Frequently Asked Questions
- How to find Libera Chat staff?
- What are Global Notices and Wallops, and can I opt out of them?
- You need to identify via SASL to use this server
- Cannot send to nick/channel
- Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
- You must log in with services to message this user
- How do I get unbanned or unquieted?
- How to find out who runs a channel?
- Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
- Why is my nickname in use?
- Why are people trying to log in as me?
- Warez or Adult content sharing?
- Are bots allowed?
- Are bridges allowed?
- Can I connect with Matrix?
How to find Libera Chat staff?
Immediately available staff
Staff make use of a list to highlight staff members who are immediately available. This allows you to find and contact staff discreetly and is our preferred method of taking questions.
The list may appear in your network window instead of the current one. Request the list by doing:
/stats p
Contacting staff privately
You do not need to ask permission to send private messages to any staff member. They will answer if they notice your message in time. If they’re not responsive, you may attempt to talk to other staff members instead.
You can confirm that someone you are talking to is a member of network
staff by their @libera/staff/<TheirNick>
vhost, also known as a
In many clients the cloak might appear at the top of a PM window. If not, it
will show in the information you get when you /whois <TheirNick>
. For
example, the first line of the output for /whois el
looks like:
06:50 -- [el] (~el@libera/staff/el): el
Other ways to find staff
If no staff are listed with /stats p
you can find staff you share channels
with by doing:
/who libera/staff/*
Additionally, most staff have the Operator mode in #libera
to make them easy
to find when they’re connected. There are also some robots, currently
and ozone
, with that mode. The robots do not answer questions.
If you are unable to connect to the network at all, you can contact staff by email:
What are Global Notices and Wallops, and can I opt out of them?
Global Notices are network wide messages that staff can send to everyone on the network, and are reserved for important news, warnings, or explanations about network related things such as netsplits or downtime. You cannot opt out of global notices.
Wallops are messages sent to everyone who has the +w
user mode
set. These messages might be additional information about an incident
mentioned in a global notice, messages that are intended to encourage
community building, or to celebrate milestones in the projects and communities
that are the network’s primary stakeholders. Messages sent with wallops
can be opted out of with /mode yourname -w
. This will need to be done
each time you connect to the network as this is a default user mode on Libera
Chat. Nearly all clients can send commands at connection time; see their
documentation or support channels for details.
You need to identify via SASL to use this server
You have tried to connect from a SASL access only range
Cannot send to nick/channel
Cannot change nickname while banned on channel
First, check that you are registered.
If you already have an account then identify to it.
Some channels require users to be registered to participate. This is because most botnets and disruptive people do not make accounts.
If you are both registered and identified and still cannot join or talk, you might be banned or quieted in that channel.
You must log in with services to message this user
Some people do not wish to get messages from unregistered users. If you are not currently logged in then you will also be affected.
This is probably not targetted at you personally.
First, check if you are registered. If you do have an account then make sure you have identified to it.
How do I get unbanned or unquieted?
If you have been banned from or quieted in a channel, you will need to resolve the issue with the people who run the channel. If you cannot remember who banned or quieted you, there are a few options.
You can try to find your ban/quiet, and the operator who set it, by viewing the ban and quiet lists for the channel (this may output a lot of lines):
/mode #channelname bq
If that is too overwhelming, or if PUBACL
(public access control lists) is
off, or if all the bans are attributed to Libera.Chat domains, you can instead
try to
find out who runs the channel.
Remember, channel ops are not obligated to negotiate with you, and evading bans (sneaking back in) usually makes the matter worse.
Asking network staff will not work as we will not override a ban or quiet set by a channel operator, and will not reveal information that is private. We also will not confiscate channels for “unfair” banning practices.
If all this fails it is likely best for everyone involved if you just move on.
How to find out who runs a channel?
There are several ways to find who owns or runs a channel. ChanServ
show you some information.
/msg ChanServ info #channelname
/msg ChanServ flags #channelname
You can also see if there is a -ops
or -mods
channel mentioned in the
/topic #channelname
If the channel is set PRIVATE
then you will not get information with those
Your only remaining option is to find someone else in the channel who might help you get in contact.
