This guide describes how to use Maven to build projects written in Clojure (or in Clojure, and other languages, such as Java). Although Leiningen is more popular build tool in the Clojure community, Maven is also used for some projects, such as Clojure Contrib libraries, and may be useful when you need to perform some special tasks during build, that aren't covered by Leiningen's plugins, or when you're integrating Clojure code into an existing Maven project.

What is Maven?

Maven is a software project life cycle management tool. It implements dependencies resolution (with automatic download of missing dependencies from repositories), building & testing of code, deployment of software, etc. Maven's functionality is extensible with plugins, so it's possible to use it not only for Java code (primary goal of this tool), but also for code, written in other languages. You can read more about Maven in following, freely available book.

Maven differs from other tools, such as Ant - it describes what we want to do, in contrast with Ant, that describes how to it. Maven uses declarative style to describe tasks that we want to execute, and all described tasks are performed by the corresponding plugins.

Description of software lifecycle and information about project is stored in pom.xml, a file that should exist in root directory of the project (and in root directories of sub-projects, if your project is separated into several modules). Project's information includes name, identifier and version of the project, and often includes more information: URL of project's site, information about source code repository (so you can use mvn scm:update goal to update code, for example), etc.

Lifecycle Phases

Project Object Model (POM) defines set of stages for project's lifecycle - they are called "lifecycle phases". Each phase can include several tasks (goals), that define what will be performed on given stage. There are several common stages: compilation (compile), testing (test), creation of package (package), and installation (install). Each of these phases has dependencies on other phases, that should be executed before its invocation (compilation should be executed before testing, testing before packaging, etc.).

Usually developer uses phase's name to start a process. For example, mvn package, or mvn install, etc. But developer can also execute concrete Maven's goal. To do this, he should specify name of plugin, that implements concrete goal, and task name in given plugin. For example, mvn clojure:run will start Clojure and execute script, specified in configuration. We need to mention, that list of goals, that are executed for concrete lifecycle phase isn't constant - you can change this list by modifying plugin's configuration.

Maven and Clojure

Clojure's support in Maven is provided by clojure-maven-plugin, that is available in Maven's central repository, so it always available. (Besides clojure-maven-plugin, there is also Zi plugin, that was developed as part of Pallet project. In contrast to clojure-maven-plugin it's written in Clojure, and more tightly integrated with Clojure-specific subsystems, such Marginalia, Ritz, etc.)

As a base for your projects you can use pom.xml file from clojure-maven-example project.

If you already have pom.xml in your project, then to enable this plugin, you will need to add following code into <plugins> section of pom.xml:


Attention: version number could be changed as development continues. To find latest plugin's version number you can use sites mvnrepository or Jarvana, that contains information about packages, registered in Maven's repositories. Besides this, you can omit plugin version - in this case, Maven will automatically use latest available version (although this isn't always good idea).

Declaration of this plugin will give you all implemented functionality - compilation, testing & running of code, written in Clojure, etc. Although, out of box you'll need to use complete goals names, such as clojure:compile, clojure:test & clojure:run.

But you can make your life easier if you'll add these goals into list of goals for concrete lifecycle phases (compile and test). To do this you need to add section <executions> into plugin's description, as in following example:


In this case, source code, written in Clojure will be compiled - this useful if you implement gen-class, that will be used from Java, or if you don't want to provide source code for your application. But sometimes it's much better just to pack source code into jar, and it will compiled during loading of package (this is default behaviour when you're declaring clojure packaging type) - this allows to avoid binary incompatibility between different versions of Clojure. To put source code into jar, you need to add following code into resources section (or change packaging type to clojure):


By default, Clojure's source code is placed in the src/main/clojure directory of the project's tree, while source code for tests is placed in the src/test/clojure directory. These default values could be changed in plugin's configuration.

Goals in the Clojure Maven Plugin

clojure-maven-plugin implements several commands (goals) that could be divided into following groups:

  • Goals that work with source code (usually they are linked with corresponding phases of lifecycle, as it's shown above):

    • clojure:compile: compiles source code, written in Clojure;
    • clojure:test: executes tests, written in Clojure.
    • clojure:test-with-junit: executes tests using JUnit;
    • clojure:add-source: adds directory with source code to archive ...-sources.jar;
    • clojure:add-testsource: add directory with tests source code into archive ...-testsources.jar.
  • Goals for execution of project's code:

    • clojure:run: executes script (or scripts) defined by script and/or scripts configuration directives. This goals is often used to run project with correct dependencies;
    • clojure:repl: starts Clojure REPL with all dependencies, specified in project. If necessary, it also executes script specified in configuration option replScript - for example, you can put some initialization code into it. If the JLine library was specified in dependencies, then it will be loaded automatically, making your work in REPL more comfortable;
    • clojure:swank: starts Swank server, so you can connect to it from Emacs SLIME. By default, this server is running on port 4005 (this value could be changed with system option clojure.swank.port);
    • clojure:nailgun: starts Nailgun server, so you can connect to it from Vim with vimclojure. By default, this server is running on port 2113 (this value could be changed with system option clojure.nailgun.port).
  • Auxiliary tasks:

    • clojure:marginalia: generates documentation using Marginalia;
    • clojure:autodoc: generates documentation using autodoc;
    • clojure:gendoc: generates documentation using gendoc.

