While the object system is general enough to describe all standardized classes (including, for example, number, hash-table, and symbol), Figure 4–7 contains a list of classes that are especially relevant to understanding the object system.
built-in-class | method-combination | standard-object |
class | standard-class | structure-class |
generic-function | standard-generic-function | structure-object |
method | standard-method |
A class is an object that determines the structure and behavior of a set of other objects, which are called its instances.
A class can inherit structure and behavior from other classes. A class whose definition refers to other classes for the purpose of inheriting from them is said to be a subclass of each of those classes. The classes that are designated for purposes of inheritance are said to be superclasses of the inheriting class.
A class can have a name. The function class-name takes a class object and returns its name. The name of an anonymous class is nil. A symbol can name a class. The function find-class takes a symbol and returns the class that the symbol names. A class has a proper name if the name is a symbol and if the name of the class names that class. That is, a class C has the proper name S if S = (class-name C)
and C= (find-class S)
. Notice that it is possible for (find-class S1)
= (find-class S2)
and S1 ≠ S2. If C= (find-class S)
, we say that C is the class named S.
A class C1 is a direct superclass of a class C2 if C2 explicitly designates C1 as a superclass in its definition. In this case C2 is a direct subclass of C1. A class Cn is a superclass of a class C1 if there exists a series of classes C2, . . . , Cn−1 such that Ci+1 is a direct superclass of Ci for 1 ≤ i < n. In this case, C1 is a subclass of Cn. A class is considered neither a superclass nor a subclass of itself. That is, if C1 is a superclass of C2, then C1 ≠ C2. The set of classes consisting of some given class C along with all of its superclasses is called “C and its superclasses.”
Each class has a class precedence list, which is a total ordering on the set of the given class and its superclasses. The total ordering is expressed as a list ordered from most specific to least specific. The class precedence list is used in several ways. In general, more specific classes can shadow1 features that would otherwise be inherited from less specific classes. The method selection and combination process uses the class precedence list to order methods from most specific to least specific.
When a class is defined, the order in which its direct superclasses are mentioned in the defining form is important. Each class has a local precedence order, which is a list consisting of the class followed by its direct superclasses in the order mentioned in the defining form.
A class precedence list is always consistent with the local precedence order of each class in the list. The classes in each local precedence order appear within the class precedence list in the same order. If the local precedence orders are inconsistent with each other, no class precedence list can be constructed, and an error is signaled. The class precedence list and its computation is discussed in Section 4.3.5 (Determining the Class Precedence List).
classes are organized into a directed acyclic graph. There are two distinguished classes, named t and standard-object. The class named t has no superclasses. It is a superclass of every class except itself. The class named standard-object is an instance of the class standard-class and is a superclass of every class that is an instance of the class standard-class except itself.
There is a mapping from the object system class space into the type space. Many of the standard types specified in this document have a corresponding class that has the same name as the type. Some types do not have a corresponding class. The integration of the type and class systems is discussed in Section 4.3.7 (Integrating Types and Classes).
Classes are represented by objects that are themselves instances of classes. The class of the class of an object is termed the metaclass of that object. When no misinterpretation is possible, the term metaclass is used to refer to a class that has instances that are themselves classes. The metaclass determines the form of inheritance used by the classes that are its instances and the representation of the instances of those classes. The object system provides a default metaclass, standard-class, that is appropriate for most programs.
Except where otherwise specified, all classes mentioned in this standard are instances of the class standard-class, all generic functions are instances of the class standard-generic-function, and all methods are instances of the class standard-method.
The object system provides a number of predefined metaclasses. These include the classes standard-class, built-in-class, and structure-class:
The class standard-class is the default class of classes defined by defclass.
The class built-in-class is the class whose instances are classes that have special implementations with restricted capabilities. Any class that corresponds to a standard type might be an instance of built-in-class. The predefined type specifiers that are required to have corresponding classes are listed in Figure 4–8. It is implementation-dependent whether each of these classes is implemented as a built-in class.
All classes defined by means of defstruct are instances of the class structure-class.
The macro defclass is used to define a new named class.
The definition of a class includes:
The name of the new class. For newly-defined classes this name is a proper name.
The list of the direct superclasses of the new class.
A set of slot specifiers. Each slot specifier includes the name of the slot and zero or more slot options. A slot option pertains only to a single slot. If a class definition contains two slot specifiers with the same name, an error is signaled.
A set of class options. Each class option pertains to the class as a whole.
The slot options and class options of the defclass form provide mechanisms for the following:
Requesting that methods for generic functions be automatically generated for reading or writing slots.
Controlling whether a given slot is shared by all instances of the class or whether each instance of the class has its own slot.
Supplying a set of initialization arguments and initialization argument defaults to be used in instance creation.
