HTTP servers: (main topic: HTTP server)
- AllegroServe - Portable AllegroServe is a portable version of Franz Inc's AllegroServe HTTP server, which also includes an HTML generator and an HTTP client
- Antiweb - Antiweb is an event-based HTTP server that can support a high number of persistent connections in very small memory footprints
- Araneida - Araneida is a fairly small free extensible HTTP server for SBCL and many other Common Lisp implementations
- - dwim dot hu is the homepage of four Hungarian lispers who started a lisp company, hosting all their opensource projects
- house - A minimal event-driven web-server, tailor made for web games, but generally useful
- HTTPD0 - HTTPD0 is a simple programmable HTTP/1.0 server with support for GET and HEAD requests following the KISS principle
- Hunchentoot - Hunchentoot is a robust and easy to use HTTP server
- jarw-inet - jarw-inet supports several Internet networking Standards including writing servers and clients, http, smtp, nntp protocols, header parsing, mime decoding
- myweb - simple web server written in common lisp for educational reasons (tested on sbcl but should work with other implementations)
- portableaserve - Portable AllegroServe is a fork of the AllegroServe HTTP server, adapted to work with other CL implementations, not only with Allegro CL
- s-http-server - s-http-server is a trivial HTTP server by Sven Van Caekenberghe
- sw-http - sw-http is an HTTP Server tailored for AJAX/Comet
- teepeedee2 - teepeedee2 is a fast HTTP server and web framework
- Thot - Thot is a HTTP server written in portable Common Lisp
- toot - Toot is a stripped down and, hopefully, simplified version of Edi Weitz 's Hunchentoot HTTP server
- Woo - Woo is a fast async HTTP server built on top of libev, with aim to be the fastest
- Wookie - Wookie is an asynchronous HTTP server written in Common Lisp
WebSocket servers: (main topic: WebSocket server)
- clws - clws is a WebSocket server, using IOlib
- Hunchensocket - Hunchensocket is a Common Lisp implementation of WebSockets realized as an extension to Edi Weitz' excellent Hunchentoot web server
- Portal - Portal is a portable Common Lisp implementation of WebSockets using usocket
- websocket-driver - websocket-driver is a WebSocket server/client implementation for Common Lisp
CGI, Apache modules, Java Servlets: (main topic: CGI)
- cl-modlisp - cl-modlisp is a Web library that implements a Common Lisp interface to Marc Battyani's mod_lisp apache module
- cl-mongrel2 - cl-mongrel2 is an interface to the mongrel2 web-server
- FastCGI - How to use FastCGI from Common Lisp
- Le Sursis - Le Sursis is a Web tool for writing CGI scripts
- lisp-cgi-utils - lisp-cgi-utils is a Lisp project for developing web applications using the CGI interface
- m2cl - An implementation of the mongrel2 API
- mod_ecl - mod_ecl is an apache module to use lisp in the way php is used for website scripting
- mod_lisp - mod_lisp is an Apache module to write dynamic web servers and applications
Web development frameworks: (main topic: web framework) see also webframeworkmatrix
- bknr - bknr is a meta-projects containing an ObjectStore (bknr-datastore), a template system, a web framework and support for images, blogs, billboards, etc
- caveman - Caveman is a web framework based on Clack
- cl-terrace - cl-terrace is the VC part of a hypothetical MVC web framework
- cl-trane - CL-Trane is a loose collection of utilities that together form a web framework
- cl-weblocks - cl-weblocks is a continuation-based web framework written in Common Lisp
- cl-wfx - Common Lisp web framework
- clack - Clack is a Web Application Environment for Common Lisp inspired by Python's WSGI and Ruby's Rack
- clhp - CLHP is the Common Lisp Hypertext Preprocessor - a Web programming language
- CLOG - CLOG is a GUI that uses web technology and also a web framework
- CoreServer - Core-Server is a web framework and application server
- defrest - defrest provides a very easy way to expose functions via REST interfaces with the hunchentoot webserver
- - dwim dot hu is the homepage of four Hungarian lispers who started a lisp company, hosting all their opensource projects
- easyweb - easyweb is a Django-like web framework for Common Lisp
- hh-web - HH-Web is a library of Common Lisp code intended to simplify development of modern web applications
- HT-AJAX - HT-AJAX is a small AJAX web framework for Hunchentoot web server that allows transparent calls from Javascript in web pages to the server side Lisp code
- ht-simple-ajax - HT-SIMPLE-AJAX is an Ajax library for the HUNCHENTOOT web server
- hyde - Hyde 1 is a static web site generator written in ECL (Embedded Common Lisp), with no dependencies on external systems, except CL-PPCRE
- KPAX - A Common Lisp web framework by Sven Van Caekenberghe