There are several Clojure-related repositories. All Clojure versions (stable & development) are published at Sonatype repository that is periodically synchronized with Maven Central. Clojars is repository that is used by Clojure community to publish their projects.

To use repository you need to add following code into repositories section in pom.xml:


Dependencies Management

Maven automatically downloads the all necessary dependencies from the default repository (known as Maven Central), and repositories, specified by user (as shown above). Downloaded packages are stored in user's home directory and could be used by other projects without additional downloading. Each package is uniquely identified by combination of three parameters - group's name (the groupId tag), artifact's name (the artifactId tag), and version (the version tag).

To use Clojure in your project you need at least specify dependency on language itself. Right now, the stable version of Clojure is 1.4.0. To declare this dependency, add following code into dependencies section of pom.xml file:


If you want to use the latest version of the language, then you need to add corresponding repository (snapshots) and use version number like 1.5.0-master-SNAPSHOT instead of version 1.4.0.

To perform some tasks, implemented by clojure-maven-plugin, you need to specify additional dependencies.

If you will use clojure:swank goal, then you need to specify dependency on swank-clojure package:


If you will use clojure:nailgun task, then you need to download distribution from vimclojure's site, build it, as described in documentation, and install into local Maven repository. And after this, you need to add following dependency on vimclojure with following code:


The JLine library isn't required, but it could be useful if you plan to use the REPL - this library implements support for command history and other nice things. Presence of this library is detected automatically when mvn clojure:repl goal is executed. You can add dependency for this library with following code:


Plugin's Configuration

Developer can change plugin's configuration options, such as location of source code, scripts names, etc. To change some parameter, you need to add its new value into configuration section of the plugin's description. For example, you can specify name of the script, that will be executed during testing, using following code:


Following options are used to specify options related to source code & compilation:

  • sourceDirectories - this option defines list of directories (each of them should be wrapped into sourceDirectory tag) that contains source code written in Clojure, and that will be packed into resulting jar (and compiled, if corresponding option is specified);
  • testSourceDirectories - defines list of directories (each of them should be wrapped into testSourceDirectory tag) with tests, written in Clojure;
  • warnOnReflection - option that enables (true) or disables (false) warnings about reflection during compilation of source code.

Besides this, you can control which namespaces will be compiled and/or for which namespaces testing of source code will be performed. To do this, you need to add namespaces tag into configuration and list corresponding namespaces inside it (each of item should be wrapped into namespace tag). You can use regular expressions to specify all necessary namespaces, and you can also use ! to exclude namespaces from this list. In addition to this option, you can use other two: compileDeclaredNamespaceOnly and testDeclaredNamespaceOnly (with values true or false) - they control, will be these namespace limitations applied during compilation and/or testing.

There are also several options that are used to specify parameters for execution of your code and/or tests:

  • script and scripts - defines one (script tag) or several (scripts tag with nested script tags) names of scripts with code, that will executed when you'll execute the clojure:run task;
  • testScript: defines name of script that will executed when you'll execute clojure:test task. If there was no value specified in plugin's configuration, then plugin will automatically generate run script for all tests, that was found in project;
  • replScript - defines name of script, that will executed if you'll execute clojure:repl task (it's also used by clojure:swank and clojure:nailgun tasks). This code will executed before entering into REPL, so you can use it to specify initialization code for your working environment;
  • runWithTests - enables (true) or disables (false) executions of tests if you run REPL or your code via Maven. You can also change this value by using Maven's command-line option. For example, using following command mvn clojure:repl -Dclojure.runwith.test=false;
  • clojureOptions - using this option you can specify command-line options that will be passed to java process on every invocation.

Wrapping Up

I think, that this article provides enough information for you to start use Maven together with Clojure. If you have Clojure-only project, and you don't plan to use all power of Maven, then may be you can look to the Leiningen - this tool was created to build projects, written mostly in Clojure. Another interesting project is Polyglot Maven, the main goal of it is creation of special DSL (Domain Specificl Language) using different languages (Clojure, Scala, Groovy) for description of Maven's configurations (for Clojure this language is almost the same as language implemented in Leiningen).

Other examples of using Maven with Clojure you can find in different projects: Incanter (as example of project, consisting from several modules), labrepl and the clojure-maven-example.

Where To Learn More

More information on Clojure and Maven you can also find in following blog posts:


Alex Ott, 2012 (original author)