


    phase number phase

    Arguments and Values

    number — a number.

    phase — a number.


    phase returns the phase of number (the angle part of its polar representation) in radians, in the range −π (exclusive) if minus zero is not supported, or −π (inclusive) if minus zero is supported, to π (inclusive). The phase of a positive real number is zero; that of a negative real number is π. The phase of zero is defined to be zero.

    If number is a complex float, the result is a float of the same type as the components of number. If number is a float, the result is a float of the same type. If number is a rational or a complex rational, the result is a single float.

    The branch cut for phase lies along the negative real axis, continuous with quadrant II. The range consists of that portion of the real axis between −π (exclusive) and π (inclusive).

    The mathematical definition of phase is as follows:

    (phase x) = (atan (imagpart x) (realpart x))

    (phase 1)  0.0s0 
    (phase 0)  0.0s0 
    (phase (cis 30))  -1.4159266 
    (phase #c(0 1))  1.5707964
    Exceptional Situations

    Should signal type-error if its argument is not a number. Might signal arithmetic-error.

    See Also

    Section (Rule of Float Substitutability)