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  • actors - Actors is an actors package for LispWorks
  • anaphoric-variants - anaphoric-variants gives access to anaphoric variants of operators through one macro: anaphoric
  • bubble-operator-upwards - bubble-operator-upwards is a function that "bubbles an operator upwards" in a form, demultiplexing all alternative branches by way of cartesian product
  • canonicalized-initargs - canonicalized-initargs provides a :canonicalize slot option accepting an initarg canonicalization function
  • cartesian-product-switch - cartesian-product-switch is a macro for choosing the appropriate form to execute according to the combined results of multiple tests
  • cesdi - cesdi provides a compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs generic function that allows for more ergonomic initialization of effective slot definition objects
  • CL-REACTIVE - Reactive programming at the variable/function level for Common Lisp
  • CL-SES4 - AWS SES email sender using Signature Version 4 of Amazon's API
  • class-options - class-options provides easy access to the defining class and its options during initialization or reinitialization of its subcomponents
  • compatible-metaclasses - compatible-metaclasses validates superclasses according to a simple substitution model, thereby greatly simplifying the definition of class mixins
  • definitions-systems - definitions-systems provides a simple unified extensible way of processing named definitions
  • enhanced-boolean - enhanced-boolean provides a canonical way of converting generalized booleans to booleans
  • enhanced-defclass - enhanced-defclass provides a truly extensible version of DEFCLASS that can accurately control the expansion according to the metaclass and automatically detect the suitable metaclass by analyzing the DEFCLASS form
  • enhanced-eval-when - enhanced-eval-when provides an enhanced eval-when macro that supports (eval-when t ...) as a shorthand for (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ...), addressing concerns about verbosity
  • enhanced-find-class - enhanced-find-class provides a canonical way of converting class designators to classes
  • enhanced-multiple-value-bind - enhanced-multiple-value-bind provides an enhanced multiple-value-bind macro that adds support for lambda list keywords by expanding to a multiple-value-call when necessary
  • enhanced-typep - enhanced-typep obsoletes all TYPEP thin wrappers
  • evaled-when - evaled-when provides a way of extracting and replicating the compile-time side-effects of forms
  • fakenil - fakenil provides a canonical stand-in for NIL for contexts where NIL means "no value"
  • first-time-value - first-time-value returns the result of evaluating a form in the current lexical and dynamic context the first time it's encountered, and the cached result of that computation on subsequent evaluations
  • incognito-keywords - incognito-keywords introduces a new kind of keyword that looks just like any non-keyword symbol and allows safe usage of convenient but clashy symbol names by multiple libraries without conflicts through sharing
  • inheriting-readers - inheriting-readers provides a simple yet powerful value inheritance scheme
  • its-library - its provides convenient access to multiple values of an object in a concise, explicit and efficient way
  • macro-level - macro-level is an embarassingly trivial convenience macro that saves on indentation while being more concise and direct
  • map-bind - map-bind is a macro that allows visual grouping of variables with their corresponding values (not necessarily 1:1) in calls to mapping operators when using an inline LAMBDA
  • multiple-value-variants - multiple-value-variants gives access to multiple-value variants of operators through one macro: multiple-value
  • object-class - object-class ensures that special subclasses of standard-object cluster right in front of standard-object in the class precedence list
  • parse-number-range - parse-number-range parses loop's convenient "for-as-arithmetic" syntax into 5 simple values
  • place-modifiers - place-modifiers essentially gives access to hundreds of modify-macros through one single macro: modify
  • place-utils - place-utils provides a few utilities relating to setfable places
  • positional-lambda - positional-lambda is a concise, intuitive and flexible syntax (macro) for trivial lambdas that eschews explicit (and often contextually-redundant) naming of parameter variables in favor of positional references, with support for a used or ignored &rest parameter and automatic declaration of ignored parameters when logical "gaps" are left in the positional references
  • shared-preferences - shared-preferences notably allows flexible specification of package-local preferences
  • simple-guess - simple-guess defines a simple extensible protocol for computing a guess using advisors
  • sparse-streams - Gray Streams for subsets of underlying streams
  • symbol-namespaces - symbol-namespaces defines a new kind of package that's named by a symbol rather than a string
  • taglib - A pure Lisp implementation for reading audio tags and audio information
  • trivial-jumptables - trivial-jumptables provides efficient O(1) jump tables on supported Common Lisp implementations and falls back to O(log(n)) on others
  • trivial-macroexpand-all - Provides a macroexpand-all function that calls the implementation-specific equivalent
  • trivial-mmap - Trivial-MMAP is a Common Lisp library that aims to provide an easy-to-use API for working with memory-mapped files
  • with-output-to-stream - with-output-to-stream provides a simple way of directing output to a stream according to the concise and intuitive semantics of format's stream argument
  • with-shadowed-bindings - with-shadowed-bindings establishes a new lexical context within which specified bindings are explicitly shadowed, making it clear that they are not referenced within, thereby reducing cognitive load