Monthly General Meeting, November 2021
by moonmoon
Propositions and motions
Rescheduling the December MGM
The December 2021 MGM will be a very brief meeting and will be held on a different day than the regularly-scheduled Monthly General Meeting slot to allow more staff to attend.
Update on chair elections
The working group from the October 2021 MGM presented a living document outlining the responsibilities of the chair. Further discussion noted that the bylaws do not allow for members to step down from the board or from their position as an auditor. A working group was formed to consider this and draft an amendment to the bylaws if they find changes are necessary.
Update on data retention
Discussions that were started on the October 2021 MGM around data retention for abuse mitigation data continued, particularly with respect to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and enhanced technological measures to help ensure compliance with retention periods.
Sponsor recognition
Where and how we recognise our sponsors was discussed. The organisation indicated a preference to keeping sponsor recognition limited to the sponsors page on the website and in server MOTDs.
Other questions
Policy to forbid doxing
A proposed addition to our network policies to explicitly forbid doxing was discussed. The organisation indicated a preference towards adopting such a policy. A working group was formed to draft the policy’s wording and present it at a future meeting.
Allowing board members to lose quorum status
A proposed change to our bylaws such that board members are no longer automatically quorum members was discussed. This would work in tandem with the bylaw change approved in the September 2021 MGM so that inactive board members could lose quorum membership should they become inactive.
Reducing the number of grouped nicknames
A proposed change to our network configuration to reduce the maximum number of nicknames that may be grouped to a single account was discussed. A working group was formed to gather data on the number of nicknames grouped to each account, to be presented at a future meeting for more informed discussion.
Server-side filtering
The use and ethics of server-side filtering was discussed. The organisation indicated a preference that server-side filtering serves a legitimate need, but any uses of it should be well-justified.
Group contact engagement
There was a discussion around ways to increase engagement with group contacts. The organisation indicated that our current methods of soliciting feedback from group contacts do not seem to be very effective, particularly with regards to staff recruitment from their communities. A working group was formed to consider ways to increase engagement with group contacts.