- lisp-on-lines - Lisp-on-lines is a web framework built on top of ContextL and UCW and provides a unique declarative application development model
- Lucerne - Lucerne is a web framework for Common Lisp, built on Clack
- ningle - ningle is a lightweight web application framework for Common Lisp
- ninglex - Easy to learn, quick and dirty, bare-bones web framework for Common Lisp based on ningle
- Pinot - Pinot is a web framework as well as some content management functionality built on that framework
- qooxlisp - Qooxlisp is a reactive rich web applications framework based on Qooxdoo built on the cells library with which its author built an online algebra learning system and sees continuation in MatrixJS / cljs
- radiance - Radiance is a web framework with a focus on allowing you to run multiple applications together
- RESTAS - RESTAS is a web framework, used to develop the site
- site-generator - Is a BSD licensed, command-line static site generator that has support for arbitrary content and multiple languages
- SmackJack - Smackjack is a small AJAX web framework written in Common Lisp
- Solid-engine - The Common Lisp stack-based application controller (web framework)
- SymbolicWeb - SymbolicWeb is a GUI toolkit and web framework that uses the browser to render UI elements
- teepeedee2 - teepeedee2 is a fast HTTP server and web framework
- ucw - UnCommon Web is a web framework
- web4r - A continuations-based web framework aimed to enable users to develop web applications with the shortest amount of code
- WuWei - WuWei is a toolkit for building Ajax web pages and web sites in Common Lisp
blogs, wikis, CMS: (main topics: CMS wiki)
- cl-eshop - cl-eshop is an e-shop/ecommerce site written in Common Lisp
- CLEWS - Common Lisp Educational Web Server (CLEWS) is a platform for developing educational web applications, providing systems for peer-review assessments, discussion assessments, adaptive tutorials and course management
- FastIndex - FastIndex is a Web server which manages a small online library
- ALIW - A Lisp in Wonderland (ALIW) is a wiki software written in Common Lisp, to ease the collaboration on editable web pages
- CLiki - CLiki is the Common Lisp wiki, a community resource about various topics pertaining to the Common Lisp programming language, as well as a directory of Free Software Common Lisp libraries, implementations, and applications
- XL-Wiki - XL-Wiki is a fork of CL-Wiki that aims to allow applications to modify and extend its functionality in interesting ways
Blog software: (main topic: blog software)
- cl-blog-generator - cl-blog-generator is a static blog generator with Atom feeds
- coleslaw - coleslaw is static-site blog software a la Jekyll written by Brit Butler
- ext-blog - ext-blog is a common lisp blog software which supports custom theme and you can port a WordPress theme for it
Outputting HTML:
HTML generators: (main topic: HTML generator)
- (X)HTMΛ - (X)HTMΛ is a HTML generator library that strives to produce pretty printed (X)HTML for human consumption
- cl-markup - CL-MARKUP - Modern HTML generator library for Common Lisp
- cl-who - CL-WHO is yet another html generator library, that is, it's a Web library to create (X)HTML from S-expressions
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- - Max rottenkolber's HTML generator
- html->string - html->string aims to be the simplest HTML generator
- htmlgen - htmlgen is the name of the html generation software built into allegroserve, in the package net.html.generator
- htout - htout is an HTML generator written by Tim Bradshaw
- hyde - Hyde 1 is a static web site generator written in ECL (Embedded Common Lisp), with no dependencies on external systems, except CL-PPCRE
- macro-html - MACRO-HTML is Max Rottenkolber's HTML generator
- Markup - Markup is an HTML generator, where instead of encoding HTML as lisp sexps, you can write HTML directly in lisp code
- spinneret - Common Lisp HTML5 generator
- xhtmlgen - xhtmlgen is an XHTML generator
- yaclml - yaclml (Yet Another Common Lisp Markup Language) is an HTML generator and HTML template library
- YstokHTML - YstokHTML is a collection of HTML generator, HTML parser, and HTML template libraries
HTML template libraries: (main topic: HTML template)
- cl-closure-template - This is a Common Lisp port of Google Closure Templates HTML template library
- CL-EMB - CL-EMB is a templating library
- cl-template - Simple, output-agnostic template engine for Common Lisp, inspired by ERb
- cl-who - CL-WHO is yet another html generator library, that is, it's a Web library to create (X)HTML from S-expressions
- Clip - Clip is an attempt at a templating library that allows you to write templates in a way that is both accessible to direct webdesign and flexible
