FreeBSD is possibly the most famous. It runs Yahoo! and several others and has many of the top uptimes as measured by NetCraft. Its general focus is to be the best, most stable OS for the Intel platform.
OpenBSD is designed to be as secure as possible while maintaining support for multiple architectures, such as Sparc, Sparc64, Intel, IBM PowerPC, and many others.
NetBSD is the oldest BSD variant. Its focus can be summed up by the NetBSD motto: Of course it runs NetBSD! The NetBSD OS runs on about 50+ architectures and counting, from VAXes to Playstations to Dreamcasts and so many others.
Dragonfly BSD is the newest project, and is designed as a way to build on the current FreeBSD 4.9 source tree without the radical and revolutionary changes introduced into FreeBSD 5.0.
BSD License Software
- adler32 - Adler-32 is a hash algorithm like CRC-32, except that it is much faster and carries a slightly higher probability of collisions
- ALIW - A Lisp in Wonderland (ALIW) is a wiki software written in Common Lisp, to ease the collaboration on editable web pages
- ARC4 - A Common Lisp implementation of ARC4 (trademark: RC4), a stream cipher, can be found below
- archive - ARCHIVE is a library for reading an writing disk-based file archives such as those generated by the 'tar' and 'cpio' programs on Unix
- arduino-experiments - arduino-experiments is a library for interfacing to the Arduino embedded computer via serial I/O from Lisp
- avl-tree - AVL (Adelson-Velsky-Landis) Tree is a self-balancing binary search tree implementation in Common Lisp
- binascii - binascii is a binary format library for converting binary data to ASCII
- bpm2 - bpm2 is a pattern matching language originally designed for doing code transformation [ie, writing compilers]
- cffi-clutter - cffi-clutter is a set of bindings to the Clutter GUI toolkit
- cffi-j - cffi-j is a set of CFFI bindings for the J programming language ( library)
- cffi-redland - cffi-redland is a set of bindings for the Redland RDF Library
- cffi-stfl - cffi-stfl is a set of bindings for STFL (Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library), a curses-based widget set for text terminals
- ch-util - Cyrus Harmon's CL utilities
- cl-azure - cl-azure lets you access Microsoft Windows Azure cloud storage from Common Lisp
- cl-blapack - A wrapper around the Fortran BLAS and LAPACK libraries for dense linear algebra
- cl-blog-generator - cl-blog-generator is a static blog generator with Atom feeds
- cl-comfy-arm - cl-comfy-arm is an implementation by JosephOswald of Henry Baker's COMFY assembler for the ARM architecture
- cl-covid19 - The cl-covid19 system provides APIs for exploring and reviewing COVID-19
- cl-crc64 - cl-crc64 implements 64 bit cyclic redundancy checks in Common Lisp
- CL-DTYPE - CL-DTYPE is a Common Lisp library implementing the DType networking protocol, introduced by MIT Media Labs
- cl-echonest - cl-echonest is a binding to the web API
- cl-facebook - cl-facebook is an interface to the Facebook web API
- cl-fad - CL-FAD is a portable pathname library based on code from Peter Seibel's book Practical Common Lisp, providing a way to work with files and directories
- cl-fltk - cl-fltk is a set of CFFI bindings to the FLTK GUI toolkit
- cl-fu - CFFI library for NCURSES
- cl-gd - CL-GD is a library enabling CL implementations to use the GD graphics library via UFFI
- cl-gdata - cl-gdata is an API to access the Google GData API's from Common Lisp
- cl-geometry - cl-geometry is a Common Lisp package for simple two dimensional computational geometry
- CL-GODB - CL-GODB is an interface to the Gene Ontology Database
- cl-jpeg - CL-JPEG (Common Lisp JPEG Library) can compress and decompress raster-images to/from the JPEG image file format
- cl-kappa - cl-kappa is a general purpose web agent in the spirit of WWW::Mechanize
- cl-l10n - cl-l10n is a portable library for handling program localization
- cl-ledger - CL-Ledger is a powerful, double-entry accounting system for Common Lisp
- cl-mechanize - cl-mechanize is a port of the WWW::Mechanize Perl module for stateful programmatic web browsing, used for automating interaction with websites
- cl-migratum - Database schema migration system for Common Lisp
- cl-mongrel2 - cl-mongrel2 is an interface to the mongrel2 web-server
- CL-ObjC - CL-OBJC is a portable common-lisp/objective-c bridge written using CFFI
