Laziness in Clojure
This guide covers:
- What are lazy sequences
- Pitfalls with lazy sequences
- How to create functions that produce lazy sequences
- How to force evaluation
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What Version of Clojure Does This Guide Cover?
This guide covers Clojure 1.5.
Clojure is not a lazy language.
However, Clojure supports lazily evaluated sequences. This means that sequence elements are not available ahead of time and produced as the result of a computation. The computation is performed as needed. Evaluation of lazy sequences is known as realization.
Lazy sequences can be infinite (e.g. the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, a sequence of dates with a particular interval between them, and so on). If a lazy sequence is finite, when its computation is completed, it becomes fully realized.
When it is necessary to fully realize a lazy sequence, Clojure provides a way to force evaluation (force realization).
Benefits of Lazy Sequences
Lazy sequences have two main benefits:
- They can be infinite
- Full realization of interim results can be avoided
Producing Lazy Sequences
Lazy sequences are produced by functions. Such functions either use the clojure.core/lazy-seq
or other functions that produce lazy sequences.
accepts one or more forms that produce a sequence of nil
(when the sequence
is fully realized) and returns a seqable data structure that invokes the body the first time
the value is needed and then caches the result.
For example, the following function produces a lazy sequence of random UUIDs strings:
(defn uuid-seq
(cons (str (random-uuid))
Note: the
function is available in ClojureScript and was introduced into Clojure in version 1.11 Alpha 3. Prior to that, you needed to use Java interop:
(defn uuid-seq
(cons (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
Another example:
(defn fib-seq
"Returns a lazy sequence of Fibonacci numbers"
(fib-seq 0 1))
([a b]
(cons b (fib-seq b (+ a b))))))
Both examples use clojure.core/cons
which prepends an element to a sequence. The sequence
can in turn be lazy, which both of the examples rely on.
Even though both of these sequences are infinite, taking first N elements from each does return successfully:
(take 3 (uuid-seq))
(take 10 (fib-seq))
(take 20 (fib-seq))
Realizing Lazy Sequences (Forcing Evaluation)
Lazy sequences can be forcefully realized with clojure.core/dorun
. The difference between the two is that dorun
throws away all results and is supposed to be used for side effects,
while doall
returns computed values:
(dorun (map inc [1 2 3 4]))
(doall (map inc [1 2 3 4]))
Commonly Used Functions That Produce Lazy Sequences
Multiple frequently used clojure.core
functions return lazy sequences,
most notably:
The following example uses several of these functions to return 10 first even numbers in the range of [0, n):
(take 10 (filter even? (range 0 100)))
Several functions in clojure.core
are designed to produce lazy
For example:
(take 3 (repeat "ha"))
(take 5 (repeat "ha"))
(take 3 (cycle [1 2 3 4 5]))
(take 10 (cycle [1 2 3 4 5]))
(take 3 (iterate (partial + 1) 1))
(take 5 (iterate (partial + 1) 1))
Lazy Sequences Chunking
There are two fundamental strategies for implementing lazy sequences:
- Realize elements one-by-one
- Realize elements in groups (chunks, batches)
In Clojure 1.1+, lazy sequences are chunked (realized in chunks).
For example, in the following code
(take 10 (range 1 1000000000000))
one-by-one realization would realize one element 10 times. With chunked sequences, elements are realized ahead of time in chunks (32 elements at a time).
This reduces the number of realizations and, for many common workloads, improves efficiency of lazy sequences.
Michael Klishin, 2013 (original author)