Indicating that the metaclass is to be other than the default. The :metaclass option is reserved for future use; an implementation can be extended to make use of the :metaclass option.
Indicating the expected type for the value stored in the slot.
Indicating the documentation string for the slot.
The generic function make-instance creates and returns a new instance of a class. The object system provides several mechanisms for specifying how a new instance is to be initialized. For example, it is possible to specify the initial values for slots in newly created instances either by giving arguments to make-instance or by providing default initial values. Further initialization activities can be performed by methods written for generic functions that are part of the initialization protocol. The complete initialization protocol is described in Section 7.1 (Object Creation and Initialization).
A class can inherit methods, slots, and some defclass options from its superclasses. Other sections describe the inheritance of methods, the inheritance of slots and slot options, and the inheritance of class options.
(defclass C1 () ((S1 :initform 5.4 :type number) (S2 :allocation :class))) (defclass C2 (C1) ((S1 :initform 5 :type integer) (S2 :allocation :instance) (S3 :accessor C2-S3)))
Instances of the class C1
have a local slot named S1
, whose default initial value is 5.4 and whose value should always be a number. The class C1
also has a shared slot named S2
There is a local slot named S1
in instances of C2
. The default initial value of S1
is 5. The value of S1
should always be of type (and integer number)
. There are also local slots named S2
and S3
in instances of C2
. The class C2
has a method for C2-S3
for reading the value of slot S3
; there is also a method for (setf C2-S3)
that writes the value of S3
The :default-initargs class option is inherited. The set of defaulted initialization arguments for a class is the union of the sets of initialization arguments supplied in the :default-initargs class options of the class and its superclasses. When more than one default initial value form is supplied for a given initialization argument, the default initial value form that is used is the one supplied by the class that is most specific according to the class precedence list.
If a given :default-initargs class option specifies an initialization argument of the same name more than once, an error of type program-error is signaled.
The defclass form for a class provides a total ordering on that class and its direct superclasses. This ordering is called the local precedence order. It is an ordered list of the class and its direct superclasses. The class precedence list for a class C is a total ordering on C and its superclasses that is consistent with the local precedence orders for each of C and its superclasses.
A class precedes its direct superclasses, and a direct superclass precedes all other direct superclasses specified to its right in the superclasses list of the defclass form. For every class C, define
where C1, . . . , Cn are the direct superclasses of C in the order in which they are mentioned in the defclass form. These ordered pairs generate the total ordering on the class C and its direct superclasses.
Let SC be the set of C and its superclasses. Let R be
The set R might or might not generate a partial ordering, depending on whether the Rc, c ∈ SC, are consistent; it is assumed that they are consistent and that R generates a partial ordering. When the Rc are not consistent, it is said that R is inconsistent.
To compute the class precedence list for C, topologically sort the elements of SC with respect to the partial ordering generated by R. When the topological sort must select a class from a set of two or more classes, none of which are preceded by other classes with respect to R, the class selected is chosen deterministically, as described below.
If R is inconsistent, an error is signaled.
Topological sorting proceeds by finding a class C in SC such that no other class precedes that element according to the elements in R. The class C is placed first in the result. Remove C from SC, and remove all pairs of the form (C, D), D ∈ SC, from R. Repeat the process, adding classes with no predecessors to the end of the result. Stop when no element can be found that has no predecessor.
If SC is not empty and the process has stopped, the set R is inconsistent. If every class in the finite set of classes is preceded by another, then R contains a loop. That is, there is a chain of classes C1, . . . , Cn such that Ci precedes Ci+1, 1≤i<n, and Cn precedes C1.
Sometimes there are several classes from SC with no predecessors. In this case select the one that has a direct subclass rightmost in the class precedence list computed so far. (If there is no such candidate class, R does not generate a partial ordering — the Rc, c ∈ SC, are inconsistent.)
In more precise terms, let {N1, . . . , Nm}, m ≥ 2, be the classes from SC with no predecessors. Let (C1 . . . Cn), n ≥ 1, be the class precedence list constructed so far. C1 is the most specific class, and Cn is the least specific. Let 1 ≤ j ≤ n be the largest number such that there exists an i where 1≤i≤m and Ni is a direct superclass of Cj; Ni is placed next.
The effect of this rule for selecting from a set of classes with no predecessors is that the classes in a simple superclass chain are adjacent in the class precedence list and that classes in each relatively separated subgraph are adjacent in the class precedence list. For example, let T1 and T2 be subgraphs whose only element in common is the class J. Suppose that no superclass of J appears in either T1 or T2, and that J is in the superclass chain of every class in both T1 and T2. Let C1 be the bottom of T1; and let C2 be the bottom of T2. Suppose C is a class whose direct superclasses are C1 and C2 in that order, then the class precedence list for C starts with C and is followed by all classes in T1 except J. All the classes of T2 are next. The class J and its superclasses appear last.
