Network bots

We run various IRC bots, some of them have a public facing usage. Any requests or questions about our utility bots can be asked in #libera-bots.


ozone is anti spam bot which kills and klines spammers. ozone is an instance of Sigyn.

When your channel is being targeted by spam bots, you can /invite ozone If you run some bots, you should voice them otherwise ozone could ban them if they are too verbose.

If it bans a legit user, op yourself on your channel /msg chanserv op $channel and ask ozone to unkline the user /msg ozone unkline $nick

If you want ozone to stay permanently on your channel, contact us. ozone may require a minimum numbers of users on the channel before joining, this varies over time. ozone may also enter a channel on its own if it believes that the channel is under attack. If you wish to get rid of the bot again, you can kick it and it won’t come back.


Litharge is a channel bans and quiets management bot. It is an instance of ChanTracker. It keeps a record of channel mode changes and allows management of them over time. It stores affected users, allows deep searching of mode changes, reviewing active modes, editing duration of mode changes, and marking and annotation of them.

This bot will need the +o flag in your channel so that it can op itself to remove bans when they expire; /msg chanserv flags #yourchannel litharge +o.

When requesting litharge for your channel, simply /invite litharge #yourchannel.


Once litharge has joined your channel, place a new ban/quiet and litharge will recognize you as a channel operator.

/msg litharge list chantracker
/msg litharge help <command>

After you quiet/ban (ie: a “mode change”) the offending user, you need to set the mode change expiration and document with litharge.

You will receive a PM from litharge asking you to document the mode change. Follow the instructions.

<litharge> For [#1238 +b *!*@ in #example - 1 user(s)] type <duration> <reason>, you have 5 minutes

You can search inside the ban database, for expired or active elements

/msg litharge query *!*@

If you do not reply within 5 minutes, you can view all pending mode changes (ie: view all mode changes that have not been marked or edited yet) and document them by doing the following:

/msg litharge pending #example --oper <yournick>

Change the mode change expiration from the default (if one has been chosen):

/msg litharge edit 1238 6d
/msg litharge mark 1238 continuing to troll

Or, you can combine the edit and mark commands, or edit and mark multiples elements in a row:

/msg litharge editandmark 1553 30d came back to troll from this hostmask in other chans
/msg litharge mark 1238, 1112, 938 same user
/msg litharge edit 1238, 1112, 938 1w

You can also get info about a ban/quiet:

/msg litharge info 1238

If you want to check the results of a mode change before it’s placed, and which bans would affect a given user (assuming the bot shares a channel with the user):

/msg litharge check #example *!*@*.com

That will show all users with .com in their hostmask being affected by any intended mode change.