An implementation of the data structure described in the paper "B-tries for disk-based string management" (PDF). The authors present B-tries as a possible alternative to B-trees, the variants of which are used in database systems, most commonly B+ trees (also seen in NTFS); Oracle is said to use B* trees. This B-trie implementation, while far from being an Allegro Btrees killer, makes a decent starting point. In the interest of generality, both keys and values are (unsigned-byte 8) vectors rather than strings.

The code

Written by David Mullen and licensed under Apache 2.

;;; 8 KB blocks, four-byte pointers. (defconstant +block-size+ 8192) (defconstant +pointer-size+ 4) (defconstant +header-size+ 8) (defconstant +trie-tag+ 78) (defconstant +bucket-tag+ 66) (defconstant +trie-size+ 2048) (defconstant +split-factor+ 3/4) (defconstant +cache-size+ 128) ;;; The B-trie STREAM/ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE. (deftype octet () '(unsigned-byte 8)) (defstruct bt (stream nil) (blocks nil)) (defmethod print-object ((bt bt) stream) (cond ((eq (bt-stream bt) nil) (call-next-method)) ((let* ((bt-name (namestring (bt-stream bt))) (length (file-length (bt-stream bt))) (block-count (/ length +block-size+))) (print-unreadable-object (bt stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~S (~D block~:P)" bt-name block-count)))))) (defun %open-bt (pathname) (open pathname :direction :io :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :overwrite :element-type 'octet)) (defun open-bt (pathname) (let* ((bt (make-bt :stream (%open-bt pathname))) (length (file-length (bt-stream bt)))) (when (zerop length) (allocate-block bt +trie-tag+ +trie-size+)) (assert (zerop (mod (file-length (bt-stream bt)) +block-size+))) bt)) (defun close-bt (bt) (setf (bt-blocks bt) nil) (unless (eq (bt-stream bt) nil) (with-accessors ((stream bt-stream)) bt (prog1 (close stream) (setq stream nil))))) (defmacro %prune-cache (cache) (let ((tail-pos (1- +cache-size+))) `(when (> (list-length ,cache) +cache-size+) (rplacd (nthcdr ,tail-pos ,cache) nil)))) (defun get-block (bt number) (let ((entry (assoc number (bt-blocks bt))) entry-tail) (cond (entry (with-accessors ((cache bt-blocks)) bt (unless (eq entry (car cache)) (loop for tail on cache when (eq (cadr tail) entry) do (setq entry-tail (cdr tail)) (setf (cdr tail) (cddr tail))) ;; Move to front of cache. (rplacd entry-tail cache) (setq cache entry-tail) (%prune-cache cache)) (cdr entry))) ;; Not in cache, read from file. (t (file-position (bt-stream bt) (* +block-size+ number)) (let ((block (make-array +block-size+ :element-type 'octet))) (assert (= (read-sequence block (bt-stream bt)) +block-size+)) (progn (push (cons number block) (bt-blocks bt)) block)))))) (defun get-block-number (bt block) (or (car (rassoc block (bt-blocks bt))) (error "No block found: ~S." block))) (defun sync-block (bt block &optional number) (let ((number (or number (get-block-number bt block)))) (file-position (bt-stream bt) (* +block-size+ number)) (values (write-sequence block (bt-stream bt)) number))) (defun make-cell-pointer (length offset) (check-type length (unsigned-byte 16)) (check-type offset (unsigned-byte 16)) (logior length (ash offset 16))) (defun read-u32 (block offset) (logior (aref block offset) (ash (aref block (+ offset 1)) 8) (ash (aref block (+ offset 2)) 16) (ash (aref block (+ offset 3)) 24))) (defun (setf read-u32) (new-value block offset) (loop for byte-position fixnum from 0 below 32 by 8 for octet = (ldb (byte 8 byte-position) new-value) do (setf (aref block offset) octet) (incf offset) finally (return new-value))) (defun free-space (block) (let ((free-pointer (read-u32 block 4))) (values (ldb (byte 16 0) free-pointer) (ldb (byte 16 16) free-pointer)))) (defsetf free-space (block) (free-space free-offset) `(multiple-value-prog1 (values ,free-space ,free-offset) (let ((pointer (make-cell-pointer ,free-space ,free-offset))) (setf (read-u32 ,block +pointer-size+) pointer)))) (defun allocate-block (bt tag &optional (overhead 0)) (let* ((word-count (/ +block-size+ +pointer-size+)) (free-offset (+ +header-size+ overhead)) (free-space (- +block-size+ free-offset)) (stream (bt-stream bt)) (file-length (file-length stream)) (number (/ file-length +block-size+))) (file-position stream (* +block-size+ number)) (write-sequence (vector 84 tag 0 0) stream) (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) free-space) stream) (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) free-space) stream) (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) free-offset) stream) (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) free-offset) stream) (loop