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#+title: Creating a Questionnaire using cl-sbt/questionnaire Macros in a Web Application
#+author: Marcus Kammer
#+date: 2023-11-09T18:27+01:00
* Introduction
Questionnaires are powerful tools for gathering information and insights from
users. They are crucial for understanding user behaviors, preferences, and
requirements. This document will demonstrate how to build a web-based
questionnaire using the cl-sbt/questionnaire macros in a Common Lisp
** The Importance of Questionnaires
Questionnaires help in collecting data for various purposes including market
research, user experience study, and many more. They can be in multiple formats
like single-choice, multiple-choice, or open-ended questions.
*** Types of Questions
- Single Choice: Questions that allow one answer.
- Multiple Choice: Questions that allow multiple answers.
- Text: Open-ended questions for free text input.
* Integrating cl-sbt/questionnaire Macros
To create a questionnaire in your Common Lisp web application,
cl-sbt/questionnaire macros can be employed. These macros generate the HTML
required for different types of questions in a questionnaire.
#+name: questionnaire-page
#+begin_src lisp :results output file :file-ext html
(defpackage my-web-app
(:use :cl :cl-sbt/questionnaire)
(:export :generate-button-page))
(in-package :my-web-app)
(defun generate-questionnaire-page ()
"Generates an HTML page with questionnaires using cl-sbt/questionnaire macros."
(:title "Questionnaire Examples")
(:link :type "text/css"
:rel "stylesheet"
:href ""))
(:h1 "Questionnaire Examples")
;; ---
(questionnaire "/submit"
(:ask "How old are you?"
:group "age"
:choices (:radio "18-24" "25-34" "35-44" "45-54" "55+"))
(:ask "Gender"
:group "gender"
:choices (:radio "Male" "Female" "Non-binary" "Prefer not to say" "Other" :text "Other"))
(:ask "How many hours per day, on average, do you spend browsing the internet?"
:group "webbrowsing"
:choices (:radio "Less than 1 hour" "1-3 hours" "3-5 hours" "5+ hours")))
;; ---
(:script :src "")))))
(format t (generate-questionnaire-page))
#+RESULTS: questionnaire-page
This example demonstrates the integration of the cl-sbt/questionnaire macros into a
web application. The macros assist in generating the required HTML for
different types of Bootstrap questionnaires.