- actors - Actors is an actors package for LispWorks
- Bordeaux-Threads - Bordeaux-Threads lets you write multi-threaded applications in a portable way
- bt-semaphore - simple semaphores for bordeaux-threads
- cacle - cacle implements an extensible cache data structure
- chanl - ChanL is a concurrency library built on top of bordeaux-threads that provides channels as thread-synchronisation primitives
- cl-actors - A simple Common Lisp implementation of the actor model of concurrency
- cl-muproc - CL-MUPROC is an Erlang-inspired concurrency library available under the BSD license for Lispworks, OpenMCL, SBCL, CMUCL, and ACL
- CLiMP - CLiMP is a library for parallel programming in Common Lisp (implementing similar features like OpenMP)
- green-threads - GREEN-THREADS is a portable library implementing green threads (lightweight, cooperatively multitasked, user threads) in Common Lisp
- lisp-network-server - lisp-network-server is a simple framework for writing Common Lisp networking applications
- memento-mori - memento-mori is a library for writing robust, actor-based systems
- Moira - Moira is a simple (but not quite trivial) library for monitoring and, if necessary, restarting long-running threads
- patron - Patron is a multi-consumer/multi-producer thread pooling library written
- Portable-Threads - Portable-threads is the GBBopen project's portable-thread code all packaged up for ASDF-Install
- pretend-event-loop - This is a common lisp library that simulates an event loop
- Q-THREAD-POOL - Q-THREAD-POOL is a very simple thread pool implementation based on JPL-QUEUES
- queues - A Common Lisp queue library with features such as non-consing thread safe queues and fibonacci priority queues
- quux-hunchentoot - quux-hunchentoot is an extension to the hunchentoot webserver that provides a thread-pooling taskmaster
- safe-queue - Thread-safe queues and mailboxes
- sb-cpu-affinity - sb-cpu-affinity lets you set Linux scheduler CPU affinity masks from SBCL
- thread-pool - thread-pool is library that allows asynchronous function execution from a static thread pool
- threading-queue - threading-queue is a CL macro to distribute work on several threads, feeding the data via thread-safe-queues over several steps
- trivial-main-thread - Sometimes it is absolutely necessary to run certain tasks in the main thread of the implementation
- trivial-monitored-thread - Trivial Monitored Thread offers a very simple (aka trivial) way of spawning threads and being informed when one any of them crash and die
- TutorialDebuggingDeadLock - Debugging a dead-lock in a program using bordeaux-threads in ccl
Threads are a kind of concurrency.