do (write-sequence #(0 0 0 0) stream) repeat (- word-count (/ +header-size+ +pointer-size+)) finally (return (values (get-block bt number) number))))) (defun allocate-cell (block vector &optional (length (length vector))) (multiple-value-bind (free-space free-offset) (free-space block) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) free-space free-offset)) (assert (>= free-space (+ length +pointer-size+))) (let* ((datum-end (+ free-offset free-space)) (datum-start (- datum-end length))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) datum-start datum-end)) (decf free-space (the (unsigned-byte 16) (+ length +pointer-size+))) (when vector (setf (subseq block datum-start datum-end) vector)) (let ((datum-pointer (make-cell-pointer length datum-start))) (setf (read-u32 block free-offset) datum-pointer) (incf free-offset +pointer-size+) ; The cell is now "used." (let ((free-pointer (make-cell-pointer free-space free-offset))) (setf (read-u32 block +pointer-size+) free-pointer) datum-pointer))))) (defun trie-node-lookup (block key key-start) (let* ((key-index (aref key key-start)) (offset (+ +header-size+ (* 2 +pointer-size+ key-index))) (exhaust-pointer-p (eql (1+ key-start) (length key)))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) key-index offset)) (when exhaust-pointer-p (incf offset +pointer-size+)) (values (read-u32 block offset) key-index exhaust-pointer-p))) (defun get-datum (block cell-pointer) (when (zerop cell-pointer) (return-from get-datum nil)) (make-array (ldb (byte 16 0) cell-pointer) :element-type 'octet :displaced-index-offset (ldb (byte 16 16) cell-pointer) :displaced-to block)) (defun bucket-cell-count (bucket) (let* ((free-offset (nth-value 1 (free-space bucket))) (cell-count-in-bytes (- free-offset +header-size+)) (cell-count (/ cell-count-in-bytes +pointer-size+))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) free-offset cell-count-in-bytes)) (progn (assert (evenp cell-count)) cell-count))) (defun get-bucket-cell (bucket cell-number) (let ((offset-from-header (* +pointer-size+ cell-number))) (get-datum bucket (read-u32 bucket (+ +header-size+ offset-from-header))))) (defun block-type (block &optional (tag (aref block 1))) (let ((known-tag-p (or (eql tag +trie-tag+) (eql tag +bucket-tag+)))) (progn (assert known-tag-p () "Invalid type tag: ~D." tag) tag))) (defun key-range (bucket) "Get key range (values: low, high)." (let ((lo-key-byte (aref bucket 2)) (hi-key-byte (aref bucket 3))) (check-type lo-key-byte octet) (check-type hi-key-byte octet) (assert (<= lo-key-byte hi-key-byte)) (values lo-key-byte hi-key-byte))) (defsetf key-range (bucket) (lo-key-byte hi-key-byte) `(set-key-range ,bucket ,lo-key-byte ,hi-key-byte)) (defun set-key-range (bucket lo-key-byte hi-key-byte) (multiple-value-prog1 (values lo-key-byte hi-key-byte) (assert (<= 0 lo-key-byte hi-key-byte 255)) (let ((was-hybrid-p (hybrid-bucket-p bucket)) (now-pure-p (eql (setf (aref bucket 2) lo-key-byte) (setf (aref bucket 3) hi-key-byte)))) ;; Going hybrid->pure consumes keys. (when (and was-hybrid-p now-pure-p) (loop with pure-bucket-key-index of-type octet = lo-key-byte with cell-count of-type fixnum = (bucket-cell-count bucket) for cell-number of-type fixnum from 0 below cell-count by 2 for offset fixnum = (+ +header-size+ (* +pointer-size+ cell-number)) for pointer of-type (unsigned-byte 32) = (read-u32 bucket offset) do (symbol-macrolet ((pointer-offset (ldb (byte 16 16) pointer))) (assert (eql (aref bucket pointer-offset) pure-bucket-key-index)) (progn (incf pointer-offset) (decf (ldb (byte 16 0) pointer))) (setf (read-u32 bucket offset) pointer))))))) (defun find-in-bucket (bucket key &optional (key-start 0)) (when (pure-bucket-p bucket) (setq key-start (1+ key-start))) (loop with cell-count fixnum = (bucket-cell-count bucket) for cell-number fixnum from 0 below cell-count by 2 do (let ((key-in-bucket (get-bucket-cell bucket cell-number))) (when (not (mismatch key-in-bucket key :start2 key-start)) (return (get-bucket-cell bucket (1+ cell-number))))))) (defun trie-node-p (block) (eql (block-type block) +trie-tag+)) (defun pure-bucket-p (block) (symbol-macrolet ((key-range (key-range block))) (when (eql (block-type block) +bucket-tag+) (multiple-value-call #'= key-range)))) (defun hybrid-bucket-p (block) (symbol-macrolet ((key-range (key-range block))) (when (eql (block-type block) +bucket-tag+) (multiple-value-call #'< key-range)))) (defun cell-space (&rest vectors) (loop for vector