


    slot-value object slot-name value

    Arguments and Values

    object — an object.

    name — a symbol.

    value — an object.


    The function slot-value returns the value of the slot named slot-name in the object. If there is no slot named slot-name, slot-missing is called. If the slot is unbound, slot-unbound is called.

    The macro setf can be used with slot-value to change the value of a slot.

     (defclass foo () 
       ((a :accessor foo-a :initarg :a :initform 1) 
        (b :accessor foo-b :initarg :b) 
        (c :accessor foo-c :initform 3))) 
     #<STANDARD-CLASS FOO 244020371> 
     (setq foo1 (make-instance 'foo :a 'one :b 'two)) 
     #<FOO 36325624> 
     (slot-value foo1 'a)  ONE 
     (slot-value foo1 'b)  TWO 
     (slot-value foo1 'c)  3 
     (setf (slot-value foo1 'a) 'uno)  UNO 
     (slot-value foo1 'a)  UNO 
     (defmethod foo-method ((x foo)) 
       (slot-value x 'a)) 
     (foo-method foo1)  UNO
    Exceptional Situations

    If an attempt is made to read a slot and no slot of the name slot-name exists in the object, slot-missing is called as follows:

    (slot-missing (class-of instance) 

    (If slot-missing is invoked, its primary value is returned by slot-value.)

    If an attempt is made to write a slot and no slot of the name slot-name exists in the object, slot-missing is called as follows:

    (slot-missing (class-of instance) 

    (If slot-missing returns in this case, any values are ignored.)

    The specific behavior depends on object’s metaclass. An error is never signaled if object has metaclass standard-class. An error is always signaled if object has metaclass built-in-class. The consequences are unspecified if object has any other metaclass–an error might or might not be signaled in this situation. Note in particular that the behavior for conditions and structures is not specified.

    See Also

    slot-missing, slot-unbound, with-slots


    Although no implementation is required to do so, implementors are strongly encouraged to implement the function slot-value using the function slot-value-using-class described in the Metaobject Protocol.

    Implementations may optimize slot-value by compiling it inline.