- adw-charting - ADW-Charting is a simple plotting library for quickly creating nice-looking pie charts and line charts
- cgn - cgn is an interface to the gnuplot plotting library
- cl-2d - Cl-2d is a two-dimensional graphics library for Common Lisp
- cl-ana - cl-ana aims to provide the basic tools necessary to analyze large/medium-large datasets
- cl-dot - CL-DOT is a library for easily generating dot (Graphviz) output from arbitrary Lisp data
- cl-pgplot - CL-PGPLOT is a front end for Pearson's C/Fortran vintage scientific plotting library
- CL-PLOT - Plotting library for CL (and, mostly, LW CAPI)
- cl-plplot - cl-plplot provides a CFFI based interface to the open source scientific plotting library PLplot
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- CLNUPlot - CLNUPlot connects Common Lisp to GNUPlot
- Clot - CLOT is a library for plotting data sets in charts of different types
- Common Lisp and gnuplot - Interfaces to gnuplot
- Datoura - The "Data Touring Machine" is a small, simple and powerful data analysis and plotting application, that generates postscript output
- de.setf.utility - de setf utility is a collection of Common Lisp utilities functions and several purpose-specific libraries
- eazy-gnuplot - Lispy Gnuplot library
- NLISP - NLISP is an environment for numerical computation and visualisation like IDL or Matlab
- plot-2d - Plot-2D is a 2-dimensional data representation and plotting application for Mathematics and scientific data
- poly-pen - Poly-pen is a graphical proxy for Common Lisp
- psgraph - psgraph is a small package for generating PostScript pictures of directed acyclic graphs written by Joe Bates and mentioned here: Repositories of Lisp Software
- simplot - Simplot is a 2-dimensional data plotting application for mathematics and scientific data with a simple interface
- sparklines - Sparklines is a plotting library to make word-sized data lines as described in Edward Tufte’s Beautiful Evidence
- Surf-Hippo - The Surf-Hippo Neuron Simulation System is an AI application for investigating models of single neurons and networks of neurons
- vgplot - vgplot is an interface to the gnuplot plotting library with the intention to resemble to some of the plot commands of octave or matlab
Mathematics, graphics library