Be considerate of other channels when doing this as it can be seen as dragging drama in from other places!
Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable
Why is my nickname in use?
Nicknames are only reserved for you if you have registered them and they have not expired.
If someone else is currently using an unexpired nick you have registered, you
can use RELEASE
to bounce them off it onto a Guest nick and then REGAIN
use of that nick for yourself. If you are not logged in, please first
identify to the account, then:
/msg NickServ RELEASE yournick
/msg NickServ REGAIN yournick
If your nickname was requested by someone else because it had expired, the above process will not work. You may be able to request it back if it becomes expired again.
Why are people trying to log in as me?
Sometimes you might get alerts from NickServ or SaslServ about attempts to log in to your account. These alerts are almost always caused by clients that are misconfigured.
If you have lots of nicks grouped or if you have a common name or word grouped, you will get an above average number of alerts.
You do not need to worry if you have chosen a strong password that is not used in other places.
If the attempts are very frequent and persistent, feel welcome to let staff know, just in case.
At your own risk, and depending on your client, you may be able to filter the alerts. Ask your client’s support channel if this is possible.
Warez or Adult content sharing?
This is explicitly unwanted content on Libera.Chat.
You can find other networks which may be ok with these activities on
Are bots allowed?
Users may run bots that connect to Libera.Chat. Please get permission from the operators of any channels that the bot is in.
While operators may not notice a quiet bot, they very likely will notice and may take offense to unauthorised bots that are noisy or interactive.
If your bot is storing information in a publicly accessible way, you should follow our public logging policy.
Flood exemptions for bots
Users and bots with the flags +v
or +o
within a channel have protection
against triggering flood mitigation. For this reason, it is recommended that
noisy bots have one of these flags.
Additional exemptions may be allocated when the need for them is demonstrated. If you find that your bot is hitting limits, email for advice.
Workaround for bots that don’t support SASL
If you’re trying to run a bot on a SASL-only range, your bot will need SASL support. If it lacks this support, you can connect it through a bouncer that does support SASL.
Are bridges allowed?
We do allow user operated bridges on Libera.Chat. Please get permission from the operators of channels that you bridge.
Consider informing users that what they say may be visible to people not represented in the channel at the time. The spirit of our public logging policy applies here.
It is recommended that your bridge has an account and some way to identify who runs it, such as in the gecos or “real name” field.
We prefer one to many bridging over one to one bridging, especially if the majority of users are not on irc.
We also recommend that staff are notified about one to one bridging as it may hit connection limits or trip anti-abuse measures. Please contact about such issues.
Can I connect with Matrix?
While it is not designed as an IRC client, you can use Matrix to connect to Libera.Chat through a bridge.
The Matrix bridge team has published a
for using the IRC bridge. If you still have questions about using the
Libera.Chat bridge, visit #libera-matrix
from IRC or
from Matrix.
The bridge has an interface called an appservice that lets you manage your
presence on the bridge. If it does not contact you automatically, start a
conversation with
. For example Element has /msg
/msg !help
You can use the appservice to store authentication. Please see the output of
the above !help
command or
the guide
for the options. Currently these are the storepass
and username
To join channels on Libera.Chat through matrix, navigate to
either through the interface or with
. For example:
If you wish to use network services, such as to register an account or channel you can message them directly. The following will get their help text:
/msg help
/msg help
/msg help
The lines in their responses might be out of order. This issue is in the Matrix message handling. It may also affect time-critical responses elsewhere.
The bridge is run by EMS. The EMS ToS and Privacy Policy apply when using it. Libera.Chat staff do not have access to EMS data.
Libera.Chat prohibits double-bridging IRC to IRC through the EMS-hosted Libera.Chat bridge and may request intervention if any bridged channels cause problems. At our request, the EMS-hosted Libera.Chat bridge regularly prunes idle connections to minimize disruptions to IRC channels during bridge restarts.