in vectors sum (length vector) sum +pointer-size+)) (defun bucket-key-distribution (bucket) (loop with counts = (make-array 256 :initial-element 0) with cell-count fixnum = (bucket-cell-count bucket) for cell-number fixnum from 0 below cell-count by 2 for key-in-bucket = (get-bucket-cell bucket cell-number) do (incf (svref counts (aref key-in-bucket 0))) finally (return counts))) (defun find-split-point (bucket) (multiple-value-bind (lo hi) (key-range bucket) (loop with best-split-point of-type octet = hi with key-distribution = (bucket-key-distribution bucket) with distincts fixnum = (count-if #'plusp key-distribution) with best-split-margin of-type fixnum = most-positive-fixnum initially (when (eql distincts 1) (return key-distribution)) for split-point of-type octet from lo to hi for left-count = (reduce #'+ key-distribution :end split-point) for right-count = (reduce #'+ key-distribution :start split-point) for ratio = (when (plusp left-count) (/ right-count left-count)) for split-margin = (when ratio (abs (- ratio +split-factor+))) when (and split-margin (> right-count 0) (< split-margin best-split-margin)) do (setq best-split-margin split-margin best-split-point split-point) finally (return best-split-point)))) (defun move-bucket-cells (old-bucket new-bucket split-point) (assert (< 0 split-point 256) (split-point) "Bad SPLIT-POINT.") (symbol-macrolet ((free-space (- +block-size+ +header-size+))) (loop with cell-count of-type fixnum = (bucket-cell-count old-bucket) for cell-number of-type fixnum from 0 below cell-count by 2 for key = (copy-seq (get-bucket-cell old-bucket cell-number)) for value = (copy-seq (get-bucket-cell old-bucket (1+ cell-number))) if (< (aref key 0) split-point) append `(,key ,value) into retained-cells else do (allocate-cell new-bucket key) (allocate-cell new-bucket value) finally (setf (free-space old-bucket) (values free-space +header-size+)) (dolist (datum retained-cells) (allocate-cell old-bucket datum)) (multiple-value-bind (old-lo old-hi) (key-range old-bucket) (setf (key-range new-bucket) (values split-point old-hi)) (setf (key-range old-bucket) (values old-lo (1- split-point))) (return split-point))))) (defun purify-bucket (bt bucket trie-node key-distribution) (let ((key-leader (position-if #'plusp key-distribution))) (loop for bucket-number = (get-block-number bt bucket) for i of-type octet from 0 to 255 ;; We have to undo the work that was done by ENGULF-POINTERS. do (symbol-macrolet ((pointer (trie-pointer trie-node i))) (when (and (/= i key-leader) (eql pointer bucket-number)) (setq pointer 0))) ;; Now there is only one pointer to this bucket. finally (set-key-range bucket key-leader key-leader) (sync-block bt bucket) (sync-block bt trie-node) (return (split-pure-bucket bt bucket trie-node))))) (defun split-hybrid-bucket (bt bucket trie-node) (let ((bucket-split-point (find-split-point bucket))) (cond ((typep bucket-split-point 'simple-vector) (purify-bucket bt bucket trie-node bucket-split-point)) ((multiple-value-bind (new-bucket new-bucket-number) (allocate-block bt +bucket-tag+) (move-bucket-cells bucket new-bucket bucket-split-point) (multiple-value-bind (new-lo new-hi) (key-range new-bucket) (loop for i of-type octet from new-lo to new-hi do (setf (trie-pointer trie-node i) new-bucket-number) finally (sync-block bt bucket) (sync-block bt new-bucket)))))))) (defun delete-bucket-cell (bucket cell-number) (multiple-value-bind (free-space free-offset) (free-space bucket) (let ((cell-offset (+ +header-size+ (* +pointer-size+ cell-number)))) (replace bucket bucket :start1 cell-offset :end1 (- free-offset +pointer-size+) :start2 (+ cell-offset +pointer-size+) :end2 free-offset) ;; Free the space that was occupied by the pointer. ;; The actual data may remain until there's a split. (setf (free-space bucket) (values (+ free-space +pointer-size+) (- free-offset +pointer-size+)))))) (defun trie-pointer (trie-node key-index) (let ((offset-from-header (* 8 key-index))) (read-u32 trie-node (+ +header-size+ offset-from-header)))) (defun (setf trie-pointer) (trie-pointer trie-node key-index) (setf (read-u32 trie-node (+ +header-size+ (* 8 key-index))) trie-pointer)) (defun exhaust-pointer (trie-node key-index) (let ((base (+ +header-size+ (* 8 key-index)))) (read-u32 trie-node (+ base +pointer-size+)))) (defun (setf exhaust-pointer) (exhaust-pointer trie-node key-index) (let ((offset (+ +header-size+ (* 8 key-index) +pointer-size+))) (setf (read-u32 trie-node offset) exhaust-pointer))) (defun hoist-exhaustible-keys (bucket trie-node) "Transfer one-byte keys from