- Acclimation - This project is meant to provide tools for internationalizing Common
- Antik - A library for computational mathematics, science, and engineering
- Chemboy - Chemboy is an application to do basic chemistry calculations
- cl-ana - cl-ana aims to provide the basic tools necessary to analyze large/medium-large datasets
- cl-iso3166 - cl-iso3166 is a country units library providing data from ISO 3166 : Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions
- cl-iso4217 - cl-iso4217 is a currency units library providing data from ISO 4217 : Codes for the representation of currencies and funds
- cl-weather-util - Weather utilities for Common Lisp
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- currensea - currensea is a currency conversion library based on AllegroServe
- iso-2533 - Library providing data from ISO 2533:1975 International Standard Atmosphere
- Measures - The Measures Package provides dimensioned numbers (i.e
- physical-quantities - A library for processing physical quantities: values, units, (and uncertainty)
- simple-currency - Simple-currency is a small library for converting between currencies using the public foreign exchange information posted daily by the European Central Bank
- unit-conversion - units is an extensive measuring unit (time/weight/distance/etc and many other physical units) conversion library
- unit-formula - unit-formula is a library for units conversions and defining formulas with automated unit consistency checking and conversions
Times and dates: (main topic: time)
- chronicity - Chronicity is a Common Lisp library for parsing natural language date and time strings
- cl-covid19 - The cl-covid19 system provides APIs for exploring and reviewing COVID-19
- cl-date-time-parser - Parse date-time-string, and return (as multiple values) universal-time and fraction
- cl-period - cl-period allows one to express and check time periods in a terse but readable way
- cl-strftime - Common Lisp compiler for the strftime language
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- cluck - Cluck is a Common Lisp library written by Kevin Rosenberg for assisting in configuring timers on microcontroller chips
- Date-Calc - Date-Calc aims to be a port of the Perl Date::Calc time-handling library
- de.setf.utility - de setf utility is a collection of Common Lisp utilities functions and several purpose-specific libraries
- jd-time-utils - jd-time-utils is a Common Lisp library for computing time and parsing time strings outside the Lisp UT range of 1900-01-01 onward, using Julian Days internally
- local-time - local-time is a library for manipulating date and time information in a semi-standard manner
- princ-ut-interval - princ-ut-interval prints time durations in human readable format
- quux-time - QUUX-TIME is a library to deal with efficient representation of time
- rfc3339-timestamp - A library to decode and encode timestamps according to RFC 3339
- rw-ut - rw-ut reads and writes lisp universal times as ISO-8601 strings
- simple-date-time - Date and time library for Common Lisp
- trivial-timeout - OS- and implementation-independent access to timeouts
- vseloved-date-utils - date-utils is a library for handling dates in a PLIST format, like (:year 2009 :day 1 :month 3)
- Ystok-Local-Time - Ystok-Local-Time is a library for for representing and handling time zones, dates, and timestamps
Validation: (main topic: validation)
- CL-DATA-FORMAT-VALIDATION - CL-DATA-FORMAT-VALIDATION is provides a consistent regular interface for data conversion and validation (in the form of strings usually) into internal data types and for formatting internal data back into external presentable strings, all according to a conversion or type specification
- Clavier - General purpose validation library for Common Lisp
- xml-psychiatrist - xml-psychiatrist is an XML sanity checking/validation library written entirely in Common Lisp