
realSystem Class

    Class Precedence List

    real, number, t


    The type real includes all numbers that represent mathematical real numbers, though there are mathematical real numbers (e.g., irrational numbers) that do not have an exact representation in Common Lisp. Only reals can be ordered using the <, >, <=, and >= functions.

    The types rational and float are disjoint subtypes of type real.

    Compound Type Specifier Kind


    Compound Type Specifier Syntax
    (real [lower-limit [upper-limit]])
    Compound Type Specifier Arguments

    lower-limit, upper-limitinterval designators for type real. The defaults for each of lower-limit and upper-limit is the symbol *.

    Compound Type Specifier Description

    This denotes the reals on the interval described by lower-limit and upper-limit.