- djula - Djula is a Common Lisp port of the Django HTML template language
- eco - Eco is a HTML template library where every tag is pure Common Lisp code (by the author of Lucerne, Crane, Ceramic,…)
- html->string - html->string aims to be the simplest HTML generator
- html-template - HTML-TEMPLATE is an HTML template library to use templates much like Perl's HTML::Template
- Hunchentoot LSP - port of John Wiseman's LSP HTML template library for use with Hunchentoot:
- LSP - LSP (Lisp Server Pages) is an HTML template library
- sml - S-expression-based markup language
- Stencl - Stencl is a simple templating library loosely based on BRL (the Beautiful Report Language)
- TALCL - TALCL is a templating library that implements XML templates and HTML templates
- x-html-template - x-html-template is a HTML template library, forked from Edi Weitz's HTML-TEMPLATE and mostly compatible with it
- yaclml - yaclml (Yet Another Common Lisp Markup Language) is an HTML generator and HTML template library
- YHTML-TEMPLATE - YHTML-Template is an HTML template library based on Edi Weitz's HTML-TEMPLATE
- YstokHTML - YstokHTML is a collection of HTML generator, HTML parser, and HTML template libraries
- See also: Lisp Markup Languages
Parsing HTML: (main topic: HTML parser)
- CL-HTML-Parse - This system is nominally maintained by Gary King
- cl-html5-parser - cl-html5-parser is a HTML5 parser for Common Lisp
- cl-sanitize - cl-sanitize is a whitelist-based HTML sanitizer
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- closure-html - Closure HTML is a portable HTML parsing library that understands malformed HTML
- html-extract - An application implemented in CLISP to extract the plain text from HTML documents
- phtml - A portable version of Franz's HTML Parser from xmlutils
- Plump - Practically Lenient and Unimpressive Markup Parser
- url-rewrite - URL-REWRITE programmatically rewrites (X)HTML documents such that certain attributes values are replaced by others
- YstokHTML - YstokHTML is a collection of HTML generator, HTML parser, and HTML template libraries
See also HTML for other misc HTML tools (character encoding/decoding etc.)
JavaScript: (main topic: JavaScript)
- CL-JavaScript - CL-JavaScript is a JavaScript programming language compiler for Common Lisp
- CL-SpiderMonkey - CL-SpiderMonkey is a Common Lisp library for interacting with Javascript through the Mozilla SpiderMonkey library
- cl-uglify-js - A JavaScript compressor (minifier)
- jsgen - JSGEN is an extension to AllegroServe that allows one to write JavaScript programs in an s-expression syntax
- jwacs - jwacs stands for Javascript With Advanced Continuation Support
- parenscript - Parenscript is a translator from an extended subset of Common Lisp to JavaScript
- parenscriptm - Tool for generating mithrilJS code in parenscript
- parenscriptx - A simple tool for aiding with creating React UIs in parenscript
- parse-js - A simple, zlib-licensed JavaScript parser
- rock - Rock is an asset manager for Common Lisp
JSON: (main topic: JSON)
- cl-grip - cl-grip is a high-level logging system for Common Lisp, focusing on a clear user interface, support for flexible structured logging, and easy extensibility for different backends to support direct logging to various inputs
- cl-json - cl-json is a JSON parser and generator
- CLJWT - A library for issuing and validating JSON Web Tokens
- HT-AJAX - HT-AJAX is a small AJAX web framework for Hunchentoot web server that allows transparent calls from Javascript in web pages to the server side Lisp code
- Jonathan - Jonathan is a fast JSON encoder/decoder
- json-streams - json-streams is a Common Lisp library for reading and writing JSON text
- json-template - An implementation of JSON Template in Common Lisp
- jsown - A fast JSON parser and generator
- monkeylib-json - monkeylib-json is a library for reading and writing JSON
- st-json - ST-JSON is a JSON encoding and decoding library
- YASON - YASON is a Common Lisp library for encoding and decoding data in the JSON interchange format
Stylesheet utilities: (main topic: CSS)
- cl-css - cl-css is a minimalist CSS generator for Common Lisp
- css-lite - css-lite is a library for generating CSS from an s-exp syntax
- LASS - Writing CSS files comes with a lot of repetition and is generally much too verbose
- rock - Rock is an asset manager for Common Lisp
- simple-rgb - simple-rgb is a library for manipulating RGB and HSV color values
HTTP clients: (main topic: HTTP client)
- AllegroServe - Portable AllegroServe is a portable version of Franz Inc's AllegroServe HTTP server, which also includes an HTML generator and an HTTP client
- carrier - Carrier is an async HTTP client driven by cl-async and fast-http
