- cl-ana - cl-ana aims to provide the basic tools necessary to analyze large/medium-large datasets
- cl-mathstats - CL-MathStats is a set of miscellaneous Common Lisp mathematics and statistics utilities
- cl-randist - This package is a manual translation from C to common lisp of some random number generation functions of GSL library
- cl-random - [unmaintained, maintainers welcome] A library for uni- and multivariate probability distributions and statistics functions
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- common-lisp-stat - Common Lisp Statistics -- based on LispStat but updated for Common Lisp and incorporating lessons from R
- Mersenne Twister - The Mersenne Twister is a pseudorandom number generation algorithm created by Makoto Matsumoto
- py-random - A translation of the random module in the Python standard library
- RCL - RCL is an FFI to communicate with the R statistics environment
- rclg - An R (statistics programming language) FFI for Common Lisp
- sapaclisp - sapaclisp is a collection of Common Lisp functions for spectral analysis
- SimpSamp - SimpSamp is a statistics library for simple random sampling without replacement
- Stats - Stats by Larry Hunter is a statistics library
Statistics libraries/packages. See also mathematics.
Lisp-Stat - Lisp-Stat is an environment for statistical computing, similar in spirit to R and XLisp-Stat.