Relational and SQL database projects: (main topic: SQL)
- CL-DBI - CL-DBI is intended to provide the same SQL interface for each database
- cl-fbclient - cl-fbclient is an interface to Firebird SQL databases
- cl-migrations - cl-migrations is a port of Ruby on Rails migrations feature to CL
- cl-migratum - Database schema migration system for Common Lisp
- cl-mssql - cl-mssql is an interface to Microsoft SQL Server databases
- cl-mysql - cl-mysql is an interface to MySQL SQL databases
- cl-rdbms - cl-rdbms is a SQL database interface
- cl-sphinx-search - cl-sphinx-search is an interface to the Sphinx Search SQL database full-text search engine
- cl-sqlite - cl-sqlite is a library for interacting with sqlite databases through SQL
- clisp-sqlite - clisp-sqlite is an interface to the sqlite SQL database
- CLSQL - CLSQL is a Database interface that can access a number of different SQL database engines
- clsql-pg-introspect - clsql-pg-introspect is a package for introspecting PostgreSQL SQL databases from clsql
- database-migrations - database-migrations is a library for handling relational (SQL) schema changes and versioning, much like Ruby on Rails migrations
- datafly - A lightweight database library for Common Lisp
- Mito - An ORM for Common Lisp with migrations, relationships and PostgreSQL support
- Pg - Pg is a socket-level interface to the PostgreSQL object-relational Database
- pgloader - pgloader is a data loading tool for PostgreSQL, using the COPY command
- plain-odbc - Plain-odbc is a simple, yet powerful Common Lisp ODBC interface
- postmodern - Postmodern is an interface to PostgreSQL SQL databases
- SQLite Lisp interface - SQLite Lisp interface is an interface to the SQL database SQLite library
- ssqlfs - ssqlfs is an application which generates a SQL database which corresponds
- sst - SST (SQL Schema Transformer) is a Common Lisp program that transforms an s-expression based database schema format medium into appropriate SQL commands for specified RDBMS
- SxQL - An SQL generator for Common Lisp
- YstokSQL - YstokSQL is a Common Lisp library for interfacing relational Database via ODBC
ORM libraries: (main topic: ORM)
- cl-perec - cl-perec is a CLOS ORM based on cl-rdbms
- CLSQL - CLSQL is a Database interface that can access a number of different SQL database engines
- CLSQL-ORM - CLSQL-ORM is an library to generate clsql view-classes from existing databases, by introspecting on the "information_schema" of the running database
- Mito - An ORM for Common Lisp with migrations, relationships and PostgreSQL support
- Submarine - Submarine is a Common Lisp library that's somewhere between a PostgreSQL library and an object persistence system
- YstokSQL - YstokSQL is a Common Lisp library for interfacing relational Database via ODBC
CLOS OO databases: (main topic: ObjectStore)
- anardb - Provides atomic, consistent, isolated, durable (ACID) multi-process-safe Lisp object serialization
- ap5 - A mature, embedded, in-memory Relational ObjectStore and a high-level/declarative/specification language
- bknr-datastore - bknr-datastore is the ObjectStore used in bknr
- cl-prevalence - cl-prevalence is an implementation in Common Lisp of the Object Prevalence concept using both XML and s-expression based serialization
- Clobber - An ObjectStore which aims to be a simpler, more flexible, and more robust alternative to CommonLispPrevalence systems, especially cl-prevalence
- CommonLispPrevalence - A way to let your lisp environment be your Database
- de.setf.resource - de setf resource implements transparent, transactional persistence of CLOS objects to several RDF stores
- Elephant - [unmaintained] A portable object database based on Sleepycat (Berkeley DB) or relational databases
- manardb - Fast, persistent, mmap'd Lisp object store
- plank - planks is a 100% portable common lisp ObjectStore
- Rucksack - Rucksack is a persistence (embedded database) library for Common Lisp
- stassats-storage - stassats-storage is a CLOS ObjectStore
- weblocks-stores - weblocks-stores: Single api for few stores (cl-prevalence, CLSQL, Elephant, postmodern, custom memory store)
Structured storage/NOSQL projects: (main topic: StructuredStorage)
- berkeley-db - Paul Foley has written an interface to the Berkeley DB v4 database for CMUCL
- cffi-gdbm - cffi-gdbm is an interface for the gdbm database
- chillax - Chillax is an interface to CouchDB
- cl-btree - B-Tree implemented in Common Lisp
- cl-influxdb - cl-influxdb is an native Common Lisp interface to the InfluxDB time-series and event database
- cl-mongo - cl-mongo is an interface to the MongoDB document database
- cl-naive-store - cl-naive-store is a database (document store to be more precise) which is persisted, in memory (lazy loading), indexed and written completely in Common Lisp
- cl-neo4j - cl-neo4j is an interface to the Neo4j graph database
- cl-redis - CL-Redis: Common Lisp client library for Redis database, an advanced key/value store
- cl-swap-file - Swap file is a fixed block size storage library implemented in Common Lisp
- cl-tc - cl-tc is a set of bindings for the Tokyo Cabinet database
- cl-wal - cl-wal implements simple write ahead log
- clouchdb - Clouchdb is an interface to the CouchDb databases
- de.setf.cassandra - de setf cassandra is an interface to the Apache Cassandra distributed data store
- fact-base - A simple-ish implementation of an append-only triple-store
- hh-redblack - hh-redblack provides in-memory and disk-based red-black trees
- neo4cl - neo4cl is a simple interface to the Neo4j graph database
- NET.QUADIUM.LDAP - NET QUADIUM LDAP is an LDAP library for Common Lisp
- query-fs - Query-FS is a FUSE-based filesystem that presents database queries as filesystem trees
Simple serialization: (main topic: serialization)
- cl-conspack - cl-conspack is a Common Lisp implementation of CONSPACK
- cl-intbytes - Encode/decode any-base integers and byte arrays interchangeably
- cl-marshal - Simple and fast marshalling of all kinds of Lisp data structures
- cl-serializer - cl-serializer reads and writes a graph of objects into a byte stream or vector
- cl-store - cl-store serializes and deserializes Common Lisp objects to and from streams
- cl-walker - cl-walker implements an sexp → CLOS AST tree transformation (and vice versa)
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- clos-diff - clos-diff is a library to create and apply diffs of CLOS objects in a compact representation
- Common Lisp Persistency Manager - A software package for serialization of Common Lisp data structures, much like Python's pickle facility
- incless - A portable, extensible Common Lisp printer
- plump-sexp - Yet another SEXP to HTML thing
- save-object - save-object is a library for object serialization
- spack - Structured data serialization and deserialization in Common Lisp
- Storable Functions - Storable Functions implements transformations of functions (including closures) from and to CLOS instances of some specific classes
- userial - A Common Lisp library for serializing to binary buffers