BUCKET to the parent TRIE-NODE." (loop with cell-count fixnum = (bucket-cell-count bucket) with cell-number of-type (unsigned-byte 16) = 0 while (< cell-number cell-count) do (let* ((key-in-bucket (get-bucket-cell bucket cell-number)) (exhaustible-key-p (eql (length key-in-bucket) 1)) (leading-key-byte (aref key-in-bucket 0))) ;; If it's a multi-byte key then skip over the pair. (cond ((not exhaustible-key-p) (incf cell-number 2)) ((let ((value (get-bucket-cell bucket (1+ cell-number)))) (setf (exhaust-pointer trie-node leading-key-byte) (allocate-cell trie-node value)) ;; After deleting the key, the ;; value has the same CELL-NUMBER. (delete-bucket-cell bucket cell-number) (delete-bucket-cell bucket cell-number) (decf cell-count 2))))))) (defun hybridize-bucket (bt bucket) "BUCKET will cover the full range of keys under a new TRIE-NODE." (loop with trie-node = (allocate-block bt +trie-tag+ +trie-size+) with bucket-number = (get-block-number bt bucket) with pure-bucket-key-index = (key-range bucket) for i of-type octet from 0 to 255 do (setf (trie-pointer trie-node i) bucket-number) finally (setf (key-range bucket) (values 0 255)) (hoist-exhaustible-keys bucket trie-node) (sync-block bt bucket bucket-number) (return (values (sync-block bt trie-node) pure-bucket-key-index)))) (defun split-pure-bucket (bt bucket parent-node) (multiple-value-bind (child-node key-index) (hybridize-bucket bt bucket) (progn (split-hybrid-bucket bt bucket child-node) (sync-block bt child-node)) (setf (trie-pointer parent-node key-index) (get-block-number bt child-node)))) (defun engulf-pointers (trie-node block-pointer key-index) (setf (trie-pointer trie-node key-index) block-pointer) (let ((lo-key-index key-index) (hi-key-index key-index)) (declare (type octet lo-key-index hi-key-index)) ;; Set adjacent null pointers (to the right). (loop while (< hi-key-index 255) while (zerop (trie-pointer trie-node (1+ hi-key-index))) do (setf (trie-pointer trie-node (incf hi-key-index)) block-pointer)) ;; Same thing, but to the left. (loop while (> lo-key-index 0) finally (return (values lo-key-index hi-key-index)) while (zerop (trie-pointer trie-node (1- lo-key-index))) do (setf (trie-pointer trie-node (decf lo-key-index)) block-pointer)))) (defun make-bucket (bt parent-node key-index) (let* ((bucket (allocate-block bt +bucket-tag+)) (number (get-block-number bt bucket))) (multiple-value-bind (lo-key-index hi-key-index) (engulf-pointers parent-node number key-index) (set-key-range bucket lo-key-index hi-key-index) (sync-block bt parent-node) (sync-block bt bucket)))) (defmacro %add-to-bucket (key value split-function-name) (let ((total-required-space `(cell-space ,key ,value))) `(cond ((> ,total-required-space (free-space next-block)) ;; Split the bucket and retry the insertion. (,split-function-name bt next-block block) ;; Update trie node. (sync-block bt block)) ;; There's space for KEY and VALUE. (t (allocate-cell next-block ,key) (allocate-cell next-block ,value) (sync-block bt next-block) (return next-block))))) (defun add-to-trie (bt block key value &optional (key-start 0)) (loop (multiple-value-bind (pointer key-index exhaust-pointer-p) (trie-node-lookup block key key-start) (let (next-block) (cond (exhaust-pointer-p (let ((cell-pointer (allocate-cell block value))) (setf (exhaust-pointer block key-index) cell-pointer) (return (sync-block bt block)))) ((zerop pointer) (make-bucket bt block key-index)) ((pure-bucket-p (setq next-block (get-block bt pointer))) (let ((partially-consumed-key (subseq key (1+ key-start)))) (%add-to-bucket partially-consumed-key value split-pure-bucket))) ((hybrid-bucket-p next-block) (let ((partially-consumed-key (subseq key key-start))) (%add-to-bucket partially-consumed-key value split-hybrid-bucket))) ((trie-node-p next-block) (setq block next-block) (incf key-start)) ((error "Failed to acquire bucket: ~S, ~S in ~S." key value bt))))))) (defun fetch (key bt) (let ((root (get-block bt 0))) (find-in-trie bt root key))) (defun find-in-trie (bt block key &optional (key-start 0)) (loop (multiple-value-bind (pointer key-index exhaust-pointer-p) (trie-node-lookup block key key-start) (declare (ignore key-index)) (let (next-block) (cond ((zerop pointer) (return nil)) (exhaust-pointer-p (return (get-datum block pointer))) ((trie-node-p (setq next-block (get-block bt pointer))) (setq block next-block key-start (1+ key-start))) ((return (find-in-bucket next-block key key-start)))))))) (defun (setf fetch) (value key bt) (symbol-macrolet ((root (get-block bt 0))) (add-to-trie bt root key value) value))

