Exercise 1.2.6

Character Codes

Character objects all have numeric values, called codes, corresponding to either the code-points in the Unicode table, or the current encoding of your running Lisp image. Lisp comes with a lot of useful tools for working with characters and strings as numbers and vectors/arrays, and where the standard falls short, there are several popular libraries you can always rely on.

You can get the code for a character object with the function char-code, and the character object for a code with code-char, as follows:

(code-char #x61)
(char-code #\a)
See the symbol `#x61` in the example above? That's the hex-number `0x61`, which is `97` in decimal. Sometimes it's more convenient to reference integers using a different notation than decimal. The Unicode tables are listed using hexadecimal (base-16), for instance---so you can just type the hex-number using the Sharpsign-X syntax. There will be more discussion on numbers and notation in Chapter 1.6.

What You Should See

* (code-char #x61)
* (char-code #\a)

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