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# coleslaw
<img src="https://raw.github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/master/themes/hyde/css/logo_medium.jpg" alt="coleslaw logo" align="right"/>
> [Czeslaw Milosz](http://blog.redlinernotes.com/tag/milosz.html) was the writer-in-residence at UNC c. 1992.
> I used to see him all the time at the Hardback Cafe, always sitting at a two-top
> drinking coffee, reading, writing, eating chips and salsa. I remember a gentleness
> behind the enormous bushy eyebrows and that we called him Coleslaw. - anon
Coleslaw is Flexible Lisp Blogware similar to [Frog](https://github.com/greghendershott/frog), [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/), or [Hakyll](http://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/).
## Features
* Git for storage
* RSS and Atom feeds
* Markdown Support with Code Highlighting provided by [colorize](http://www.cliki.net/colorize)
* Currently supports: Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Scheme, C, C++, Java, Python, Erlang, Haskell, Obj-C, Diff.
* A [Plugin API](http://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/docs/plugin-api.md) and [**plugins**](http://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/docs/plugin-use.md) for...
* Static Pages
* Sitemap generation
* Incremental builds
* Analytics via Google
* Comments via [Disqus](http://disqus.com/)
* Hosting via [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/), [Heroku](http://heroku.com/), or [Amazon S3](http://aws.amazon.com/s3/)
* [Tweeting](http://twitter.com/) about new posts
* Using LaTeX via [Mathjax](http://mathjax.org/)
* Writing posts in ReStructured Text
* Importing posts from [Wordpress](http://wordpress.org/)
* There is also a [Heroku buildpack](https://github.com/jsmpereira/coleslaw-heroku) maintained by Jose Pereira.
## Example Sites
See the [wiki](https://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/wiki/Blogroll) for a list of coleslaw-powered blogs.
## Hacking
A core goal of *coleslaw* is to be both pleasant to read and easy to
hack on and extend. If you want to understand the internals and bend
*coleslaw* to do new and interesting things, I strongly encourage you
to read the [Hacker's Guide to Coleslaw][hackers]. You'll find some
current **TODO** items towards the bottom.
[hackers]: https://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/docs/hacking.md
## Installation
Coleslaw should run on any conforming Common Lisp implementation but
testing is primarily done on [SBCL](http://www.sbcl.org/) and
Coleslaw can either be run **manually** on a local machine or
triggered **automatically** on git push to a server. If you want a
server install, run these commands on your server _after_ setting up a
[git bare repo](http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-on-the-Server-Setting-Up-the-Server).
Otherwise, run the commands on your local machine.
1. Install a Common Lisp implementation (we recommend SBCL) and
2. Place a config file for coleslaw in your `$HOME` directory. If you
want to run multiple blogs with coleslaw, you can keep each blog's
config file in that blog's repo. Feel free to copy and edit the
[example config][ex_config] or consult the [config docs][conf_docs]
to create one from scratch.
3. This step depends on whether you're setting up a local or server install.
* Server Install: Copy and `chmod +x` the
[example post-receive hook][post_hook] to your blog's bare repo.
* Local Install: Just run the following commands in the
REPL whenever you're ready to regenerate your blog:
(ql:quickload :coleslaw)
;; Note that the incremental plugin currently requires a "last git revision" argument.
(coleslaw:main "/path/to/my/blog/")
4. Optionally, point the web server of your liking at your config-specified
`:deploy-dir`. Or "deploy-dir/.curr" if the `versioned` plugin is enabled.
Now just write posts, git commit and build by hand or by push.
[ex_config]: https://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/examples/example.coleslawrc
[conf_docs]: https://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/docs/config.md
[post_hook]: https://github.com/redline6561/coleslaw/blob/master/examples/example.post-receive
## The Content Format
Coleslaw expects content to have a file extension matching the class
of the content. (I.e. `.post` for blog posts, `.page` for static
pages, etc.)
There should also be a metadata header on all files
starting and ending with the config-specified `:separator`, ";;;;;" by
default. Example:
title: foo
tags: bar, baz
date: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
format: html (for raw html) or md (for markdown)
your post
Posts require the `title:` and `format:` fields.
Pages require the `title:` and `url:` fields.
To omit a field, simply do not have the line present, empty lines and
fields (e.g. "tags:" followed by whitespace) will be ignored.
## Theming
Two themes are provided: hyde, the default, and readable (based on
[bootswatch readable](http://bootswatch.com/readable/)).
A guide to creating themes for coleslaw lives