This example determines a class precedence list for the class pie
. The following classes are defined:
(defclass pie (apple cinnamon) ()) (defclass apple (fruit) ()) (defclass cinnamon (spice) ()) (defclass fruit (food) ()) (defclass spice (food) ()) (defclass food () ())
is not preceded by anything, so it comes first; the result so far is (pie). Remove pie
from S and pairs mentioning pie
from R to get S = {apple, cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t} and R = {(apple, cinnamon), (apple, fruit), (cinnamon, spice), apple
is not preceded by anything, so it is next; the result is (pie apple). Removing apple
and the relevant pairs results in S = {cinnamon, fruit, spice, food, standard-object, t} and R = {(cinnamon, spice), (fruit, food), (spice, food), (food, standard-object), cinnamon
and fruit are not preceded by anything, so the one with a direct subclass rightmost in the class precedence list computed so far goes next. The class apple
is a direct subclass of fruit, and the class pie
is a direct subclass of cinnamon
. Because apple
appears to the right of pie
in the class precedence list, fruit goes next, and the result so far is (pie apple fruit). S = {cinnamon, spice, food, standard-object, t}; R = {(cinnamon, spice), (spice, food), The class cinnamon
is next, giving the result so far as (pie apple fruit cinnamon). At this point S = {spice, food, standard-object, t}; R = {(spice, food), (food, standard-object), (standard-object, t)}.
The classes spice
, food
, standard-object, and t are added in that order, and the class precedence list is (pie apple fruit cinnamon spice food standard-object t)
It is possible to write a set of class definitions that cannot be ordered. For example:
(defclass new-class (fruit apple) ()) (defclass apple (fruit) ())
The class fruit
must precede apple
because the local ordering of superclasses must be preserved. The class apple
must precede fruit
because a class always precedes its own superclasses. When this situation occurs, an error is signaled, as happens here when the system tries to compute the class precedence list of new-class
The following might appear to be a conflicting set of definitions:
(defclass pie (apple cinnamon) ()) (defclass pastry (cinnamon apple) ()) (defclass apple () ()) (defclass cinnamon () ())
The class precedence list for pie
is (pie apple cinnamon standard-object t)
The class precedence list for pastry
is (pastry cinnamon apple standard-object t)
It is not a problem for apple
to precede cinnamon
in the ordering of the superclasses of pie
but not in the ordering for pastry
. However, it is not possible to build a new class that has both pie
and pastry
as superclasses.
A class that is a direct instance of standard-class can be redefined if the new class is also a direct instance of standard-class. Redefining a class modifies the existing class object to reflect the new class definition; it does not create a new class object for the class. Any method object created by a :reader, :writer, or :accessor option specified by the old defclass form is removed from the corresponding generic function. Methods specified by the new defclass form are added.
When the class C is redefined, changes are propagated to its instances and to instances of any of its subclasses. Updating such an instance occurs at an implementation-dependent time, but no later than the next time a slot of that instance is read or written. Updating an instance does not change its identity as defined by the function eq. The updating process may change the slots of that particular instance, but it does not create a new instance. Whether updating an instance consumes storage is implementation-dependent.
Note that redefining a class may cause slots to be added or deleted. If a class is redefined in a way that changes the set of local slots accessible in instances, the instances are updated. It is implementation-dependent whether instances are updated if a class is redefined in a way that does not change the set of local slots accessible in instances.
The value of a slot that is specified as shared both in the old class and in the new class is retained. If such a shared slot was unbound in the old class, it is unbound in the new class. Slots that were local in the old class and that are shared in the new class are initialized. Newly added shared slots are initialized.
Each newly added shared slot is set to the result of evaluating the captured initialization form for the slot that was specified in the defclass form for the new class. If there was no initialization form, the slot is unbound.
If a class is redefined in such a way that the set of local slots accessible in an instance of the class is changed, a two-step process of updating the instances of the class takes place. The process may be explicitly started by invoking the generic function make-instances-obsolete. This two-step process can happen in other circumstances in some implementations. For example, in some implementations this two-step process is triggered if the order of slots in storage is changed.
The first step modifies the structure of the instance by adding new local slots and discarding local slots that are not defined in the new version of the class. The second step initializes the newly-added local slots and performs any other user-defined actions. These two steps are further specified in the next two sections.
The first step modifies the structure of instances of the redefined class to conform to its new class definition. Local slots specified by the new class definition that are not specified as either local or shared by the old class are added, and slots not specified as either local or shared by the new class definition that are specified as local by the old class are discarded. The names of these added and discarded slots are passed as arguments to update-instance-for-redefined-class as described in the next section.
The values of local slots specified by both the new and old classes are retained. If such a local slot was unbound, it remains unbound.
