New staff candidates, trademark registration, ratification of board decisions surrounding the complaints process, migration of internal documentation, and appropriateness of certain channel types on the network.
Approval of annual report. Election of a new board for operating year 2022. Discharge of last year’s board. Set membership fee. Moved the seat of the organisation.
Restriction on collecting and sharing private info, internal oversight, NickServ registration via the web, bypassing IP blocklists while using SASL, adjustments to an internal channel, accepting donations, difficulties with the Matrix bridge, and staff recruitment efforts.
Rescheduling the December MGM, update on chair elections, data retention, sponsor recognition, policy to forbid doxing, allowing board members to lose quorum status, reducing the number of grouped nicknames, server-side filtering, and group contact engagement.
Update on bank account, data retention, preparations for chair elections, consensus-based decision making training, follow up on transparency - real names on the website, minutes storage, +w by default.
Approval of new members, bylaws amendment about expiring quorum status, discussion around DNSBLs / DroneBL, update on bank account, changing the nick expiration policy, permanent solution for opt in user cloaking without staff intervention, consensus-based decision making training, and an update from the working group on processes for dealing with staff misconduct.
Approval of new members, preparations for chair elections, staff and member activity, staff recruiting, bridging, nickname expiration, and a follow up on transparency - real names on the website
De-listing proprietary platforms from our website, defining processes in case of staff misconduct, transparency - real names on the website, consensus building, and meeting timing.