- cl-curl - Cl-curl is a set of Lisp binding to the C libcurl HTTP client library, a multiprotocol file transfer library
- cl-kappa - cl-kappa is a general purpose web agent in the spirit of WWW::Mechanize
- cl-mechanize - cl-mechanize is a port of the WWW::Mechanize Perl module for stateful programmatic web browsing, used for automating interaction with websites
- cl-web-crawler - cl-web-crawler is a web crawling library
- Dexador - Dexador is a high-performance HTTP client library with neat APIs and connection-pooling
- Drakma - Drakma is a fully-featured Common Lisp HTTP client library that knows how to handle HTTP/1.1
- Drakma-async - drakma-async is an HTTP client that runs on top of cl-async and aims to be API-compatible with the Drakma library
- http-response-handler - http-response-handler is a set of Lisp conditions for HTTP error responses
- Nyxt - Nyxt is a keyboard-oriented, extensible web-browser designed for power users
- s-http-client - s-http-client is an HTTP client library
- simple-http - is a simple HTTP client library, see Trivial-HTTP
- trivial-download - trivial-download allows you to download files from the Internet from Common Lisp
- trivial-http - trivial-http is a simple HTTP client library
- winhttp - CFFI bindings to WinHTTP
Dealing with URIs: (main topic: URI)
- cl-base64 - cl-base64 provides base64 (RFC 1521) encoding and decoding
- cl-routes - cl-routes is Common Lisp re-implementation of the Rails routes system for mapping URL's (also, see
- cl-slug - cl-slug is a small library to make slugs, mainly for URIs, from english and beyond
- cl-uri-templates - cl-uri-templates is an implementation of URI-Templates that supports the full draft 03 URI Template standard
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- froute - froute is a routing library taking advantage of the MOP
- http-routes - http-routes is a library which attempts to create capable http(url) routes lib without regexps
- idna - International Domain Name functions for Common Lisp
- machina-policy - machina-policy is a way to parse and query robots.txt files so your web-scraping bot can be a good bot instead of a bad bot
- PERCENT-ENCODING - PERCENT-ENCODING is a library for URI percent encoding/decoding as specified in RFC3986
- puri - puri, Portable Universal Resource Identifier, is a library for parsing and representing URIs
- PURL - PURL provides a parser and defines a type for URLs as specified in RFC1738
- quri - quri (pronounced "Q-ree") is yet another URI library for Common Lisp
- simple-routes - Simple-routes adds quick and easy, centralized http routing to Hunchentoot
- Snooze - Snooze is an URL router for Common Lisp designed around REST web services
- uri-template - uri-template is an implementation of the URI Template proposed standard draft version 01 as a
- Ystok-URI - Ystok-URI a library for representing, parsing, and printing URIs
Web service API interfaces: (main topic: web API)
- Chirp - Chirp is a twitter client library
- cl-amazonproduct - cl-amazonproduct is an Amazon Product Advertising web API interface library
- cl-audioscrobbler - cl-audioscrobbler is a Common Lisp wrapper to the Audioscrobbler/ API
- cl-azure - cl-azure lets you access Microsoft Windows Azure cloud storage from Common Lisp
- cl-blogger - CL-BLOGGER is a web API interface to
- cl-creditcard - cl-creditcard & cl-authorize-net: A common lisp library to enable processing credit card payments
- cl-digg - cl-digg is a Common Lisp wrapper to the Digg APIs
- CL-EC2 - CL-EC2 is a Common Lisp library for communicating with Amazon's EC2 and CloudWatch Query APIs
- cl-echonest - cl-echonest is a binding to the web API
- cl-etsy - CL-Etsy a Common Lisp interface for the web API, by Ben Hyde
- cl-facebook - cl-facebook is an interface to the Facebook web API
- cl-gcalc - cl-gcalc is a wrapper for Google Calculator
- cl-geonames - A Common Lisp wrapper around the geonames web service
- cl-github - cl-github is a library for working with the github version control web API
- cl-gitlab - cl-gitlab is a library to connect to GitLab's version control web API following a minimalistic (and thus solid) approach
- cl-hue - Common Lisp client for Philips Hue API
- cl-lastfm - cl-lastfm is a Common Lisp wrapper to the API
- cl-launchpad - cl-launchpad is a library for the web API
- CL-MediaWiki - CL-MediaWiki is a wrapper in Common Lisp around the media wiki web API
- CL-MEMCACHED - CL-MEMCACHED is a fast interface to the memcached object caching system
- cl-moneris - cl-moneris provides access to the Moneris payment processing web API
- cl-oauth - cl-oauth is an implementation of the OAuth 1.0a API authorization protocol
- cl-openbox - cl-openbox provides and interface to the file storage service web API
- cl-opencalais - cl-opencalais is a wrapper for the Thomson Reuters Calais web API
