- bknr-impex - The XML import/export facility used in bknr
- Buildnode - Buildnode is a libary to ease interaction with CXML:DOM XML documents and nodes
- cl-fxml - cl-fxml is an XML template engine similar to PHP, but without context switching tags
- cl-libxml2 - cl-libxml2 is high-level wrapper around libxml2 and libxslt libraries
- CL-RDFXML - CL-RDFXML is an RDF/XML parser written by Joshua Taylor
- CL-SOAP - CL-SOAP is a open-source (LLGPL) project hosted at https://common-lisp.net/project/cl-soap/ (broken links on this page)
- cl-wbxml - CL-WBXML reads and writes WAP Binary XML
- CL-XML - CL-XML is an XML parser
- cl-xml-parser - An XML parser in Common Lisp
- cl-xmlspam - XML Stream PAttern Matcher - concise, regexp-like pattern matching on streaming XML
- cl-xspf - A Common Lisp API for writing XSPF open XML playlists
- clhp - CLHP is the Common Lisp Hypertext Preprocessor - a Web programming language
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- CLOCC - The Common Lisp Open Code Collection contains Lisp code for various
- CLSS - CLSS is a DOM traversal/search engine using CSS selectors
- com.nklein.parser-generator - Generate SAX-based XML parsers for Lisp or Objective-C
- CSS-Selectors - CSS-selectors is an XML query language for finding specific nodes in cxml
- cxml - Closure XML is a namespace-aware, validating XML parser with SAX and StAX-like interfaces
- cxml-rng - Relax NG for Closure XML
- cxml-stp - An alternative to DOM inspired by XOM
- de.setf.wilbur - Wilbur was originally conceived as Nokia Research Center's toolkit for programming Semantic Web applications that use RDF (as well as XML), written in Common Lisp
- htout - htout is an HTML generator written by Tim Bradshaw
- lQuery - lQuery is a DOM manipulation library inspired by and based on the jQuery syntax and functions
- monkeylib-atom - monkeylib-atom is an Atom syndication feed generator library
- nrw-xmcl - Nrw-xmcl is a library to transform xml data into calls of Lisp-functions or macros
- parser - Pages tagged as on the topic of parser:
- pithy-xml - Read and write XML as lisp objects
- Plump - Practically Lenient and Unimpressive Markup Parser
- rpc4cl - Yet another XML-RPC implementation for CL
- s-xml - S-XML is a simple basic XML parser with both a function and (S)SAX like event interface as well as a DOM interface with LXML, SXML and an XML-ELEMENT struct DOM representation
- s-xml-rpc - s-xml-rpc (https://common-lisp.net/project/s-xml-rpc) is an implementation of the XML-RPC protocol in Common Lisp for both client
- XHTMΛ - XHTMΛ is yet another (X)HTML/XML manipulation library You can find it at common-lisp.net/project/xhtmlambda
- xml-emitter - Often, programs have to generate XML output
- xml-mop - Allows representing parts of XML documents as CLOS objects
- xml-psychiatrist - xml-psychiatrist is an XML sanity checking/validation library written entirely in Common Lisp
- XML-RPC - XML-RPC is a remote procedure call system using HTTP requests carrying XML data in distributed systems
- XMLisp - XMLisp uses CLOS and the MOP in such a way as to read XML files into Lisp objects
- xmls - Xmls is a small, simple, non-validating XML parser for Common Lisp
- XMLS-Tools - xmls-tools is a library to supplement use of xmls
- xmls-valid - xmls-valid was a Library for validating XML parsed by xmls against XML DTD style rulesets
- XPATH - XPath is a query language for selecting nodes from an XML document
- CLOCC comes with an XML parser in CLOCC/CLLIB/xml.lisp
- The Wilbur RDF toolkit (Sourceforge page) in Common Lisp is available ... though it's worth noting that Wilbur is an RDF toolkit, not an XML toolkit—it just happens that it can read RDF/XML, an XML serialisation of RDF.
See also
Other Lisp Markup Languages