The value of a slot that is specified as shared in the old class and as local in the new class is retained. If such a shared slot was unbound, the local slot is unbound.
The second step initializes the newly added local slots and performs any other user-defined actions. This step is implemented by the generic function update-instance-for-redefined-class, which is called after completion of the first step of modifying the structure of the instance.
The generic function update-instance-for-redefined-class takes four required arguments: the instance being updated after it has undergone the first step, a list of the names of local slots that were added, a list of the names of local slots that were discarded, and a property list containing the slot names and values of slots that were discarded and had values. Included among the discarded slots are slots that were local in the old class and that are shared in the new class.
The generic function update-instance-for-redefined-class also takes any number of initialization arguments. When it is called by the system to update an instance whose class has been redefined, no initialization arguments are provided.
There is a system-supplied primary method for update-instance-for-redefined-class whose parameter specializer for its instance argument is the class standard-object. First this method checks the validity of initialization arguments and signals an error if an initialization argument is supplied that is not declared as valid. (For more information, see Section 7.1.2 (Declaring the Validity of Initialization Arguments).) Then it calls the generic function shared-initialize with the following arguments: the instance, the list of names of the newly added slots, and the initialization arguments it received.
Methods for update-instance-for-redefined-class may be defined to specify actions to be taken when an instance is updated. If only after methods for update-instance-for-redefined-class are defined, they will be run after the system-supplied primary method for initialization and therefore will not interfere with the default behavior of update-instance-for-redefined-class. Because no initialization arguments are passed to update-instance-for-redefined-class when it is called by the system, the initialization forms for slots that are filled by before methods for update-instance-for-redefined-class will not be evaluated by shared-initialize.
Methods for shared-initialize may be defined to customize class redefinition. For more information, see Section 7.1.5 (Shared-Initialize).
The object system maps the space of classes into the space of types. Every class that has a proper name has a corresponding type with the same name.
The proper name of every class is a valid type specifier. In addition, every class object is a valid type specifier. Thus the expression (typep object class)
evaluates to true if the class of object is class itself or a subclass of class. The evaluation of the expression (subtypep class1 class2)
returns the values true and true if class1
is a subclass of class2
or if they are the same class; otherwise it returns the values false and true. If I is an instance of some class C named S and C is an instance of standard-class, the evaluation of the expression (type-of I)
returns S if S is the proper name of C; otherwise, it returns C.
Because the names of classes and class objects are type specifiers, they may be used in the special form the and in type declarations.
Many but not all of the predefined type specifiers have a corresponding class with the same proper name as the type. These type specifiers are listed in Figure 4–8. For example, the type array has a corresponding class named array. No type specifier that is a list, such as (vector double-float 100), has a corresponding class. The operator deftype does not create any classes.
Each class that corresponds to a predefined type specifier can be implemented in one of three ways, at the discretion of each implementation. It can be a standard class, a structure class, or a system class.
A built-in class is one whose generalized instances have restricted capabilities or special representations. Attempting to use defclass to define subclasses of a built-in-class signals an error. Calling make-instance to create a generalized instance of a built-in class signals an error. Calling slot-value on a generalized instance of a built-in class signals an error. Redefining a built-in class or using change-class to change the class of an object to or from a built-in class signals an error. However, built-in classes can be used as parameter specializers in methods.
It is possible to determine whether a class is a built-in class by checking the metaclass. A standard class is an instance of the class standard-class, a built-in class is an instance of the class built-in-class, and a structure class is an instance of the class structure-class.
Each structure type created by defstruct without using the :type option has a corresponding class. This class is a generalized instance of the class structure-class. The :include option of defstruct creates a direct subclass of the class that corresponds to the included structure type.
It is implementation-dependent whether slots are involved in the operation of functions defined in this specification on instances of classes defined in this specification, except when slots are explicitly defined by this specification.
If in a particular implementation a class defined in this specification has slots that are not defined by this specfication, the names of these slots must not be external symbols of packages defined in this specification nor otherwise accessible in the CL-USER package.
The purpose of specifying that many of the standard type specifiers have a corresponding class is to enable users to write methods that discriminate on these types. Method selection requires that a class precedence list can be determined for each class.
The hierarchical relationships among the type specifiers are mirrored by relationships among the classes corresponding to those types.
Figure 4–8 lists the set of classes that correspond to predefined type specifiers.
The class precedence list information specified in the entries for each of these classes are those that are required by the object system.
Individual implementations may be extended to define other type specifiers to have a corresponding class. Individual implementations may be extended to add other subclass relationships and to add other elements to the class precedence lists as long as they do not violate the type relationships and disjointness requirements specified by this standard. A standard class defined with no direct superclasses is guaranteed to be disjoint from all of the classes in the table, except for the class named t.