- cl-openid - Cl-OpenID is an implementation of OpenID protocol in Common Lisp
- cl-pastebin - CL-PASTEBIN is a Common Lisp wrapper to the API
- cl-paymill - cl-paymill provides access to the Paymill payment processing web API
- cl-paypal - cl-paypal is an interface to the PayPal Express Checkout web API
- cl-recaptcha - cl-recaptcha is a trivial library for using the recaptcha service
- CL-S3 - CL-S3 is a Common Lisp library that implements a client interface to the Amazon S3 Web Service
- cl-smugmug - cl-smugmug is a Common Lisp interface to the SmugMug web API
- cl-textmagic - CL-TEXTMAGIC is a Common Lisp interface to the TextMagic
- cl-tumblr - CL-TUMBLR provides a simple interface to Tumblr's API
- cl-twitter - This is an interface to the twitter api
- cl-web-utils - cl-web-utils is a set of utilities for producing Common Lisp bindings to web APIs
- cl-yahoo - CL-YAHOO is a Common Lisp interface to the Yahoo! API, a web API which enables searching the web through yahoo
- cl-youtube - cl-youtube is a Common Lisp wrapper to the YouTube API
- clath - Clath is single sign-on middleware for Clack
- clickr - Clickr is a high-level binding library of the Flickr API for Common
- currensea - currensea is a currency conversion library based on AllegroServe
- HH-AWS - HH-AWS is library for accessing the Simple Storage Service (S3), SimpleDB (SDB), Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and Simple Queue Service (SQS) Amazon Web Services
- Humbler - Humbler is a Tumblr API interface that attempts to make it as little of a pain to use as possible
- north - North is a library that implements the OAuth 1.0a consumer and provider protocols
- oauth2 - Small library which allows to use OAuth2 protocol, original repository is here
- rtm-lisp-api - rtm-lisp-api is a Common Lisp interface to the Remember The Milk API, a web API which enables managing the tasks of a given user
- Saluto - Saluto is a submodule for RESTAS web-framework, which allow web-site users to be authorized with OAuth 2.0 protocol
- scalpl - Market maker + APIs to several Bitcoin exchanges
- selenium-lisp-connector - selenium-lisp-connector is a Lisp client for Selenium Remote Control, a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser
- simpledb - simpledb is a Common Lisp interface to the Amazon SimpleDB web API
- slashcachelisp - slashcache.lisp uses slashdot.lisp to build a cache of headlines
- slashdotlisp - slashdot.lisp is a small package of code for reading slashdot headlines
- South - South (Simple OaUTH) is a library aiming to provide a simple layer for interaction with oAuth 1.0a services
RSS feeds: (main topic: RSS)
- cl-rss - This package provides a Common Lisp library for fetching and parsing Remote Site Summary data via HTTP
- cl-rss-gen - cl-rss-gen is a tiny Common Lisp library that generates RSS (RDF Site Summary)
- RSSParser - A Web-to-RSS parser in Common Lisp
- trivial-feed - Parse syndication feeds such as RSS and ATOM to a canonical form
- xml-emitter - Often, programs have to generate XML output
Semantic Web: (main topic: Semantic Web)
- cffi-redland - cffi-redland is a set of bindings for the Redland RDF Library
- cl-ntriples - CL-NTRIPLES provides a simple parser for the N-Triples data format as defined by the W3C for storing RDF/Semantic information
- CL-RDFXML - CL-RDFXML is an RDF/XML parser written by Joshua Taylor
- cl-semantic - cl-semantic is a collection of RDF/OWL extraction and relationship parsing macros
- CL-Wise - CL-Wise is a semantic wiki
- Common Lisp Reasoner - Common Lisp meets AI problem-solving meets the semantic web
- de.setf.resource - de setf resource implements transparent, transactional persistence of CLOS objects to several RDF stores
- de.setf.wilbur - Wilbur was originally conceived as Nokia Research Center's toolkit for programming Semantic Web applications that use RDF (as well as XML), written in Common Lisp
- IRS - The Internet Reasoning Service (IRS) is a semantic web services broker, developed in the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University
- OWL - The W3C OWL 2 Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a Semantic Web language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and relations between things.
- RDF - The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for representing information in the Web. Resource Description Framework (RDF): Concepts and Abstract Syntax
- SCOLI - SCOLI is an interface to the Sesame triple store
- swclos - SWCLOS is a Semantic Web processor that is built on top of the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS)
- twinql - twinql is a parser and query engine for the SPARQL RDF query language, built on the Wilbur Semantic Web toolkit for Common Lisp