- cl-opencalais - cl-opencalais is a wrapper for the Thomson Reuters Calais web API
- cl-paymill - cl-paymill provides access to the Paymill payment processing web API
- cl-ppcre - A portable, Perl-compatible regular expression library by Edi Weitz
- cl-randist - This package is a manual translation from C to common lisp of some random number generation functions of GSL library
- cl-rfc4251 - cl-rfc4251 is a Common Lisp system, which provides support for parsing RFC 4251 encoded binary data, as described in the Data Type Representations Used in the SSH Protocols section of the document
- cl-rss - This package provides a Common Lisp library for fetching and parsing Remote Site Summary data via HTTP
- cl-scrobbler - cl-scrobbler is a binding to the scrobbling API
- CL-TLS - CL-TLS is a prototype Common Lisp implementation of TLS and related protocols and standards including:
- cl-unification - Provides unification (as used in Prolog) over fairly arbitrary Common Lisp objects
- cl-uri-templates - cl-uri-templates is an implementation of URI-Templates that supports the full draft 03 URI Template standard
- cl-win32ole - Common Lisp OLE like Ruby's win32ole
- CLAW - Common Lisp autowrapping facility for quickly creating
- CLAWK - CLAWK is an AWK text manipulation language implementation embedded into Common Lisp, by Michael Parker
- clonsigna - Clonsigna is a Common Lisp library that allows interaction with IMAP4rev1 servers
- CLPM - CLPM stands for Common Lisp Package Manager
- cluecc - Clue is an ANSI C programming language compiler that targets several languages, including Common Lisp
- cocoa-mail - cocoa-mail is a basic interface for OpenMCL on Mac OS X to the Cocoa Mail infrastructure
- coleslaw - coleslaw is static-site blog software a la Jekyll written by Brit Butler
- color-gradients - color-gradients is a graphics library that computes linear or radial color gradients
- - The base package contains code that's highly likely to be useful in every Lisp application
- computed-class - A class metaobject for computed slot values and more
- Cyclosis - Cyclosis is a combined implementation of the functionality of the Common Lisp stream dictionary and that of the Gray streams proposal
- DEFLEXER - The LEXER package implements a lexical-analyzer-generator called DEFLEXER, which is built on top of both REGEX and CLAWK
- demacs - Demacs is an extensible way of defining various things
- dlist - dlist is a Common Lisp library that implements the doubly-linked list
- documentation-template - documentation-template is a documentation tool that automatically produces HTML documentation from the exported symbols of a package
- dynamic-classes - Lets you specify CLOS classes (e.g., as arguments to make-instance) using parameters at run-time, letting you use mixins more conveniently
- easyweb - easyweb is a Django-like web framework for Common Lisp
- ESRAP - A packrat parser for Common Lisp
- foreign-numeric-vector - foreign-numeric-vector is a package for working with numeric vectors stored in the foreign (non-Lisp) heap
- fprog - FPROG is a small library for functional programming written by John Wiegley
- getopt - getopt is a library for processing command-line arguments
- green-threads - GREEN-THREADS is a portable library implementing green threads (lightweight, cooperatively multitasked, user threads) in Common Lisp
- Heresy - Heresy is an implementation of the lazy list data structure
- id3v2 - Parser for the ID3v2 binary format
- IMPS - IMPS is an Interactive Mathematical Proof System developed by W
- incless - A portable, extensible Common Lisp printer
- logv - Logv is a cognitively lightweight logging utility for Common Lisp
- lparallel - lparallel is a new concurrency library
- modf - An immutable setf
- monkeylib-atom - monkeylib-atom is an Atom syndication feed generator library
- monkeylib-json - monkeylib-json is a library for reading and writing JSON
- monkeylib-parser - monkeylib-parser is a parser generator loosely based on Henry Baker's META paper
- monkeylib-prose-diff - monkeylib-prose-diff is a diff program optimized for comparing text files containing prose
- monkeylib-utilities - monkeylib-utilities are Peter Seibel's utilities
- my-util - Tomoyuki Matsumoto's common lisp utilities
- nibbles - Nibbles is a library for accessing octet-addressed blocks of data