The strategy

  • The paper has tagged pointers, but this implementation only has a type code in the block itself. There are two kinds of blocks: trie nodes (that is, inner nodes) and buckets (i.e. leaf nodes). Buckets are further classed as pure or hybrid. Much of the complexity is in the transition between hybrid and pure (see the hybridize-bucket and purify-bucket functions). Buckets are split when they're full, which is conceptually parallel to B+ trees. But in a B+ tree, any block (including the root) may split, whereas in a B-trie, the root node is a trie node, and trie nodes don't split—only buckets do.
  • There are two kinds of pointers used in the B-trie: block pointers and cell pointers. Both kinds are 32 bits. A cell pointer is a length/offset pair (with the length being the low 16 bits, and the offset within the block as the high 16 bits). They're comparable to line pointers in PostgreSQL. A block pointer is just the number of the block (with the root node being zero).

Quick demo

A B-trie file, words.bt, has been created from a Linux words file, which contains 45,402 words (in S-expression format: see words.sxp). The B-trie maps each lower- and mixed-case word to its uppercase equivalent (by string-upcase). It's a silly test, but an easy one to run, since we can verify that each key/value pair is correctly stored in the B-trie.

? (open-bt "words.bt") #<BT "words.bt" (267 blocks) #x21005BB92D> ? (defvar *words* *) *WORDS*

This B-trie is 267 blocks—or 2.08 MB, about half of which is free space. To consult the dictionary we'll need a pair of functions to convert between octet vectors and ASCII strings:

(defun ascii-octets (string) (loop initially (unless string (return nil)) with length fixnum = (length string) with vector = (make-array length :element-type 'octet) for i fixnum below length for char of-type character = (char string i) for char-code of-type (integer 0 (#.char-code-limit)) = (char-code char) unless (typep char-code 'octet) do (error "~S isn't 8-bit ASCII." char) do (setf (aref vector i) char-code) finally (return vector))) (defun octets-ascii (vector) (loop initially (unless vector (return nil)) with length fixnum = (length vector) with string = (make-string length) for i fixnum from 0 below length for char-code = (aref vector i) for char = (code-char char-code) do (setf (char string i) char) finally (return string)))

Then we can see that silverware is correctly mapped to SILVERWARE:

? (fetch (ascii-octets "silverware") *words*) #(83 73 76 86 69 82 87 65 82 69) ? (octets-ascii *) "SILVERWARE"

Ideas for expansion
