, COMPUTE-RESTARTS 
     ;; also returns information about any system-supplied restarts, such as 
     ;; the "Return to Lisp Toplevel" restart offered above.
    Affected By

    Existing restarts.

    See Also

    find-restart, invoke-restart, restart-bind