- nuclblog - Blog software for use with Hunchentoot
- Nyxt - Nyxt is a keyboard-oriented, extensible web-browser designed for power users
- opengl-text - opengl-text is a library for loading and displaying TrueType fonts as texture maps in OpenGL
- opticl - An image processing library for Common Lisp
- outer-parentheses-free-repl - outer-parentheses-free-repl (OPFR) lets you input the outermost s-exp into your REPL without having to surround it with parentheses
- pipes - pipes implements the input stream (lazy list) data structure
- pithy-xml - Read and write XML as lisp objects
- png-read - png-read is a PNG image file decoder in pure Common Lisp
- pretty-function - pretty-function provides an API for making individual functions pprint differently when written to an output stream
- princ-ut-interval - princ-ut-interval prints time durations in human readable format
- Prolog Technology Theorem Prover - The Prolog Technology Theorem Prover (PTTP) is an implementation (in Common Lisp) of the model elimination theorem-proving procedure that extends Prolog to the full first-order predicate calculus
- PseudoScheme - PseudoScheme is an implementation of the Scheme (R4RS) programming language in Common Lisp
- rclg - An R (statistics programming language) FFI for Common Lisp
- RDNZL - RDNZL (pronounced "Redunzl") enables Common Lisp applications to interact with dot-NET libraries
- recursive-regex - A library to extend CL-PPCRE to make regular expression named capture groups dispatch to custom matcher functions and named-expression patterns
- Regex - Regex is a full-featured regular expression compiler and matching engine written by Michael Parker
- retrospectiff - retrospectiff is a library for reading and writing TIFF image files in Common Lisp
- rfc2109 - rfc2109 (aka cookies1) is a package for dealing with cookies in an RFC-compliant way
- rfc3339-timestamp - A library to decode and encode timestamps according to RFC 3339
- rpc4cl - Yet another XML-RPC implementation for CL
- rw-ut - rw-ut reads and writes lisp universal times as ISO-8601 strings
- Sacla - A partial metacircular Common Lisp implementation (Common Lisp written in portable Common Lisp) by Yuji Minejima
- sapaclisp - sapaclisp is a collection of Common Lisp functions for spectral analysis
- sb-dxf - sb-dxf generates AutoCad dxf CAD vector image files
- SC Language - Tasuku Hiraishi's SC is an s-exp syntax (Scheme-like) for writing C code, implemented in Common Lisp
- sequence-search-replace - A library for sequence search and replace so it's useful on Text
- simple-actors - The actor model implemented with closures
- simple-date-time - Date and time library for Common Lisp
- sml - S-expression-based markup language
- sst - SST (SQL Schema Transformer) is a Common Lisp program that transforms an s-expression based database schema format medium into appropriate SQL commands for specified RDBMS
- SxQL - An SQL generator for Common Lisp
- tar-file - This project is a fork of Nathan Froyd's archive library
- thnappy - thnappy is a set of CFFI bindings to Google's snappy compression library
- thread-pool - thread-pool is library that allows asynchronous function execution from a static thread pool
- TREES - TREES provides several binary tree data structures exposed through a uniform CLOS interface
- trivial-email-utf-8 - trivial-email-utf-8 is like CL-SMTP's send-mail, but qprints any Unicode characters in the message title or content and includes the appropriate headers if necessary
- trivial-raw-io - trivial-raw-io provides access to raw serial/terminal I/O (termios) under Unix
- versioned-objects - For any Common Lisp mutable object, allows to store versioning tree of all of the edits connecting its various versions
- web4r - A continuations-based web framework aimed to enable users to develop web applications with the shortest amount of code
- X.FDATATYPES - XFDATATYPES implements 3 functional data structures:
- X.LET-STAR - X LET-STAR is a convenience library not unlike bind, but smaller, extendible, nicely written and bug-free (hopefully :)
- xlunit - XLUnit is a Test Framework based on XPTest and JUnit
- ZACL - ZACL is an ACL-like layer for running AllegroServe on non-Allegro Lisps
- ZS3 - ZS3 is a library for interacting with Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) and CloudFront content distribution service